Angel meet.........master!?

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sry for the wait guys! i was busy with'school' so thats why! sry if i took to long!DX anyway i wrote chappy 5 soooo I hope you injoy![]>□<[]**********************************************************************************************************************************************************I walked into my room, grabbed a towel, and plobbed in the bathtub.

I turned the foset when the hot water hit me to hot! to hot!@-@ I quickly but it down when the cold water hit me to cold!! to cold!!@-@@-@ I turned it to the middle as the warm water hit me. ok this is much better. started washing my hair and scruping my body the way IA told me to.*IA told her at the party.

I never thought taking a shower felt this good.

I stepped out of the bathtub. cold. and dried myself with a towel. when I was done I rapped the towel around me and walked out of my bathroom to get something to wear. what should I wear now? I thought while looking in my closet. well I guess this one is ok. I thought pulling out a white shirt like mikus but as a bow and not a tie.a puffed up skirt thats short and some leggings that go up to my thies with a weird arm thing that I've seen the vocaloids wear. I wonder why somthing like this is in my closet? is this the costume gumi made? I shuke my head out of my thoughts and put the outfit on. after I put it on I looked at my mirror.

"I look so good in this!!!"I said admiring myself in the mirror

"I should thank gumi!"I said running out of my room.

I ran to the living room seeing everyone there talking about somthing so I just listened

"so do when do you think we can show her to him?"I herd luka say

"miku when is he coming back agian?"I herd gakupo say

"he's coming back tonight"I herd miku say

"so were going tell him about Angel when I gets here"I herd len say

whos him and what do they mean?

"yes and hopfuly he'll say yes to keep Angel"I herd miku say

"and if he dosent?"I heard IA say

it got silent after IA.

"then Angel will have to go back to the streets....."I herd miku say

no not the streets....not agian....I dont want to be there ever agian. I want to stay here in the sun and not in the dark..... I thought.

"then im not going to let that happen!"I said stepping out of my hiding spot as everyone gasp

"A-Angel!? you were there the hold time!?"miku said shocked as I just agnorded it

"if I dont impress this him then ill have to go to the streets agian?"I said

"yah....."len said looking sad

"then ill try my very best to impress him no matter what!"I said gripping my hands.

"thats the spirit Angel!"teto said

"he's coming tonight we better hurry up and show Angel a dance she can do in front of him"neru said

"what song im i going to sing?"i asked

"oh i know! how about IA and Angel sing insanity together agian?"gumi asked

"well they *hicupp* do sing good *hicupp* togther"meiko said leening on kaito a with wine slipping off her hand.

"h-hey get off!"kaito screamed in shock that made us laught.

"ok IA,len and rin show her to the studio room"miku said stoping the laughting.

"come on Angel!"len said grabing my hand

"o-ok"i followed

"oh no you dont"IA said grabbing the back of lens shirt

"were coming to loverboy"rin smirked pulling len back and grabbing my hand.

"your mean"len said hiding his face with his bangs following us from behind

we walked pass some hall ways that looked a little scary intill we reached a door that had i sigh on the room that said studio room on it.

"well here we are"IA said opening the door showing a room that had a glass spearating the two sides of the side had a some buttons to work the music and a table that you can rest on and but stuff on. the other side had two tall chairs and two mics reaching down towards the two chairs

"this is were we record all are music."IA said walking in as we followed.

"ok IA and Angel go inside the mic room while me and len will stay in here"rin told us pointing at the door to enter the so called mic room. we walked inside the mic room and sat on the two chairs.

"so what is this thing for?"I asked looking at the mic.

"oh thats the thing you sing into to record your voice it called a mic. ill you have to do is sing into that"IA said pulling the mic closer to her

"oh ok then"I said pulling the mic closer to.

I looked at rin and len pushing some buttons and looking back at us.

"ok guys ready?"len asked us.

"yah!"me and IA said as the music started playing.

~AFTER SOME PRACTICE~*im to  lazy to write the song agian-3-*

"*huff* that was good *huff* Angel"IA said being tried of singing

"*huff* yah you to"I said getting iff the chair.

"its 9:00 so he should be coming soon"len said looking at his watch

"do we nees to wear a outfit or something?"I asked.

"well Angel that outfit looks like what a vocaliod would were so your good but IA I thing you should change into you outfit"rin said

"oh ok then ill be right back"IA said running out of the room.

she came back wearing a black over shirt that had cut long sleaves that reached her hand  and a vest with a white outline for the under. she also was wearing a pink short shirt with one leg covered to her thie with q black belt around it and a choker around her neck.

"wow! you look really good in that IA!"I said shock.

"it no biggie anyways miku said that he'll be here in like 2 minutes so we better hurry up!"IA said as we all ran out the door.

we ran passed the same hallways we passed threw earlier to get to the studio room why do they have to put the studio room so far away anyway? we finnaly reached the room where we meet up earlier seeing a man talking to miku with the others next to her i wonder what he looks like?. I was about the walk in when I was pulled back by something pulling my shirt.I looked up seeing len looking down to me.

"why cant I leave now len?"I asked looking at the hand that was pulling me back.

"because I shouldn't meet him yet we'll go first and tell him about yoy and thats when will tell you to show yourself got it?"len said with a sad look on his face

"len are you ok?"I asked looking at his golden eyes

"ya it just that.................I dont want you to leave"he said looking down.

"dont worry lenny!"I said as he lefted his head up.

"d-did you just call me 'lenny'?"he said confused

"do you mind if I call you that? "I said

"s-sure you can call me lenny!"I said scratching his hair in embarrassment.

"ok then 'lenny' I promise ill try my very best and I wont give up k"I said

"its a deal"he said shaking my hand as I did the same.

"sorry if im intruding but we better go"IA said pointing at him trying to get away from miku.

"ok!"I said pushing len out of the corner. they quickly ran to him telling them something that I couldn't hear. they kept talking as he started to get interested.

good the plan is working!

they stopped talking when IA pointed a 'come over here' with her hand as I slowly came out of my hiding spot and walked over to the man. the man had black eyes and blue hair and he was wearing a business suit with a big coat over it. he looked at me in shock them calmed down a bit as I gulped and started shaking of fear. but lucky I stopped shaking and took a deep breath.

"h-hello my name is Angel. I was going to get hurt by a group of bad people when lenny saved me from the group of people and brought me here, when miku found out that I lived in the streets rin said that I can live here and well that I can be part of the family. p-please let me stay I dont want to go back to the streets!"I said bowing down in front of the man.

the man sighed and looked at miku who was making a puppy face then at me.

"ok you can stay but you'll have to do something in return to stay"he said in a dark voice that sounded familiar

"um sir I just wanted to say that Angel can sing too"miku said while winking at me.

"she can sing to!?"he said in disbelief.

"well we dont know why yet but she sings just like IA but as a more higher pich voice"gumi said

"well can I hear her sing?"he said looking at me and IA

"ok Angel like last time ok"IA said as we got into are dance places

"o-ok"I said as haku quickly but the karaoke on and we walked on it.

the rest took sat on the couch ready to watch are little concert.

I looked at him then at the floor.ok Angel you can do this dont give up! .

the song started when me and IA started singing. we did a dance with it to. while we we dancing I turned to look at him starring at me with big eyes. I laughted and kepted on singing and dancing to the music.

the song ended and we both bowed at the rest clapped and cheared for both of us.

"y-your h-hired"he said trying his best to speak

"YAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"I said hugging IA as she did the same

"you get to stay! you get to stay!"IA said giving me a big bear hug.

"h-hey! us to!"the rest said joining the big group hug.

"thank you so much master!"miku said bowing at the man.

"W-WAIT! MASTER!?"I said eyeing the man.

"ya this is master, the one who created all of us and we repay him for all that he has done by singing"haku explained

"oh well its nice to met you, master"I said bowing at him.

"its nice to met you Angel"he said patting my head.

"oh master"luka interrupted.

"yes luka?"master said turning to look at luka.

"well we were wondering if IA and Angel should be pretend sisters for the fans"luka said grabbing me and IA.

he hesitated a bit and answered.

"ummm well fine then"he finnally said.

"YAY!"me and IA said jumping in the air

"you should get some sleep" he said walking away.

"yes master"we all said bowing at him.

I lifted my head up when I felt someone hug me from behind. I quickly turned my head seeing len's gold hair.

"you get to stay!"he said hugging me tighter.

"of course lenny!"I said hugging him back.

"umm what about us"IA said feeling lonely. I ran up to the rest and hugged them.

"sorry!"I said as they hugged back.

"im so glad you can stay Angel!"teto said

"me to!"I said hugging her.

we all did a group hug for five minutes and let go.

"we should get some sleep"neru said

"food first!"meiko said running for the kitchen.

"and ice cream!"kaito yelled running to.

"AND MEH LEEKS!"miku said with her mouth watery and running to.

we all laughted and ran to the kitchen.

well dinner ended with mekio saying 'dont touch meh beer!' or 'len's a banana!'and len dancing in a banana suit'im a banana!XD'

we all laughted so hard and fell off of are chairs.

we kepted on saying jokes or doing pranks intill it was time to go to sleep.

*lens p.o.v*

"im so tierd"rin said leaning in her chair.

"and full"gumi added leaning in her chair to.

"well im going to go to bed"luka said walking out of the kitchen.

"count us"they rest said walking out as well.

"hey len can you put Angel in bed, she fell asleep on the couch"IA said walking out of the kitchen leaving me and a sleeping Angel in the room.

I walked to the couch seeing Angel sleeping peacefully curved up in a ball.

she's so beautiful when she sleeps I said in my head. I walked over to her and shuke her arm to see if she was awake.

"Zzzzzzz........len.........Zzzzzz"she said in her sleep.

shes dreaming about me? I thought blushing. I smiled and picked her up as her head landed on my chest. shes so light.

I walked slowly to her room trying not to walk her up and opened the door.

I walked to her bed and lade her down softly.

when she was on the bed she quickly curled in a ball agian as I laughted.

"goodnight Angel"I said pulling the covers up and tucked her in.

she cuddled her self with the blankets as I slowly tip toed myself back to the door abd looked back

my Angel.

I thought and walked away.

*master's p.o.v*

no it can be  I said walking up to my invention.

it cant be, it cant be her!  I got rid of her dident I!? that Angel!

********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* hey guys did you like the chappy!? XD and well the anglen part?:3

does len love angel?, what does master have in plan for his little secret?, when am I gonna write meh next chappy because of school? 0^0*throws toilet paper all over the school*XD

*principle comes out* HEY! *runs* 0A0! *runs off*

find out *paint*next time on*paint* on THE NEW VOCALIOD! *paint*

HEY GET BACK HERE!*runs to me* 0.0*runs off*###################################################################################################################################################

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