Chapter 2: Under Attack

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Immediately, Moon was quick to fly in front of Lily and Zane, looking panicked while saying then nervously, Ororo! And with that she gestured to the two while saying defenselessly, I was about to break them up. Storm at hearing this, looked sternly still at the two while saying then in a equally stern voice, Lily, Zane she said while crossing her arms, go to your bungalows and cool off. Lily and Zane were quite at this as they briefly narrowed their eyes at each other before they walked off to do that. Laura was next to Moon in a instant and grinned at the two getting into trouble, laughing at them but then her grin faded when Storm looked sternly at them next while saying, you and Moon too, Laura. Awww! Whined Laura at this, looking up at Moon then, Moon herself simply narrowed her eyes at the fact that they got in trouble for something Zane and Lily did, before signing as she flew up into the air and towards her blue bungalow while Laura sped off to her red one, Zane flying to his lighter blue one while Lily started to go up steps to her grey one. However, that was when without looking at her, Storm spoke up, Lily, wait and Lily frowned as she stopped midway walking up her steps, not looking at her as she turned around to look at her while saying to her, I know you feel trapped here with just the five of us she said, causing Lily to narrowed her eyes at this while she continued, but please try not to take it out on your sisters and brother she said gently, frowning as she finished with, if you want to be at someone, be mad at me. Lily was quite for a moment there, before she finally spoke while not facing her, I'll apologize to them she said, later. Storm at hearing this, frowned still as she said to her, your father was never very good at doing nothing, either she admitted, before adding gently, you know you can always come talk to me, Lily. Lily was quite at hearing this, before not facing her still while responding with, but it's not the same, it is? She responded with, before finally turning a little to face her with narrowed eyes while saying, like you say your not my mom. Storm thought to herself wonder through her mind if she ever going to see her son again? I know how it feels like losing someone Lily, I lost my Wakandan King T'Challa in a battle against his enemy, Storm said. And with that, she turned away from her and continued to walk up to her bungalow, causing Storm to sigh sadly at this before she turned away and began to walk away herself. Only, that was when suddenly, the island lit up with red alarms while a siren went off, causing Storm and Lily to freeze where they were walking, Lily turning around in surprise while Storm instantly looked panicked but got into fight position while looking at Lily than, Lily, go to your room! But the other three had heard the alarms as Zane was quick to fly out of his bungalow with sword and shield at the ready, asking in worry then while he flew in the air, Ororo? While Moon was quick to fly next to him in the air in equal worry, Laura soon speeding out next to them as well as she asked in panic then, what's going on?! She looked around in panic then at the lights, what's are these lights?! And at hearing the alarms continue, she added, and that noise?! Storm narrowed her eyes at all this happening but did look worried while she pointed at Lily bungalow then while ordering, everyone inside Lily bungalow until I give the all clear! She ordered and at seeing the four worried faces, she added sternly, NOW! Despite looking worried still, Zane was quick to obey, flying to the door and racing in while Laura followed at a fast speed, Moon flying in next while Lily stared at Storm in worry still but finally, she run into her bungalow next while the alarms and lights continued to blare. But Lily couldn't help but look worriedly out her door then as she watched Storm race off to find whatever had set off the security like this, Lily unable to do anything but obey the order and stay in her bungalow in worry. The island peaceful aura had now been broken by the alarms and lights as they continued to blare, the door to Lily bungalow closed for safety while the security system continued to go off. Inside of the bungalow itself, the kids were quite as Zane leaned against Lily dresser with his weapons back in their sheaths while Laura sat on the bed in silence and Moon stood around the room near the window, keeping an eye out while Lily herself sat on her couch, now having changed out of her pjs to her costume that considered off a purple leather bodysuit that possessed bits of gray armor on it while having a black bat on the chest with black gloves and black combat boots and completing the outfit was her golden utility belt that had a black bat on its middle while she wore a black mask over eyes then, hair combed down from its messy state at least. Having resorted to pacing around the room, Moon continued to pace around in a circle in the middle of the room until she stopped at a squish, seeing that she had stepped into a some sticky gum on the floor that looked like it had been there for a long time, causing her to look disgusted as she lifted her boot to see this and when she put her foot back down, she looked at Lily in disgust while, how do you live like this, Lily? She asked, haven't you ever heard of cleaning up? Lily at being spoken too, looked at Moon while she was picking her nose then but at Moon glare, Lily smiled sheepishly and shrugged, causing Moon to sigh. Zane however, looked agitated then as he gestured to the door then while saying, we should be out there with Ororo, not hiding! And with that, he crossed his arms in agitation. Laura who had been quiet until then, spoke up in some hopefulness, maybe this is a new training drill she suggested while gesturing to the window, maybe but then she stopped as a thought came to mind and she gasped in horror while covering her mouth then before she looked at the three while cupping her mouth and saying in a terrified whisper, maybe its Spring and Ultron. This made the three blink at her, before Lily was the first to speak, what? And with that, she shook her head while holding a bat a rang then, that's ridiculous, it's not Spring and Ultron she said, its probably something stupid, like a fire on machine level she relaxed into her sofa then while continuing with a sigh, or that time the computer went nuts because of the water main leak and with that, she folded her arms and put them behind her head to rest on them while finishing with, it's not Spring and Ultron. Laura at hearing this, looked hopeful at hearing what Lily said, y y yeah, your right she said, there's no way its. But that was when suddenly, Lily wall gave away to a green type of tornado that a robotic figure emerged from, causing Lily and Zane to instantly jump up with Zane sword and shield at the ready while Lily held her bat a rang at the ready and Moon was instantly lighting up her eyes with red lasers. Laura at seeing this and at seeing the wall rubble next to her, looked behind her and her eyes widened in horror at seeing the green figure that had emerged from the green tornado. The green figure in question though, didn't attack them, looking damaged all over her body as her lit up her eyes simply looked at them while she greeted, hello children and with that, she fell to the ground with a thud, causing the four to gasp.

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