Chapter 1: A game of tag goes wrong

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12 years later.

The sun was shining fully over the forest then, the forest with its waterfall seemingly peaceful and away from the forest and the waterfall were well built bunkers that seemed to be quite for once until suddenly, a red and yellow blur run through the forest and near the bunkers, continuing to run as their speed got faster but unbeknownst to the blur, a shadow with green eyes watched this and at seeing the direction of the blur was heading in, they took off and flew after the blur into the forest at a fast speed. The blur continued to run at fast speed in forest, their speed beyond normal levels of speed as they seemed to be happy while running. Only for a laser beam to suddenly hit them, causing the blur to cry out in pain as they fell to the ground mid running, wincing in pain as they were revealed to be a girl with caucasian skin tone and hazel eyes that was in pigtails and hard to see the eyes due to her mask as the girl was wearing a yellow bodysuit alongside a red short sleeved jacket that had yellow lightning details and on the chest of the suit was a lightning symbol and a red lightning shaped belt was around her waist alongside her having red gloves and red combat boots while her aforementioned mask was red mask that covered her eyes and nose and went around her forehead while possessing gold lightning shaped ear coverings that finished off the outfit. Despite the amount of pain she was in from the laser beam, the girl was quick to recover and try to run off once more, aware of who had fired the laser beam but just as she began to run away in a blur, figure with the cape from before grabbing her by of her jacket, stopping her mid run in the process. The figure, revealed to be also a girl, possessing caucasian skin tone and black hair shoulder length at least and green eyes, wearing a long sleeved blue shirt that had a symbol with S in it on the chest with a red skirt skirt that had a gold belt around the waist, blue tights and knee high red boots, red flowing cape finished off the outfit. The second girl smirked as the first girl continued to try and run away to no avail, the second girl keeping the girl from running until finally, she turned the girl around to face her and smirked while saying then, "Tag, Laura " Laura, the name of the first girl, looked beyond annoyed as she got free from the girl grip and crossed her arms while snapping, " No fair, Moon! she snapped, glaring at the girl then, "you didn't give me enough of a headstart!" The now named second girl, Moon raised an eyebrow at hearing this and pointed at her accusingly then, "No fair?" she reported in question form before adding, "aren't you the one who called no powers and suddenly run off in a blur using your speed?" Laura at hearing this question, scratching her head sheepishly while responding with, "yeah, well" she pointed at Moon then, "I meant no powers for you!" Moon at hearing this, smirked and said simply, "of course" before she continued to smirked while asking, "guess what, Laura?" and with, she pointed at Laura while saying, "your it" before she took off into the air then, flying off into the forest. Laura cried out at this, "not so fast!" she cried to no avail before adding, "and no powers!" but Moon was long gone into the air. Laura looked at the distance Moon had flown off in with a sigh before finally, she begun running off into a red and yellow blur once more. Unbeknownst to Laura, she was being watched on a computer screen and once she had run off, the figure with the deep blue eyes was watching and after seeing this happen, she spoke then to seemingly no one, "computer, adjust environmental controls in the hangar" she ordered, "plus two therms " she continued, "radar array seven needs realigning " and with that, she sat back in her chair and finished with relaxing in the chair, "and let's get lunch started, shall we?" The computer at hearing all this, responded with in a robotic voice, "commands in progress." Somewhere else on the island, there was a grey memorial stone marker that seemed to possess a symbol of a eagle symbol with W in it, as a boy voice was speaking then to it, I dreamed of Themyscira again, mother he spoke, a shining silver sword stabbed into the ground then while the boy voice continued to speak, the air blowing leaves around the place, the beautiful waters stretched out to me and I could see the glow off the island. The boy who was speaking was revealed to be then kneeling on the ground in front of the stone marker, possessing tanned skintone and chocolate hair that was well kept with a golden tiara around his forehead that had a red star in the middle of it, his eyes currently closed while he wore a pair of blue leather pants with a red armored shirt that had a gold details around the top of it with gold stripes alongside a golden belt around a waist, the boy wearing gold armored bracelets on his wrists that had red stars on them and knee high armored red boots, a shield currently placed on his back while a golden shining rope was kept in his belt. The boy, his eyes still closed, continued to speak then to the stone marker that was in the middle of other stone markers, the markers on a stone ground that was surrounded by water that the wind blew leaf's onto then, I know you to be real, mother he said, and hope that one day soon, you will come for your son. The peacefulness of this was soon interrupted though when stopping near a stone slab that had a lightning bolt symbol on it, was Laura as she stopped in her running at seeing what was happening and getting a idea, Laura was quite while she snuck up to the boy, walking past the stone markers that had Flash, Green Arrow, and Catwoman on them before she stopped at the sword stabbed into the ground and grinning, Laura began trying to lift it to no avail as no matter how hard she pulled, the sword wouldn't budge. Due to the noises she was making in her efforts to lift the sword, the boy looked up at hearing them and looked annoyed then, opening his eyes to reveal brown eyes as he then added to what he was saying, and mother? he asked, lastly, I request of you to give me the power to smite Laura once and for all! And with that, he stood up and glared at Laura then, holding his hand out then, much to Laura looking panicked at hearing what he said as she cried in panic, what?! and with that, she stopped trying to pull the sword and instead chose to run off in a yellow and red blur once more. The boy however, still approached his sword and picked it up with ease and narrowing his eyes, he aimed his sword before throwing it with ease, Laura hitting a large rock then in her running and groaning in pain, she saw with wide eyes the sword heading towards her and she cried out in panic before ducking just in time, the sword hitting the rock instead. Seeing her chance to escape, Laura was quick to run once more around the rock and to the top of it, hiding behind Moon then who had landed on the rock and stood on top of it.  Moon frowned at seeing this, pointing out then to the boy, that's not how tag works, Zane she pointed out, your supposed to run Laura, not attack us Zane, the name of the boy, however didn't look like he liked that rule, as he flew in the air then and flew over to the rock, commenting then, that's a human rule he said while landing, reclaiming his sword from the rock while saying, an immortal Amazon warrior runs from no one! and while holding his sword at the ready then, he pointed at Moon while saying in anger then, You, Laura, and Lily are about to taste my sword wrath! Laura looked terrified at this as she still hid behind Moon in fear, while Moon herself just unimpressed by Zane who at realizing the last name he said, frowned in confusion, hey I mean, forsooth! he said, still trying to keep up his act then, but he still looked confusion then, where's Lily? The three soon arrived to the bunkers on the island, entering the grey bunker room then and they soon heard snoring they knew they would hear, though they frowned at the sight of the messy room as the three soon in front of the bed, Moon and Zane crossing their arms when they saw the messy bed that had clothes, books and other various items all over it and the snoring continued as the owner of the snoring soon stretched in the bed, sticking their feet out of the bed at least and revealing they had somehow gone to sleep on the side of the bed instead of the top, though they had kicked items of the bed in the process of this movement and then continued to snore anyway. Zane at seeing this, leaned on his sword while commenting then to Moon and Laura, does she get the sword, the laser beam, or the run to the waterfall today? Laura smirked at hearing this question as she pointed at Moon then while saying, It's miss girl of Steel turn. Moon at hearing this, didn't look pleased as she glared at Laura while saying, I hate you, Laura and Zane smirked then too while Laura grinned, pleased with herself as Moon approached the bed then, being careful and quiet about it as her green eyes turned to red then and she looked at the feet stuck out of the bed then and shot a laser at one of them AAGH! Suddenly, Moon found herself being thrown out of the bunker and over the stairs leading to it, landing in the mud on the ground with a small thud while suddenly, a girl caucasian skin tone and messy short red emerged from the bunker, her sky blue eyes currently looking tired as she was currently in grey pjs that had a golden belt around the waist with a bat symbol on the middle bit of the belt, the girl looking annoyed as she retracted her grappling hook then that she used to throw Moon out of the room, Moon looking annoyed at this as did Zane and Laura who emerged from the bunker behind her while Moon sat up from the mud while glaring at the girl. The girl glared back at her while saying to all of them then, if you dorks are all done bothering me now she said, I'm going back to bed. Laura looked at her like  she was crazy, but your missing the game! and with that, she run in a speed blur to be next to Moon then who was wiping mud of her suit while glaring at the girl then, what's is your problem, Lily?! she snapped, Laura wincing at this and backing off from Moon then while Moon continued to snap at the girl she named as Lily, you're been sleeping all day, missing training, blowing off your chores and generally being a real pain! As she flew in the air in frustration then. Lily didn't look phased by Moon at all, who cares? She dismissed with a wave of her hand, going back to her bunker door then that Zane was leaning against with crossed arms and sword in its sheath on his back, what am I going to miss laundry day? And with that, she added, so what if we don't do the chores and train? And with that, she did a perfect back flip off the staircase to her bunker, landing perfectly on the ground behind Moon and Laura then and she placed a hand on her hip while continuing, for what? She questioned, seriously, nothing's ever happen in this place and with that, she narrowed her eyes at while pointing at Moon then, you can act like the strongest girl alive Moon narrowed her eyes at this, Laura can play superhero Laura looked saddened at this while Lily gestured to Zane then who hadn't moved from leaning against the bunker door, and Zane can live in a fantasy land, saying aye and verily till he's blue in the face! She made gestures with that before approaching her bunker staircase while finishing with, what's the point? Zane glared at her for this from where he was standing, snapping then, the point is to not be such a jerk! And with that, he looked away from her. Lily however, didn't stop and glared at him once more while saying, oh right, sorry she said, sarcasm dripping off her voice then, there's no point for us, cause our parents are dead she said, sounding bitter and angry at this fact, your mom just abandoned you so there's still hope. At being reminded of this detail, Zane gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes before suddenly, he lunged at Lily from the air with sword out at the ready but Lily jumped out of the way in time and was instantly pulling out a bat a rang at the ready that she soon threw at Zane when he lunged at her again, Lily dodging each attempted sword with ease while throwing weapons that made Zane either dodge or back up a little from the hits of the weapons. Laura and Moon stared in shock as they watched this, but recalling what Zane had said, Laura looked curiously up at Moon while asking, do you think Amazons really say jerk? Moon shrugged at this, I don't know as they watched the fight then. Zane lunged once more at Lily than with his sword but she dodged once more, Zane out of anger to pull the golden rope of his belt and throw it at Lily, managing to grab her and quickly pulling her towards him then, sword at the ready in his other hand. But despite this, Lily glared at him while holding a bat a rang at the ready, your magic sword doesn't scare me, Zane. Keeping her in the rope, Zane held his sword at the ready then and snapped, then allow me to put fear of it into you! But just he held up the sword to slash at her that was when a stern voice interrupted them, that's enough. Zane and Lily froze at this, Zane lowering his sword then while the rope fell off Lily, both frozen  as they looked at who had said this. For standing in front of them with crossed arms and a stern face, was their caretaker and former X men, a Wakandan Queen, mother of Azari, and wife of T'Challa aka Black Panther, Storm.

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