A Future Con-Artist

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Emma POV:

I turned around and saw a little blonde boy jumping up and down on my bed with hands in his mouth. I swiftly grab him and say "OK listen Louis I will pay you to keep your mouth shut just name the amount and I'll give it to you." He smile's an evil grin and say's "Fifty and I'll shut it, but hundred and I'll forget it." I groan and say "You cheat con artist Fine, but you must promise that you never seen anything and act like this was a dream." Louis nods as he holds out his hand and walk over open my safe and give him the cash. "Thank's super sis." and he walks out stuffing the cash in his pocket. "BWHAHAHA You were conned out by your own family that is just sad." Plagg say's as laughs and float's toward my fridge. "Well what did you want me to do? Scare him thats not really good, because he will only run to Mom who will probably tell Dad." 

Plagg only snorts and said "So how's the kid doing?" I cock my head to one side saying "Kid?" He rolls his eye's saying "Your Father Emma." I slap my head and say "Oh! Well I called him fat this morning because he's eating to many croissants. He likes cat puns like me thou Mom doesn't try to kill me like she does Dad when I say them." I was about to continue when I saw my Mom stick her head in my room saying "Who are you talking to sweetie? And when did you get here Hugo told me you were staying at Nina's." I started to sweat and choked out "Uh I was just talking to Nina now I um need to go see her now actually." And I skidded out my room and outside.

Hugo's POV:

I walked away from the akuma attack waving at Nina and walking toward's home when I started to past Dad's old home. Dad said he hated this place saying it brought him nightmares of some bad event that happened here, but never explained why and since no one lived here I some time cam and checked the place out. I opened the now creaky door and looked on inside it was huge and I started to walk towards the stair's. I saw burn marks on it and rubbed my hand against the old railing. I climbed up the stair's when I saw what looked like an office, I opened it to see a giant picture of a blonde lady when I noticed three a safe beside the painting where I saw a giant book and blue peacock comb. I pick them both up when I noticed that the middle of the comb was tilted as if it was broken. I reach out to move it back when I heard someone open the front door of the mansion. I went to hide when I trip and fell onto the painting the floor beneath my feet opened up and I yelled "Mommy!" As I fell thru.

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