Chapter 10 ~ Don't Unlift the Hood

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The Next Proxy

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Days past by as June grown use to this new life style, she got to beat Ben at a video game "Call of Duty", played tea party with Sally or play with her my little pony toys, learn how to do surgery on people with Jack, learn techno stuff with Maskey & Hoodie. Everything seem to good in the world, but something wasn't the same with Jeff since their little kiss in the graveyard. They were both quiet with each other whenever they sit together or anywhere near each other, but that was quickly ignored when June finally got her new room.

The walls was a dark forest green color, her desk was a dark brown wood, had a walk in closet, & her bed was a queen size with purple sheets & black pillows. June leaped onto the bed, feeling all of her limbs relaxing. "Enjoying your new room?" June lifts her arm away from her eyes to see Jeff leaning against the doorway.

"Oh, h-hey Jeff. Yea I like it gives me..." But June could not think of a good excuse. "Privacy I guess?" Jeff doesn't respond as his eyes were still glued on June making her uncomfortable. "Umm...can I help you?" Jeff doesn't say anything, he walks out of the doorway, closes it behind him, & walks toward June without leaving his eyes on June. "Jeff?" June said.

"Did I do something to you that I offended you?" Jeff said. June frowns.

"Offended? Why would I be offended?"

"I don't know. After that night we...kissed. You've been quiet & kept your distance from me. Why is that?" Jeff said. June couldn't reply as she could not find the words for it.

"I don't know either, Jeff., but I must ask." June looks dead in the eye of Jeff as she wraps her arms around her waist a bit uncomfortable. "Why did you kiss me?" Jeff's eyes widen. "Why would you wanna kiss a pathetic girl like me? Is it because I'm the Proxy or...or is it out of pity? I've never been in loved before, so...I just don't know how to think or feel." June said, Jeff didn't say anything, but steps closer to her, resting his forehead against June's.

"You have NO idea how fast my heart races when I see you." Jeff said. June's face flushes deep red as he cups his hands around her pale face, staring deep into her sky blue eyes. "I-I'm not good at relationships. I always manage to find the flaws, sometimes in others, but mostly my own. I foretell the ending then go and create the cause, save myself, & end up alone. I've been alone for years & I don't wanna be that lonely me again." Jeff said as he wraps his arms around June, holding her tightly. June melts into embrace as she rest her head against his chest.

"Whenever you hug me I just want to tell you don't let go because I always have felt safe in your arms, but..." June pauses. "I don't date boys who doesn't care what my favorite song is. The boy who doesn't care what melodies ignite your heart strings at passing street lights on the last train home, will not care if it's 2 a.m. & your heart is breaking. If you're going to fall in love with me, don't fall in love with my Sunday best, don't fall in love with the way I look after spending hours getting ready for my fakest smile or freshly done hair. Fall in love with my body, the way it widens quite a lot around my hips & how I honestly don't really care. Fall in love with my impatience, my jealous moods, & the times that I don't feel anything at all and in love with how sometimes I act like a child whilst other times I can be the most mature. Fall in love with my scars, my marks & all the things that makes me far less than perfect, & fall in love with every part of me, both good and bad, & especially with all that I consider a flaw. Fall in love with me as a whole or don't fall in love with me at all."

Jeff releases June, but has his hands on June's shoulder; stares at her for a while, than smiles at her. "I promise, June." He said, than gently brushed his lips against June's as they fell into a passionate kiss.

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Slendy had everyone in the living room as he started his speech. "June, I think it's time that we start training you. Training you to use your powers so you can grow to a mature Proxy, just like your grandmother was." June stares at the carpet ground for a bit, & sighed.

"When do we start?"

"Today." He said. "The sooner the better. Everyone will all teach you at least one skill that is necessary for you. And I will teach you the magic that you have deep within you."

"M-me?" June points to herself. "I-I have...magic?" She asked, Slendy nodded.

"Every Proxy has it that has been past down for generations & you have the mark to prove it." He points to June's mark that was on her right shoulder. June pulls down her shirt to reveal it. It was suck there for good.

"Will the mark ever go away?" She asked but Slendy shook his head.

"I'm afraid not, dear June. Once it's on you it will never ever come off." June sighs stares at her mark, but instead of being annoyed of it she came to like it. It was like a tattoo to her, a badass one.

"How long will the train take, Slendy?" Slendy shrugs his long slender shoulders.

"We can never be for sure, but it all depends if you're a fast learner." He said, June nods in reply.

"I can do this. It's scary to think to think about what I will go through, but everyone has my back. They'll teach me & help me through everything. I can trust them all, & maybe if I'm not a fast learner when it comes to this stuff, but I can learn eventually, & I'll be able to protect myself...even Jeff maybe when whatever is lurking out there." June thought to herself. She looks up at Slendy & gave him a determined look. "Okay." She started. "I'll do it..." If he could smile June was for sure he'd be doing just that.

"Well then it's settled." He said. "You start training at noon. I shall let you get yourself prepared first, but don't get too lazy." Then Slendy left the room as everyone went back to whatever they were doing before. June walks back to her room to get prepared when suddenly someone grabbed her hand. She quickly turned to see that it was Jeff who had a giant smirk on his face, he leans close to her ear & whispered.

"Come with me." And Jeff pulls June down the empty hallway, drags her into his room, quietly shuts the door, & locks it.

"Jeff? What are you doing?" June asked, Jeff slowly turns around, walks up to her, & wraps his arms around her small waist, pulling her face closer to his.

"I want to have some...alone time with you before you start training because you won't have time for little old Jeff." Jeff said making the cutest puppy eyes. June smiles deeply, blushing a bit as she brushes her lips against his. Jeff pulls June closer to him as their mouths moved around; June could feel his tongue trying to push through her teeth. June opens her mouth, inviting his tongue in her mouth as it brush all over her mouth, tasting every inch of it.

Suddenly Jeff lifts June up, her legs wraps around his waist as he walks over to his bed. They both fell onto the bed as June didn't let go of Jeff. He lips moved across her jawline, down her neck as he began to suck on one spot on June's neck. Jeff sucked & sucked & sucked till he made a mark, & went back sucking it making it soar for June. A moan escaped her lips making Jeff's lips curl into a smile. "You're so fucking adorable when moan, baby." Jeff mumbled in June's skin making June blush madly. Jeff kept going down her neck till he came upon her chest; just when he was about to pull off her shirt June quickly pulled it back down. Jeff stops kissing, looks down at June who had shiny teary eyes. "What did I do? Did I hurt you?" Jeff asked, but June shook her head.

"No...i-it's just...I was a bit scared." She said not daring to look at Jeff in the eyes. Jeff kept staring at her in disappointment, but smiled as he cupped her face with his hands, leans his forehead against her's.

"If you're not ready, I can wait." That made June was cry at that moment. She pulls her head close to Jeff's chest.

"Thank you." She mumbled in Jeff's white sweatshirt.

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