Chapter 3 ~ Go To Sleep

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The Next Proxy

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Outside the walls of Lord Zalgo's castle, a shadowy figure crept through the night without ever making a sound. His hood was up to cover his face; he looked up at the enormous stone wall. The shadowy figure grabbed a piece of rope from his hoodie pocket, tied the end, swung the rope around & around & around, then released it into air, the rope sailed in the air, then grabbed into the wall, the figure tugged it to see if it'll hold.

The figure then climbed up the stone wall, as soon as he reached the top; he crept over, & then leaped down onto the dirt ground like he was some kind of super-being. He quickly ran toward a door that was hiding behind a dead tree. The door lead to the cellar, it was almost like secret passage so the hooded figure hide in the shadows & ran toward the door without any of the guards knowing that he was 3 inches away from them.

The hooded figure ran through the dark tunnels, he could see through the dark so well that he didn't even need a flashlight. Once he was out of the tunnel he was in the dungeon, he peered through the steal cells; he searched, & searched, & searched to find the person he was ordered to find. Suddenly he stumbled across a cell where a human girl all curled up in her bed, sound asleep.

He looked down to see the lock on the cage, he brought out a very sharp kitchen knife from his hoodie pocket, & jiggled with it, then finally the lock was undone. The figure quite opened the cell, crept up to the girl, laid slowly on the bed, he laid his body closely against June's; he could feel the warmth of her body, it was a good sign that she was still alive.

"Pssssst! Hey lady! Wake-up!"

"Mmmmmm..." June mumbled in her pillow, she felt warmth coming from somewhere so she cuddled closer to keep warm from the freezing air of the cell.

"Hey! Are you deaf?! I said GET. UP." June felt an arm around her shoulder, shaking her body to wake-up. Her eye's shot open in surprise.

"W-what?! Who said that?!" June suddenly saw a man laying in her bed, his face was so close that their noses were touching.

"Morning Sunshine." The man said. June screamed at the top of her lungs, she was more terrified that this man was in her bed. June quickly got up, grabbed her pillow, & gave the man a smack down with it. "Hey! Cool it! LISTEN! We really don't have a lot of time & I have a lot to expl-" But before the man could say another word June smacked the pillow right into the man's face. *THWACK*

The man was losing his passions, so he grabbed the pillow, throw it onto the ground, pined June down onto the bed. June tried squirming out of his grip, but he was too strong for her. "P-please don't hurt me! I'm not ready for this?! I'm still a virgin! SOMEONE HEL-" The man placed his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet.

"That's ENOUGH. Now you are going to shut the heck up & LISTEN to me." The man said, he digged through his hoodie pocket again, then brought a ring. It was June's ring that her grandma gave to her. The man grabbed her right hand, & said with ring on her ringed finger. "This ring. It's a powerful talisman. WHATEVER YOU DO. Do NOT take it off. Got it?" He let go of mouth, & stepped off the bed. June slowly rose from the bed.

"S-so... y-you're not gonna rape me?" The man's furrowed, & said.

"Why would I rape? It's not my thing, I'm more into murdering people in cold blood." The man grinned at June. "And besides you said that you're still a virgin, right?" June's face light up like a Christmas tree.

"What?! Wait... nut I-"

"NO BUTS. Thanks to that little tantrum of you're, I don't have time to explain. Just keep it on. It should keep you safe for now. Now get out of my way & go hide underneath the bed."

"You know WHAT? I just realized that this has got to be a messed up dream? You know why? Cause stuff like this isn't NORMAL. Not even for ME. And if you knew me at all, you'd know tha's really saying something."

"My GOSH do you ever stop talking? If this is how you're gonna be the entire time, this assignment is going to be a NIGHTMARE."

"Sorry..." June said as she hide underneath the bed. She could only see was the man's black dressed pants, & black teeny-shoes that had mug, & bits of blood spots on them. "This is really not smart. Why am I listening to this guy? If this is some kind of trap, I just blatantly walked into it..." She said to herself.

*Creeeaaakkk* June heard the bed creak, then felt weight on her back. She peeked her head a bit to find the man hiding himself underneath the bed sheets. "What? What the heck is that creep up to?" The man chuckled under the sheets. "Okay, I've gone long enough on this crazy thing. Just what do you think you're doing?!" But before June could yell even louder she heard the cell door opening, she quiet herself, & quickly hide under the bed.

The same masked figure walked in with a tray of food. The figure stopped in his tracks, & said to himself. "Strange... I could have sworn that the same signal from before was still present. Perhaps I was mistaken..." The figure set the tray down, & walked over to the bed; June felt her heart pound against her chest, almost about to burst. June covered her mouth so that he wouldn't hear her breathing. "Even so... I should still check on the human just to be sure. Lord Zalgo has no tolerance for insolence, so I had better be certain."

The masked figure lifted the sheets up to only find the hooded man underneath. The man's grin was wider then usual. "Hey there neighbor~" The masked figure's eyes were full of fear as he stumbled back.

"Oh crap. It just had to be this guy..."

The hooded man leaped out of the bed with his knife in hand. "Oh you know how these things go. Ole' Zalgo, & my boss are both after the same thing. It's nothing personal." The man gave the figure a wicked death stare as he brought his knife closer. "You're just in the way of my end game. Sorry buddy. RAW deal." Just before the figure could move the man jabbed his knife into the figure's throat. The figure coughed up blood, tried to crawl out for dear life, but the man jabbed his knife again into it's back. He stabbed it's back 37 times till the figure stopped moving.

June had never been more terrified in her life, like more terrified of the man then of Lord Zalgo. She hided farther under the bed, she began to have a panic attack. "Oh my gosh... Oh my gosh... This isn't a dream. This man is going to kill me." She told herself.

She saw the man's legs walk over to the bed, knelt down, & held out a hand. "Ok lady! It's safe to come out now! The mess is gone & everything! Noe follow me. We really gotta get going." June didn't take his hand, she pushed herself out of the bed, glared at him, & said.

"Get GOING?! You're insane! Why the heck would I go with you?! I just saw you murder a guy in cold blood! I'm not going anywhere with a monster like you!" June shouted.

"Monster. Awe shucks. You're gonna make me blush. But seriously she the heck up & follow me you ungrateful brat. If it weren't for my boss threatening to beat me to death, I would have already made you 'Go To Sleep' by now." The man's smile dropped to an unfriendly frowns. "Oh... And by the way... the the guy, this 'monster' just saved your pathetic life. I'm literally risking my life to come & rescues you, so I could do without the attitude." June felt guilty for calling this man a monster even though he DID save her life, & is here to rescues her.

"R-really? Wow, I'm sorry I've been stubborn. I just thought the you were here to hurt me; I'm really scared & confused on what's happening right now Sorry for being ungrateful. Anyway, I guess I'll go with you if you'll get he the heck out of here.

"Now that's more like it freckles."

"It's June... actually."

"Haha, good. We better move before any of the guards finds out that you're missing." the man said. June nodded her head. The man held out the same hand, she thought for a moment, but took it. She was so desperate to get away from this place. Even if it means to follow a killer. His hand were ice cold, & yet... they were warm all of a sudden.

The hooded man quietly lead June out of the cage, then down the hallway to a secret door, but then a guard saw them, & screeched a horrible screech. June jerked when the man tugged her arm, & running at full speed. She saw a door that they were heading for; the man shoved June in, & quickly slammed the door shut. There was pounding at the door, along with the same horrifying screech.

She looked around to find herself in pitch black. Panic was creeping in, she breathed heavily, panicking even more. Just before she could cry, she felt something crawling up her arm. It was a hairy spider; June screamed, flinging the spider off. She bumped into the man, turned around & wrapped her arms around him. June was deathly afraid of spiders, & being in the dark all by herself.

June held onto the man's waist for dear life, she didn't want to let go. But then she left a hand on her head while feeling someone's warm breath breathing onto her bare neck. It made June melt inside, but suddenly she realized that she had a mission to get the heck out of here, so she let go of the hug, & said. "I-I'm sorry... It's just... that I HATE spiders as well as being in the dark alone. So l-lets move on." June tried her best to stay strong, but it was so hard to see in the dark. "Ahh... It's so difficult to see when you don't have a flash light around here."

Suddenly she felt the same hand around her's. "Hold onto my hand. I can see through the dark, & I'll get us out of here."

"O-okay..." June said as she blushed from how soft, & smooth his hand felt, then they began their journey down the dark tunnel. It was at this moment that she heard a rumbling. The path to the cellar was closing up, the walls were shifting back together. Right, left, more straight ahead. They choice straight ahead, & they ran.

The walls were moving in faster & faster. The man & June glanced back as the door closed up, if June tripped or stumbled the walls crush her like a grape. The man was running even faster, still holding onto June's tiny hand. June's lungs were burning like they use to do when she go swimming off the lake. She liked swimming, it was much better then being squashed.

And then there was a light ahead of them, a flickering flame of a torch. "It be much better is you would hurry it up." The hoodied man said over the rumbling sound. June constituted on sprinting as much as she could. "And whatever you do." He continued loudly. "Do not fall over. Falling over I think will be the wrong move to make at this moment." They were close, close to fresh air, close to being out of this miserable hell hole. The walls ahead of them shock, & rumbled, & started to close. And they drove through, hit the dirt ground, the man rolled to his feet to see the door closing up completely, & the rumbling stopped.

June feel to her knees, & suck in air. "Well..." The hooded man said cheerfully. "That was close."

"H-HATE..." She gasped.


"H-HATE... *gasp* YOU... *gasp*"

"Breath some more air, the lack of oxygen is making you delirious. June got to her feet, & stayed bent over to hold her breathing. "We better be careful." He advised. "Lord Zalgo could send this other servants to catch us. Let's get a move on, as soon as we get through the well, we'll be safe. It'll be smooth sailing from there."

June stood up straight, nodded her head, & let the man lead the way. They jogged through the woods at a very quietly pace. Finally they reached an old well. It was covered in dried up blood, mos, & rust. June leaned her over to see down the wall. "So is this the way back home? Down this smelly old well."

"Yelp." He said cheerfully. Just before could say anything they heard the same screeching coming towards them; the man grabbed June bridle style, & leaped into the wall. June screamed while closing her eyes, & holding onto dear life on the man's white hoodie again. She felt the air moving her around like a rag doll. Almost like she was fly, then she felt a thump, & hit her head on the ground.

She opened her eyes to see that she was back home, well not like house home, but earth home. The man groan in pain, they both looked at each other, their noses touching each other. June was laying on his chest, so she quickly got up. The man groan as he got up, but June soon realized that he wasn't wearing his hoodie up. She saw his entire face. His skin was bleach white, his hair was burnt black almost like coal black, his smile was cut so wide that touched one ear tp the next, but what made June hypnotize was his eyes. Yes, his eye-lids were burnt, but the color of his puple was sky blue.

"Wow. His eyes are... beautiful." She told herself. But what to June, she seen him before. The bleached skin, the burnt black hair, the cut out smile, his burnt eye-lids. She gasped, & said. "Holy crap, you're Jeff the Killer!!!" Jeff's smile dropped, he put his hands in his pocket, & angrly walked onward.

"Yea, so? What of it?! Let's keep moving." June began walking with him. They both walked in silence the whole time; it was kinda awkward to June, so she opened her mouth & said.

"So... You're really Jeff the Killer?" But Jeff didn't answer, June continued. "I've heard a lot about you. About the accident, you killing you're whole family in cold blood, & everything." June looked around the woods, but them stumbled right into Jeff. His eyes were angry, she could tell that he was REALLY pissed.

"DROP IT!!!" Jeff yelled. June went quiet instantly, Jeff looked away & kept on walking. June felt guilty even more so going though his personal past.

But then June felt something burning inside of her like a volcano. She yelp, fell to the ground, crying in pain. Jeff looked back to see the girl laying on the floor. He quickly ran up to her; he saw blood trickling down her right arm, he lifted her shirt sleeve to see that the symbol was glowing, & carving deeper into her skin. The deeper the cut made, the more pain June felt. Tears were spilling out of her eyes, she curled up into a ball. The pain was too much for her, she couldn't even walk.

Jeff held a hand to her forehead, & felt that she was burning. "Crap. You haven't fully awakened yet, you're burning up. Here I'll carry you to the mansion. It's not that far from here." Jeff said as he lifted her up bridle style. To Jeff she was light as a feather, he peered down at her pale face, & said. "Don't worry, my boss knows what to do, once get to the mansion. Jeff began sprinting through the woods while carefully carrying June in his arms.

June began to feel dizzy, her head felt light, as well as her the feeling to all of her limbs. She droop her head back, looking up at the stars. Her vision darken, & then June shut her eyes closed.

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*June's Dream*

June was standing in darkness, no light, just in complete darkness. But then she saw a white light, she walks over to the bright light. The light was so bright that it almost blinded her, but then she opened her eyes to find herself in a field of sunflowers. The sunflowers reminded her a few summers ago when she would playing in the field all day with her dearest grandma. They would play hide & seek, make flower crowns, or just lay in the fields, & watch the clouds go by.

The sunflowers were all over the place, so she plucked a flower from the ground. She sniffed the sunflower, the flower's smell smelt like flesh made honey, & sea water. It also reminded her of her grandma. June began plucking some more flowers to make a flower crown, but before she could pick another one she saw the flowers turning into dusty, & the wind blew them away.

She reached up from them, but as her hand faced the sun light, her skin began to creak like glass. Her entire body began creaking into piece, & them her body shattered into broken pieces of glass.

June felt was floating in darkness again, but something was grabbing her. She saw shadowy figure crawling up onto her. She cried out for help, but it was not use. No one could hear her. There were more shadowy figure crawling all over her body. June tried running away, but it was no use she was no match for them.

But then June heard a voice, & felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see that it was her grandma. But she didn't look like herself; her eyes were glowing light blue, her hair was long that touched her ankles, more markings were all over her body. Her grandma was much... younger.

"G-grandma? Is that you?" Her grandma didn't say anything, she just stared at her. But then her grandma brought out a hand to June's mark, & touched it. The mark began glowing, then June's eyes started to glow too. Before June could cry out to her grandma, Nicole said 5 words.

"You are the next Proxy..." Then everything went black.

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Hey guys it's me RaddyMaddy,

U're probably wondering y Jeff, Masky or whoever isn't doing the ending intro thing this time. Well u see, they all needed a break some all the running, jumping thing. U all know how hard it is to do.

Jeff: "U said it, sister."

Ohhh... Kkkk... ._. Anyway here r the normal things. I would be pleased if u all press the little vote, follow, & comment button for me. It would be a BIG help to me since this is a new story & all. Soooooooo yea, please do, & hope to see ya next time.

Jeff: "If not... I'll just have to ask my good friend knify here... Haha... And make u all. Go... To... SLE-"

No Jeff not this time.

Jeff: "Aww, come on. Just one little crave out smile?"


Jeff: "Just a sliver?" X)

*Sigh* *Face palm* -_-"

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