fans already?

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while we were all sitting on the couch and I herd someone enter the room. I looked up seeing master with a newspaper in his hand.

"guys! you have to see this!"he yelled geting are attention

"yes master?"miku said getting up and gazing at the newspaper in his hand"whats that?"she asked

"well it turns out that Angel is already famous"he said as I shot off the couch and looked at him

"really?"I asked as he smiled

"yup! just look at the newspaper!"he said handing me the newspaper in his hands. I gently took it and looked at the paper that said:well it seems there is a new vocaliod in town! and people are loving it! it turns out she already as tons of fans! she staded"im IA's sister!"when we first discovered her at the sakura mall! it seems that Angel also had a little concert for us that made the croud go wild! one of her fans aslo stated "that was a ausome and shocking concert!" it all shocked us to but we all still had fun!

I looked at the newspaper shocked when master spoke"and people are paying double for a concert!"

"when is it?"I asked gazing at him from the newspaper

"this Saturday so we have two days to practice!"he said as luka spoke up"well I guess we better start practiceing then!"she said clapping her hands together with a smile on her face.

"you guys go and practice for the concert while I'll prepare everthing ok!"he smiled and left leaving us on the room

"wow Angel! already has fans!"rin said tuging on my arm

"it will be nice working with you!"teto yelled

"and I cant wait to make cute outfits!"gumi screamed excited

"well we cant be standing here all day! lets tell the others!"mekio yelled running to go find the boys

*lens pov*

I leaned on the chair in my room watching kaito and gakupo play a video games on the floor

"hey! when are you going to let me play!"I yelled annoyed

"are you kidding me! you cant even win against IA!"kaito replied still looking at the tv

"nobody can"I said even more annoyed looking away from them.

"just chill you'll get your turn"gakupo said annoyed at how I kepted complaining

"but im sooo bored!"I yelled leaning on my chair makeing it fall on the floor leaving a loud 'Thump!' .I got up rubbing my head seeing kaito and gakupo laughing there heads off"hahaha very funny"I rolled my eyes I remember when I fell off this chair.....its when I first well talked to angel I thought making me blush. I have to stop avoiding her. I continued blushing when kaito glanced at me and smirked

"soooo are ya thinking about Angel?"he said leaning closer to me with and big grin on his face.

I blushed"n-no what makes you think that"I said trying to hide the blush"its obvious baka!"gakupo yelled still looking at the tv. "so why do you care?"I pouted crossing my arms "because we dont want you to end up like kaito!"gakupo said laughing "what!? its not my falt miku wont notice me!"kaito cried as me and gakupo laughed

"fine be that way ill just go get some ice cream!"kaito yelled opening the door to see the girls already trying to open it. "ah!"kaito screamed falling backwords "oh shutup baby"rin smirked "anyways we have to get ready for a concert!"mekio yelled waveing her arms "concert? why?"I asked standing up "well its a concert for IA and Angel since Angel is already has fans we should do a opening concert!"teto informed she already has fans!? "wow really!?"gakupo asked confused "yup!"miku screamed and hitting the embarrassed Angel and the shoulder playfully"w-well I guess I d-do"she shuttered "well we should start practiceing then!"IA said puting her arms on her hips "Yah!"miku screamed in excitement waveing her leek.

we all ran to the to the practiceing stage to get ready for the concert

"wow! this place is big!"Angel yelled stretching her arms and giggling "this is the place were we practice dancing and stuff for the concerts we have!"rin yelled running around the room. I just rolled my eyes. "hey! stop fulling around!"mekio yelled grabbing her "awwwww you dont have to be so mean"rin pouted as Angel and IA laughted. "well you dont want to hurt yourself"luka informed holding a chart. miku then ran to the stage and waved her leek geting are attention"Hey come on guys!"she yelled while kaito and gumi were arguing about somthing"I SAID ATTENTION!!!!"miku yelled throwing her leek at katios head making him fall on the floor(poor kaito XP) while gumi just shut her mouth scared as heck "thank you. anyway im here to say the song were going to sing!"she said holding up a chart."ok the first song will be a song that me teto and neru will sing

witch is triple baka!"she said while teto and neru highfived each other. "the next will be wonder full nippon! that rin gumi and IA will sing!, the nexted one is Is rolling girl witch Angel will sing for an opening song introducing her and then the rest of us will all sing bad○end○night!"(I actually love dis songy!:D) miku yelled as all of us just got exited "I cant wait!"gumi yelled while jumping up and down. "well dont get to excited before you hurt someone"neru face plamed while gumi just punched her arm alittle ticked off. oh well I guess I cant wait for the opening show.

me:yay Angel has fans!:D

Angel: ^//////^

miku:oh well everyone knows im more ausome eWe


len:thats a lie 030

miku:shutup! -n-*hits with leek*


rin:thank you! 0^0

me and Angel:oAO?????


luka:why people so rude?~

IA:creepy stalkers have rights to! XD

luku:=A= nevermind

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