Chapter 3: The Green Tornado

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Before the four could even move to do anything as Moon red glowing eyes turned back to their green color, the door to the bungalow opened up and the kids looked with wide eyes to see it was a worried Storm who when she saw the rubble of the wall and saw the Green figure on the ground that had caused it, looked instantly worried for the figure as she quickly kneeled by figures side while naming them in worry, Green Tornado. At being named and spoken to, Green Tornado looked at Storm while speaking in her robotic voice then, my apologies she began, the drones in Apokolips City have been upgraded she explained, one was able to damage my form while I was in my Tornado as I left. Glancing briefly at the kids in worry, Storm looked back at Green Tornado with worry while asking, were you followed? Negative responded Green Tornado, before move her hand to her head as if she had a headache and as if remembering what was going on outside still, did I set off the alarms? She asked, perhaps my electronic access keys were damaged and that was when she looked around the room in confusion, and how odd this doesn't look like the control center. Helping Green Tornado up then and hoisting Green Tornado arm around her shoulders to help her walk, Storm spoke to her with reassurance, everything's going to be all right she said, leading Green Tornado out, come on, let's get you to the work shop. And with that she looked at the four kids with, a stern face while simply ordering, stay. here and with that, she walked out of the bungalow while leading Green Tornado out with her. At hearing this and as if everything had finally caught up to her, Laura nearly fell off the bed while pointing at the door while screaming and once she did that, the four glanced at each other before racing to the door, watching as Storm as she led Green Tornado away before Lily spoke up in worry, Ororo? Not even looking at them as she led Green Tornado down the final steps and now across the ground, Storm responded with, look, I know you have questions and with that, she looked at the four with a serious face, and I promise I will explain but later the kids at hearing this, stared at Storm as she continued, right now, I have to take care of a old friend and with that, she continued to lead Green Tornado away while finishing with, please, stay in your rooms and the kids stared after Storm as she left. Despite the weight that weighted her down with carrying Green Tornado, Storm managed to lead Green Tornado to the stone markers on the island and stopping at one particular one that the symbol of XM on it and seeing it, Storm looked mournful before sadly pushing on as she pressed the XM symbol on the stone markers and upon being pressed, the middle of the stone ground that the markers were on gave away, revealing forming stairs then within the area that to lead to a hidden room. After seeing the stairs were fully formed, Storm began to lead Green Tornado down the stairs then and into the hidden room under the island. Unbeknownst to Storm and the injured Green Tornado though, the two were being watched as from the bushes and in hiding, was the four kids who watched with wide eyes as Storm walked down the stairs with Green Tornado and once seeing her gone, Laura was the first of the four to speak, we're gonna follow her, right? Yeah Lily was quick to agree, as was Zane who responded with, aye. Moon however, was quick to disagree as she instantly responded with, no! And with that, she stepped forward out of the bushes and stood in front of the other three, absolutely not! She said, Ororo said to wait, so we'll wait she continued, she'll explain everything, so we need to respect her wishes and with that, her eyes lit up red with lasers as she floated on the ground in front of them, as if daring the other three to try and get past her. Never one to back down from challenges though, Zane simply smirked at this and reached for his sword and shield and at Moon first laser warning, he simply deflected it into nearby tree, sending it down and he smirked at Moon as if daring her to continued and Moon at seeing this, sighed but landed on the ground in defeat while her eyes returned to green, looking defeated while Zane smirked and sheathed his sword and shield once more. Lily smirked then at Laura while saying to her, Laura you're the tech head she said to her, open it up and at being told to do this, Laura grinned and happily nodded. And suddenly, once more, the part of the island with stone markers gave away once more, revealing the stairs that led to a hidden room as the stairs lit up with lights and once they were formed, Laura grinned at the other three as they stood near the stairs, did you guys know that the fountain was a secret door? And with that, she happily touched Moon shoulders while saying this as she frowned, before Laura added, because I didn't, and I'm way smarter than all of you! And with that, she happily grinned at the other three. Lily ignored this though and was the first of the four to descend the steps, Zane and Moon being quick to follow and sighing at being ignored, Laura was quick to speed off after them as they descend the steps into the underground in order to find out what was going with Storm and Green Tornado.

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