A crazy morning

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woo! hoo! next chapter!>□< sorry if I took to long*slaps self on the face* ouch................. anyway if you like it plz tell me!!>_< oh and if you want to plz plz tell me some things you probably had in mind for the story. anyway let the chapter begin!>~<*pulls up curtains*

I woke up with the sun shining on my face and on the bed making my white hair shine in the beautiful morning sun. it felt nice to be were the sun shines than in the dark alone wondering who you are and were you belong while you hide in a corner scared to death of what going to happen next.

I opened my eyes a little when I saw a strap of white pinkish hair that looked similar to the girl in my dreams hair. that strap of hair looks like that girls hair in my dream....maybe im still dreaming I thought. I snapped out of my thoughts noticing the strap of hair as been there for a while. I opened my eyes all the way seeing IA

"AHHHH!"I screamed in shock

"AHHHHH!"IA screamed walking backwards causing her to trip and fall on the floor

"O MY GOSH! IA ARE YOU OK!"I said jumping off my bed to come to her rescue.

"you scared the daylights out of me!"she said geting up and rupping her head

"im sooo sry it just that I get scared when people do that!"great first len now IA! waits wrong with me!? I thought and paused....

".........why were you in my room and the first place?"I said supisous

"I want to say goodmorning but you were asleep but I couldn't help but wonder how you looked like me so I went for a better look and thats when I scared you"she said rupping her head

"well that wasn't nice scaring me like that"I said crossing my arms and turning my back on her agnoreing what she has to say

"hehe sry"IA said still rupping her head.

I was just about to talk when the door slammed open showing  two twins.

"GOOOOD MOORRNNINNG!!!!!"rin and len said parging in the room with I frying pan and a cooking stick.

len looked at IA then at me and turned his head around with his face red whats wrong with him does he have another cold?

"goodmorning monkeys"IA said anoyyed and rolling her eyes snapping out of my thoughts well they WERE anoyying because they parged in the room yelling and hiting a frying pan

"goodmorning! whats with the frying pan?"I said looking at it

as rin grinned evily

"were going to give them one heck of a wake up call hehehe"rin said holding the frying pan and the cooking stick as len snapped out of is thoughts and nodded in agreement

"oh! can we join?"IA said pulling me off the floor.

"well if you want to be yelled at everybody then sure!"len said like it was nothing to be ashamed of

"ok! come on Angel!"IA said draging me to the kitchen from pulling on my rist.

we walked to the kitchen grabbing a pot with a big spoon out of some of the capnitts

"are you ready to scare them?"IA said still holding my rist

"uhhh...well ok...."I said coming out of the kitchen to see len and rin waiting

"sooo who first?"IA asked while rin grinned evily agian.

"luka"she said running to her room

we followed and ran to luka's room and stopped in front of the door

"ok me and len will rush in there and start yelling and Angel and IA will flip the bed over, got it?"rin said looking like a boss

"got it!"we said acting like the workers


we slammed the door open and ran inside.


rin and len said hiting the frying pan as loud as they could while me and IA rushed over and flipped the bed over. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

luka screamed hiting the floor as we ran out the door laughing.

she looked at us laughing and got up. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!"

luka said really mad and ran after us.

"AHHHHHHHHH!"we screamed in terror and ran for are lifes.

we ran into neru's room almost breaking the door and hopped over her bed as luka followed.

"what the-WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM RUNNING AROUND!?!?!"she yelled jumping off her bed and ran after us


neru is going to kill us since shes the second person who doesn't like people in her room, but the first is......

we ran into gakupos room while he was opening the door

"hey guys what go-WOAH!"he yelled as I jumped over him


I said as the rest did the same.

"YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!!" he said running after us

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"we all screamed terrified of gakupo the person thats woresd than neru.

we were not paying attention to were we were going so when I looked up I saw miku, meiko, teto, haku, gumi, and kaito talking and not paying attention

"LOOK OUT!!!!"

they looked to see what was happening and went in shock.

they started to run but the were on wet floor so they tripped and fell. I tryed to slow down but len was pushing me foward.

I looked back up with fear when......

BANG!!!!@.@ #.# @.@

I slowly opened my eyes feeling really disy and put my head up alittle looking at everyone on the floor knocked out@.@  "ow......"I heard someone from below me.

I looked down seeing I was on top of len with my my body on top of his stomach I must of landed on him when we crashed 

my face started to get completely red and so did his.

"s-sorry len-n"

I pushed myself off him and got up looking at everyone on the floor

"what happened?"I heard IA said getting up as I quickly turned around "IA are you ok?"

I said quickly helping her up

"ya im fine"she said rubbing the back of her head.

I saw rin from the corner of my eye jumping off the floor


IA looked just looked at rin and shrugged

"wasn't that fun Angel!"IA said as if nothing happened

"u-uh....ya!"I said jumping in the air

everyone just got up and stared at the four of us.

"why did you bring Angel in this!? you giving her a bad example!"

miku said like a mother correcting her kids.

"hehe sorry miku"they said  looking at the floor sad

I just ran up to miku."miku i have a question" "what is it Angel?"miku said wanting to know what I was going to say. I quite for a moment when I spoke up "CAN WE DO THAT AGIAN?"I said yanging her arm. it was silent for a moment.


everyone started laughing on the floor while I stood there confused.

"w-what did I do!?"I said embarrassed


"ok ok guys lets just have some breakfast"IA said trying not to laugh

"I agree"gumi said geting up from the floor dusting her clothes

"ill race you there Angel!"rin said pulling me next to her to get ready to race.

"ok! ready.........set........"

"GO!"she yelled geting a head start

"h-hey no fair!"I said running to catch up.

we kepted on running ontill we finally reached the kitchen.

" hehe I won!"she said jumping in the air "hey that doesn't count you got a head start!"

"te he"rin said sticking her toung at me.

"you guys run slow"kaito said jogging over with the rest following from behind

"no you run slow"gakupo said jogging faster

"h-hey!" "no im faster"len said running

"thats cheating!"they both said pulling len back by his shirt

"h-hey!" "quit fooling around!"luka yelled at the three so called idiots while they just shut there mouth.

as they walked to the kitchen haku came up to me .

"hey do you want to help me with cooking breakfast?" "hey can we help to?" teto,rin,len and IA said butting in "we'll just be in the living room"miku, neru, kaito, gakupo, gumi,mekio and luka tralling off to the living room.

"ok so what are we going to make for breakfast?"I said

"well were making pancakes! but first you want to change out of your pajamas"haku said pointing at me.

I looked down noticing I still had my plain white dress on.

"o-oh ok I-I forgot about that"I said embarrassed that I was running around the big mansion with my pj's on.

"oh Angel"haku said

"yeah?" "just wear anything that you see in that closet"haku said

"oh ok"I said going to my room.

I walked in my room and went to the closet looking for something to wear. "hmmm......oh! maybe this!" I pulled out a white shirt with sleeves that goes half way my arms and black shortets that look like rins and some sneakers.

"I see some people on the streets wearing these type of clothes"I said holding up the shirt and looking at it.

I went into the bathroom and put the clothes on and walked out looking at a mirror.

"I guess I look ok"I said doing some twist and turns.

I chose to wear it and ran back to the kitchen.

as I went In I saw all the ingredients on the table and them all sitting at a table probably waiting for me.

"ok guys! lets start cooking!"I say entering the kitchen.

"ok lets start!"haku said getting up from the chair

"oh so what first?"len said leaning on the table looking at the ingredients.

"you wash your hands baka"rin said dragging len to the sink.(baka means idiot just so you know)

we washed are hands and walked back to the table with the ingredients.

"so what next?"len asked

"you dont know when to shutup do you?"IA scolded at him

"next you grab the bowl your going to mix everything in and put the ingredients in there, start with the pancake mix"haku imformed us

"ok"I said grabing the pancake mix and poring it in the bowl.

"now what?" "pore some milk"haku said pointing at teto the closest one to the milk

"oh! ok"teto said grabbing the milk and walking over

"now pore it in the bowl"haku said as teto started poring the milk in the bowl.

"now what?"len said

"now you have to put the eggs in the bowl"haku said as len got the eggs and through it in the bowl

"no! you baka! you have to crack it and put it in the bowl!"haku yelled snaching the eggs out of his hands as rin and teto laughted. "you suck at cooking"IA said as len sticked his tung out at her

"I want you guys to make more for everyone and tell me when you done, oh and dont make a mess"haku said hoping they wont be careless like last time.

"yes ma'm!"we as said as haku lefted the kitchen.

"ok lets get cooking!"I yelled excited as everyone returned the look.

we started doing what we were told to do perfect when................

"len you baka! you spilled the bowl all over me!"rin yelled

"well it not my falt you tripped me!"len yelled back

"well its my falt you were in stuck in space!"rin said dumping her bowl on len.

"hey!"len said throwing an egg.

rin doched it and it hit teto.

"LENNNNN!"teto scolded and through a French bread that popped out of know were and hit me on the head.

"........" "Angel...?"teto said looked at me "........." I quickly got my bowl and throw it at her that landed all over her face.

"food fight!!!"IA said throwing hers at me.

"h-hey!"I said getting a hole bag of pancake mix and dumping it on len

"hey why me?!"len said

"Hahahah!"rin laughted

we kepted on throwing stuff at each other making a 'crash' 'boom' 'thum' noises that made a mess all over the floor. when suddenly an angry haku walked in

"what did I tell you kids!?"haku yelled*haku is 21*

"hehe.....sry haku"I said looking at the floor

"I really cant let my eyes off you can I?"she thought out loud.

"just go get cleaned up ill cook breakfast"she said walking in.

"o-ok"said as the rest follwed with eggs and pancake mix falling on the floor.

'wow what a crazy morning'  I thought walking to my room.

did you like the crazy morning! plz vote and comment on the story!!!! oh! and I have alot of ausome Ideas for the story so I hope you like the story so far! sorry for the wait its just that I have school AGIAN T-T so its going probably going to be a while for the next chappy*^*

anyway see you next time on,


*pulls curtains down*

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