Kitty Noir And Bug-boy

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Emma's POV:

I turned around to see Stone Heart growling "Lady---." He suddenly looked at the both of us and asked "Hawkmoth I'm confused I thought--." While he was still trying to figure everything out I said "Hey Buggy lets take him out while he's confused." I started running towards the beast and whack him on the toe with my staff.  " I thought this staff was super--." I didn't get to finish because Stone Heart kicked me into a building. I rub my head saying "Mewouch that hurts." I seen that my partner had already used his miraculous by yelling "Lucky Charm!"I walk up to him as he say's "This time don't run head first Kitty."I look at the tool in his hand was a pair of safety scissors "Oh cool art project's are really not what we want." My ear's perk up as I remember said "Kitty Noir that's sound's cool thanks Milady." I say remembering Dad saying he said this to my mom while working with her. "I'm a boy." I just shrug my shoulder's "So what do we do Bug Boy." He looks around and as if he was putting a puzzle piece. 

"Kitty use your Cataclysm on that rail over there." I nod and yell "Cataclysm!" I start acting cool saying "Do you know I can destroy everything I touch?" He rolls his eye's and say's "Just do it." I run over and touch the bottom of the rail and it fall's causing Stone Heart to throw Amanda. I only yell "I'll save her you use your safety scissors you create rock art and cleanse the akuma." I run after the squealing girl and catch her in mid air. As soon as my feet touched the ground I heard Amanda start to complain about her hair so I dropped her and took off to help my partner, but before I did I struck a pose winking at Nina's phone and then took off. He already caught the akuma and was doing a magic girl dance to cleanse it. As soon as he was done his miraculous started to beep. "Wait Buggy!" He stopped and sarcastically said "What?" I smiled "So what do I call my partner or do you want to tell me who you are already?" He rolls his eye's "It's Bug-Boy and before you say anything do not call me your lady. I'm a guy." I only chuckle "Your hisstarical Buggy The name's Kitty Noir hope to see your around sometime Buggaboo." Then I fling myself towards home. 

I jump into my room and detransform only to hear someone say "Your a Superhero!!"

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