Chapter 11 ~ Pop Goes the Weasel

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The Next Proxy

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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June woke-up to something warm. Jeff was asleep next to her with his arms wrapped around her waist. She smiles, carefully got up from the bed, gave Jeff a kiss on the lips one last time, before slipping out of his room. June walks down the stairs to see everyone doing the same thing. Sally was talking to her teddy bear, Ben boasting loudly about winning a video game.

Then Slendy emerge out of nowhere, & said. "Good afternoon, June. Are you prepared for today?" June didn't know what to think or feel about this. It was still new to her, her new way of life now. "No now is really, but you will have to be ready for the challenges that lie ahead." June nods her head. "Everybody will be helping you in your training. Mask & Hoodie will help in stealth & agility, Ben will be helping you in weaponry." Slender continued. "Speed with Sally, & Jeff will be the end session for your training. For now Jack will start things off." Slendy said. June looks over at Jack as he got up from the couch, June followed him outside where the hot summer sun heat beat down hard.

"Couldn't we do this somewhere cooler?"

"Better here than anywhere else." He states, crossing his arms, as she tied her long hair in a messy bun. "Slendy told me to teach you some basic moves. I'll show you kicks, punches, & many other things that no one has ever seen before." He said, June nods her head, understanding that this was not going to be easy. "Follow my lead." He then moved into a position with his fists raised & legs apart. June did the same thing. Jack moved her arm slightly to the left, & said. "Pay attention to every movement, every detail I do. If you even miss the smallest detail you're done for. Do you understand?"

June was terrified, but she understood him completely; she nods her head. Jack then slowly started to move his arm in his punching style. She followed in pursuit, after two punching motions he turned his body slightly to the left & put his elbow out. After a couple of moves Jack told June to do the same movement over & over till she can do out without thinking about it.

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After 8 hours of back breaking work, the sun was already half way up into the sky, but June's body felt numb to the core. Every combat move Jack has shown her is etched into her mind that it's all that she could think of. She was drenched in sweat & her hair stuck onto her face. Even though was starting to cool down, but ti didn't seem to cool her down. Jack had pushed her to her limit.

Everyone but Slendy was inside& well rested while June was out here working her ass off. Slender started walking over to them & said. "That's good enough. Thank you for you assistance, Jack." Jack nodded his head & stopped. He turned to June & patted her head.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?" But June glared at him with flames in her eyes. June stumbled her way back to the mansion, burst open the door. Ben, Sally, & Jeff were in the living room watching TV when Jeff saw June struggling to get up the stairs.

Suddenly she fell to her knees on the first steps of the stairs. Jeff hurries over to June, touched her forehead & cheeks, she was burning & exhausted from the lack of sleep. Jack must have really worked June to the bones. Jeff scooped June in his arms, carried her all the way up the stairs to her room, kicked the bathroom door open with his feet, started the bath tub with ice cold water. After the bath tub was full, Jeff carries June & jumps into the cold icy water with June.

She gasped a lung full of air as the coldness of the water consumed her, but it felt refreshing too as the heat & sourness started to melt away. Jeff however started to shiver, wrapped his arms around her securely, resting is chin on her shoulder, taken in the sweet fragments of her strawberry scented dark brown curly hair. "T-Thanks...Jeff." June said with a raspy voice as she passed out in his arms. Jeff saw that she looked warned out, but she looked peaceful too as she fell asleep in his arms.

Jeff continued washing off June's body with the cold water. Gently pouring the cold water on top of her head, neck, chest, & arms till her tempter was back to normal. Then he lifted her out of the tub, dried her off with towels, & carried her to her bed. He removed her sweaty soaked clothes with a fresh pair of dark purple flannel pattern pj pants, but when he went to grab a shirt for her, his widen when he saw his black with a skull on it that June worn when she first came to the mansion. That was the first time they slept together; the first time he had ever slept with anyone before. And to be honest it felt good being so close to someone; it reminded him when Liu & him used to share a bed together when they were little.

That memory brought a smile to his face, but it also brought painful memories of that dark night where he murdered his entire family, the first murder he had done, & there was no going back on that. "What was done." Jeff thought to himself.

Snapping out of his thoughts he put the black shirt on June, then laid next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as gently as he can so he wouldn't hurt her sore muscles.

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As the sun set over the thick trees, there was a knock on the door. June opens her eyes to find herself in her room with Jeff sleeping next to her. A smile spread across her face as she lightly brushed pieces of his black coal hair. She slowly crawled out of her bed, but her entire body still ached as she struggled to walk over to the door & opened it. As she opened it Jack was there standing with a jar of some weird green liquid gel. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked. June frowned at him.

"Still sore, thanks to you."

Jack nervously chuckled as he handed her the jar. "Here, Slendy made this, it's helps with the aches & pain. Do it two times now & two times before going to bed, also I brought you your dinner." He said as he pulled up a tray of food, making June's stomach growl out load.

"Thanks, Jack." She said as she took the tray away, & closed her door. She walked over to her desk, sat herself down & began eating. Suddenly she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. June turned to see Jeff, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Good afternoon sleepy head." She said cheerfully.

"Mmmm..." Jeff groaned. Jeff grabbed another chair & sat next to June as he rested his head on her shoulder while she continued eating her supper. After she was done, she crawled back to bed.

"Hey, Jeff. Could u rub this on my back?" She said holding the jar. Jeff's smile widen as he nodded his head. Without hesitation he jumped on the bed, grabbed the jar from June as she began to remove her shirt...then her bra. But she still covered her boobs with her arms as she laid on the bed on her stomach, still covering her boobs as both of their faces turned bright red. After he applied the green gel like liquid on his hands, he began rubbing it onto her back. It felt weird at first, but then she gotten used to it. To be honest it felt amazing, all the aches & pains began to disappear with each rub. "Mmm...Jeff, you're an amazing massager." June said as a moan escapes her lips.

This made Jeff felt something that was unknown to him, but them he soon realized it when he saw something poking out of his pants. His entire bleached white face turned a deep shade of red. Jeff quickly got off the bed, & ran out of the room. June looks up to see Jeff gone. "Jeff?!" She pulled back on her shirt, & ran over to Jeff's room. but she try opening the door, it was locked. She banged on the door. "Jeff?" Another knock. "Jeff! Open up! What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?!" But Jeff would not answer who he was far too embarrassed to come out, so he hid himself in the bathroom till things died down.

After a while of banging on Jeff's door, June gave up, sigh heavily, & walked back to her room. Closing the door from behind, changed back into her pajamas, walked over to her backpack, & took out the book. She slowly opened it because of happened last time, but nothing happen, but a piece of paper slipped out, landed on the sheets. June picked up the note, & began reading it.

"My dearest June,

By the time you read this you've already found out our family secret. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you this sooner, but I had to wait for the proper timing of your awake...or better yet ending it so you wouldn't have to go what I had to do. But I was wrong about it...very wrong. It was apart of me, & now it's apart you, & you must defend your title, & bring peace to our world & the next.

I know this may seem too much for you to handle, but I made sure that you are prepared for what happens to you. That is why I gave you this book in my will. This book was past down from our family for generations; it has instructions, lessons on spells, & how to control your powers. Learn them, complete them one at a time, & someday you'll be able to become the next Proxy.

The Slenderman will help you along the way. I'm so sorry to keep this from you, & other secrets that you'll have to find out yourself. I don't have much time as I can hear Lord Zalgo's minions coming up the stairs Please forgive me, I love you June. Be a good girl, be strong for me.


Grandmother Nicole."

June felt tears running down her cheeks. She whipped them away as a smile spread across her face suddenly she heard a scratching noises coming from her bedroom door. She got up from her bed, & opened it to find Smiles standing on the other side, wagging his tail. "Smiles? What is it, boy?" June said as she knelt down to Smiles' level, petting his soft red & black fur. "Do you wanna come sleep in my room?" Smiles barked in excitement, wagging his tail faster. June smiles, opened the door wide enough for Smiles to walk in.

Smiles leaped onto the bed, making a spot for him to sleep. As June locked her door, she climbed into the sheets, turned off her lamp, & snuggled close to Smiles. Smiles was warm & comforting to June as she fell into a deep sleep.

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There was a man probably around 19 years old, was sitting in a corner next to a pile of dead bodies that he had killed not too long ago. He inhaled a lung full of his cigarette, & sighed heavily as the smoke swirled around his head. He stares back at the creature with a gas mask & a pair of goggles.

"Stripes? What in the world brings you out to visit little ol' me?"

"My Lord needs competent followers, Alex...So here I am."

"I see." Alex said as he let out another blow of smoke, then glares at Stripes. "Now, if I refuse to follower your Lord?" He questioned. Stripes' lips curled into a twisted smile.

"I am a very...persuasive person." Stripes said. Alex stands up from the ground with a grunt as his cigarette falls to the ground, & his shoes crushed it into the gravel.

"Well then..." Then he cracks his neck. "Persuade me." He said as he held up his bloody axe; Stripes held up her long black claws in fight position.

"My pleasure."

"Where on my wall do you want your head to hang?"

"Very funny Alex. Very funny." Then Stripes sprints toward Alex, but he defends himself with his axe as her claws clashed onto it. "Hey Alex..." She growls. "I have two hands." Then she swung her other claws at Alex, cutting through his blue blood stained shirt, leaving a new tares mark on it. "You have one axe."

"Shit" He snarled, then Stripes kicks him in the stomach as blood came out of his mouth.

"Did you not think that one through?" She said as Alex flew backwards, & smacked against the wall. Stripes stares at him for a moment. "Is that it? How pathetic." She snarled as she walks toward Alex as he laid there bleeding from his chest. Stripes kneels down at his level. "Now I need you to talk me to the Shadow Walker. We'll need him too." Alex groans as he got up.

"Fine. I'll take you to him."

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The moon shines high up in the black abyss, as it's milky white glow screeched out all over June's room. It was around 3 in the morning; June was dreaming about her & Jeff, when she starts to hear a sound. A sound that she hasn't heard before. It's a sound of some curious music. As June jumps off the ground, she looks around, noticed small light bulb lights all around her. "What the hell?" Noticed all tattered tents, booths with games & the prizes were stuff animals, but they looked like they were hanged as there was a rope around the neck, & bits of blood was splattered all over them. Old torn down amusement rides, as June wonders around at this...sight, she hears a man singing.

"Come little children

I'll take thee away,

Into a land of enchantment...

Come little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden

Of magic...

Follow sweet children

I'll show thee the way

Through all the pain and

The sorrows...

Weep not poor children

For life is this way

Murdering beauty

And passion...

His now dear children

It must be this way

To wear of life and


Rest now my children

For soon we'll away

Into the calm and

The quiet...

Come little Children

I'll take thee away,

Into a land of enchantment...

Come little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden

Of shadow..."

She's not sure what to make of it. As she looks around to find the source, she sees a man prancing around on top of a tent. The biggest one there. As he was prancing around he had a music box in his hands, behind the full moon, singing as if he had not a care in the world. "What the fuck? Who is that?" June saids to herself silently.

Then she noticed the man jumping off the curious tent & starts to prance toward the entrance. As the man prances inside, June slowly follows behind. June is curious as if she was a little child again as the melody soothed her, controlling her body to follow the music.

As she reaches the entrance, she noticed that the man stop singing & he was nowhere in sight. Yet there was one spot light, dead center of the curious tent. Everything else was dark. As June slowly approaches it, she hears music playing. As June walks it was a familiar tune that she used to hear as a small child. June find herself singing along to it. "Pop goes the weasel." But then she find herself dead center in the middle of the curious tent; looking around all she could see was pure darkness.

As fast as light was was gone. June finds herself surrounded i complete darkness, she starts to panic. Her heart racing, coming out of her chest, but as the light turned back on there were figures standing around her. There were the small size as Sally. Small figures, slowly inching there way toward June. "Who the hell are you?" June balls her fist up just like how Jack taught her, ready to fight, but June gets a good image on them, & sees that they were children. From ages 6-11. Some looked like they were 15, 16.

They had cuts, burns all over their bodies. They had body parts missing, had their eyes missing, some had bite marks on their shoulders. Some had burns on their faces & legs. They were surrounding June; grabbing a hold on her, ripping her apart, June screams in pain. As she tries to fight back, but that didn't help.

Before June blacks out, she wakes-up back in her bedroom. She breaths in a lung full of air, sweat dripping down her face. Smiles jumps too from his spot. "Was it all a dream?" June thought. "But it felt so...real."

She got up from her bed, walked to the bathroom to splash her face with some cold water, & walks back when she hears Smiles growling. "Smiles? What's the matt-" Then she saw what Smiles was growling about. There...on the edge of her bed was a bloody rage doll. She kicks it away & screams because it was just so frightening to see it, wraps her arms around Smiles, hiding her face into his fur.

Suddenly she heard Smiles growl again; she peeks up, looks in the mirror to see a figure standing behind her. As June sees the figure she screams into his fur. The figure appears to be some sort of clown, but the features were all wrong. All twisted & evil looking. "What the hell is wrong with me? I need to pull myself together." June looks to see that it was 5:27 a.m. The sun wasn't even out yet, but it felt like she needed to go on a long walk, some fresh air would help clear her mind from the bad dream.

June pulls on a black & gold St. Olaf College sweatshirt from her cousin, a pair of gray skinny jeans, & her maroon colored shoes. Thought that it would be safer if she brought Smiles with her, but as she quietly down the stairs. She hears one of the bedroom doors open. June peeks over to see a small figure walking through the dark empty hallway. June slowly follows the figure, but it turns out to be Sally.

"Sally..." No response. "Sally..." June whispered, Sally seems to be sleep walking. Sally walked down the stairs as June quietly followed her behind. Ben was still sleeping on the couch with a gamer controller in his hand, drool dripping from his mouth. Sally walks out the door, onto the yard, & into the dark woods. June knows that Sally doesn't go hunting alone without Smiles with her. "Come on, Smiles." June said as she ran after Sally.

Deeper, deeper June went as she kept following Sally. Suddenly she starts hearing that familiar melody. The same one from her dream before. "" June thought. But in the far distance she sees shadowy figures watching her. She can't quit see, but they appear to be children. Not doing anything, not walking just standing there & staring. "No no no no...Not again." June saids to herself as she began running. But the farther she runs the more children appears before her. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!?!"

As June looks behind, facing the direction she was running. A child was standing right in front of her. Blocking her path, but she kicks the kid to the floor, & ran even faster. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" But when she looks back she sees that it was just a doll. Just a doll. Just a bloody, torn doll. As June shakes her head in disbelief she starts to run off after Sally again. After a couple of miles she looks back, noticed that the children were gone. No more following her. "Finally...Those creepy...c-children are gone, huh Smiles." June sighed heavily as Smiles simply wags his tail, but then he stops, & starts growling.

Then she sees Sally lying on the ground in the middle of a field; June runs over to Sally, shaking her awake-up. "Sally? SALLY!!!" But Sally was still asleep. "What the hell is going on?"

Suddenly she hears the same curious music from her dream. Then bright light beamed on her, as she covers her eyes from the light, she noticed that she was back in the same curious, yet theres no children, no music, just a man. The same man she saw in the mirror, standing there. "Hello there June. Do you know who I am?"

"Honestly I don't give a fuck." As she stands in her fighting position. "Now tell me this. Why are you follow me?"

"Well that's a good question. a very good question. There are good reasons. I have my you?" June stares at him with fear in her eyes. "I love the pure & utter spot in it. The feeling of children's blood running down my hands. Watching the light in their eyes fade away. I just love...killing." June stares at him with fear in her eyes. "Exactly." He said as he charges at June.

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Hello my fellow readers RaddyMaddy here,

Sorry it took 2 months since my last upload. Buy don't worry I'm getting there.

Comment it, follow me, vote, Vote, & VOTE!!!


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