Chapter 4 ~ Always Watches No Eyes

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The Next Proxy

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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June could hear the sound of her heart beat. She fluttered her eyes open, her vision was a blur. She could make out the color of white, & black. June's vision slowly return, she could see that she was in a different place; she was in a king-size bed with black bed sheets, posters of bands, & horror movies were hanging all over the walls, a book shelf, one desk, & a dresser with a half broken mirror.

June slowly got up with a huge headache. Then she saw Jeff sitting on a chair next to the bed; he was polishing his knife. Fear crept back into her body, Jeff turned a pale face, & smiled his forever smile. "Finally you're awake." He said as he put the knife on his dresser, grabbed a glass of water, & handed it to her. "Here, drink this. You need some water in your system or you're gonna pass out."

"Is he saying that I'm weak?!" June thought to herself. June has pride against being weak, she even hated the thought of being weak. She felt the strength coming back to her legs, she got out of bed like it was no big deal, then stood in front of Jeff with her hands to her hips. "I don't need your pity or water as you can before you. I can manage to stan-" But then her legs gave out, her body was light as a feather. She saw the floor coming at her, but she didn't hit it, she turned her face toward Jeff who held her close to his chest. Both faces flushed pure red, but Jeff snapped out of it, & carefully brought her back to the bed.

"You & your foolish pride." Jeff said laughing. June glared at him. Suddenly the door creaked open, then a pair of white long fingers. Then long arms, long legs, long torso, & what feared June the most was the faceless face. Her heart pounded against her chest like a beating drum; sweat fell from her forehead, she couldn't move, June felt like she was paralyzed from the faceless man's stare.

"This has to be a dream... There's no way that I'm looking at the Slenderman in the face, & not being killed instantly." June told herself. Jeff sat in the chair & said.

"June, this is my boss, the Slenderman." June still couldn't move, she was more terrified then before all of this awakening thing happen last night. Her heart felt was beating so fast, she felt like she could pass out or die from a heart-attack.

"That man... No... That thing... I-I can't move... I... I'm afraid... I have to get away!"

"June! Snap out of it child! You have nothing to fear. You are of no value to me dead." Slenderman said, his voice was much deeper then Lord Zalgo's, & yet it had a softer side in it.

"W-wait! How do you know my name?! Oh! And for the record being of 'no value to you dead' DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL ANY SAFER." June said. Slenderman stared at me for a moment to see how terrified June was, but June could make out his expression to see that he was a bit sad for some reason.

"So you really don't remember me... do you?" Slenderman asked. June arched her eye-brows, & said.

"The only thing I remember is that YOU'RE the Slenderman. A video game that give people nightmares for weeks on end. How are you REAL?!... Or am I just going mad?" June said as she set down on the bed; Slenderman looked over at Jeff & said.

"Jeff, can you give us a moment? There's something I would like to speak with Ms. Alastar here, alone." Jeff huffed in annoyance, & left the room. June actually wanted Jeff to stay in the room so she wouldn't have to be in the same room with the Slenderman. Slenderman walked up closer to the bed, set on the chair, & just stared at June. He sighed. "June, do you remember. Even the tiniest sliver of ANY memory of your's of me being your best friend?"

"What?! Whoa, whoa, whoa wait?! You were my best friend? Since when did we became finds?" June said. Slenderman rubbed his chin.

"Hmm... Nicole was right, you completely lost your memories of your friendship after the accident." June suddenly remembered that she was in a car crash when she was about 5 yrs. old, but that was about it that she remembered. "Maybe, just maybe I can return you memories with a little brain power."

"Y-you're not gonna eat my brain, are you?!" June said while covering her head, Slenderman held out a hand, & said.

"Settle down, June. I don't eat brains, I only eat naughty children who wonders around my woods." Slenderman said. June gulped. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you. Like I told ya before you are no value to me dead. I'm just gonna job your memory with some gifts."

June was kinda happy that he wasn't gonna eat her. Slenderman turned his back to her, & slowly brought out an old dusty box that had her name written on it. He opened the box, dug through it until he brought out a small old doll. It looked exactly like Slenderman, white faceless face, black suite, red tie, black tentacles coming out of his back.

He handed the doll to June, she grabbed, & studied it. It looked like the handy work of her grandma's. June shook her head & said. "Still nothing, sir." Then Slenderman brought out paper of drawings; they were drawings of a little girl, & Slenderman next to her, & next to the drawing were words saying "Slendy + June BFF" June stared long & hard at the drawing, but shook her head again. "Nothing. Not a single memory of your friendship, sir."

"Then here are some photos of us when you were 3 yrs. old. That was our 1st anniveristy of your friendship." Slenderman said. June took the photo, & looked at it. She saw Slenderman wrapping his arm around a little girl, but then June realized that it was her who was the little girl in the picture. During kindergarten June would always wear mis-match clothes like a pink tutu, mis-match colored socks, wore a funny looking t-shirt, & always put her hair up in pig-tails.

Suddenly like a shock wave she saw a vision in her mind, a little girl who was... rather lonely. June was the little girl, she remembered when she was walking home from school, because her school wasn't far from home. She loved walking home alone where she can be herself in peace.

*Flash Back*

One sunny day, 5 yr. old June was walking home from school like usual. The sun warming her tiny face, the spring breeze brushing her 2 pony-tails back, the smell of freshly bloomed flowers greeted her nose.

June always carries an old school bag that had all of her art stuff like paper, pencils, coloring pencils, markers, crayons, etc... Just an average normal day, but then she heard voices behind her, she turned around to see 3 boys walking up to her.

"Hey look? It's freak show here." The boy in the red hat said. The other's laughed. "Hey freak, why aren't you at the circus already, they're gonna start it with out ya." Th boy in the red hat said again as he roared with laughter.

"The zoo called & said that they wanted their missing animal back." Said the boy with 2 buck teeth sticking out; they all laughed louder, & stepped closer to June. June step back, she was afraid of them, but before June could do anything One boy shoved June down to the ground, she collapsed with all of her art stuff everywhere.

June tried collecting her stuff back, but the boys grabbed them first, & started destroying them. They ripped her drawings, crashed her crayons, stomp on her pencils, etc... Tears were welling up in her eyes, after the boys were done destroying here stuff, they all looked at her, & smiled a wicked smile. "Now, lets do the same thing to freak here." The boy said, they all agreed, & went after June, but unlike the boys she was a fast runner.

She run faster, & faster, & faster. The boys kept chasing her, then June turned towards the forbidden woods that no one should ever enter. The boys came to a halt, they went going anywhere near the woods, for that they heard of stories of a horrifying creature that haunts the woods, taking naughty children who ever dares to go into the woods will never EVER come back.

"HAVE FUN WITH THE SLENDERMAN YOU FREAK OF NATURE?!" The boys said, but ran faster, & faster, deeper into the woods. Her lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen; her tiny legs were about to give out so she stopped at an old oak tree, & rested against the tree. Tears were already falling down her rosy cheeks. She couldn't help, but to cry to herself. June cried, & cried, & cried ever so loudly.

Then June senses something in the distance, so she followed her senses & began walking towards the signal."I was alone now..." Herself said.

Suddenly she stumbled upon a very tall dark figure. June thought it was another person who was lost in the woods, but as she got closer she saw that he was taller then the average human height. He wore a black suite with a red tie. "Maybe he's a business man?" But the closer she got to the figure the more she realized that he was NOT human. He had tentacles coming out of his back, his skin was pasty white, & what's worse that the tall figure had no face. No eyes, no more, no nose, no ears, nothing. Just a face without a face.

But little June wasn't afraid of him, she thought maybe he got chased into the woods too, maybe he's just like her. An outcast who wants a friend. "I was alone... But I saw a tall man. And I wanted to be his friend."

"Hello." June said, holding out her tiny hand. "I'm June. What's your name? Are you lost like I am?" But the figure didn't answer, he just tilted his head, & said with a rough voice.

"Aren't you gonna run & scream?"

"Huh? Why should I run & scream? There's nothing here that could scare me?"

"Do you even know who I am?" The man said, but June just shook her tiny head. "I'm the Slenderman. Everyone's worst nightmare, I'm the creature that haunts these woods. The one who eats children that wonders through my woods."

June just stood there, smiling at Slenderman. "I'm not afraid of you. I wanna be your friend. If you want to?" She said as she held out her hand again. Slenderman stared at the hand, then he took it, & said.

"You can call me Slendy for short." Slendy said, as they both walked down the trail. June had never been more happier in her life then ever before. Now she had a real friend.

"He held my hand... & took me away."

*End of Flash back*

June blinked her eyes as tears fell from her face. The tears fell down onto the photo; she looked up at Slendy & said. "S-Slendy?" Slendy nodded his head, & said.

"Welcome back, my old friend." She leaped into his long arms, & wrap her's around his slender neck.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Jeff, June, & Slendy were all in the living of an old mansion that was abandon for yrs. There was a lot of stuff to explain to June, there were a lot of questions to be answered.

"Now June, I understand the incredible sonfusion you're feeling right now. The ever so thin veil separating your consciousness from our world was completely torn open after Nicole passed on. Am I correct?"

"Nicole?! Wait! How do you know my grandma's name? Just what is going that has to do with grandma, & I?"

"My gosh! So she really never told you a thing! I mean, I know she was a stubborn old thing, but I had no idea just how downright irresponsible she was willing to be for the sake of pride!" Angry was boiling inside of June, even though Slendy is her long lost best friend for yrs., but he should ever said that to begin with.

"Hey! Watch it! Even though you're my best friend, but no one speaks ill of my grandma. How dare you?! Have you got no respect for the dead?!"

"Oh joy! Looks like the temper runs in the family! *sigh* Well if she really didn't tell you any of this, looks like I've got a lot of explaining ahead of me." Slendy hands a chair to June, & they both sat down.

"June, child. Do you really believe that the strange things that you have been seeing your entire life are insignificant? Is there even the tiniest thought in your head that you aren't mad?Perhaps you were born this way, not coincidentally, but for a true purpose?

My dear you are not a flaw. You are part of an ancient blood line that is far greater than yourself. You can not even being to comprehend the significant of it.

You are the descendant of a long lineage of Proxies. For thousands of yrs, your family have been responsible;e for the producing the Proxies. One born every generation, only one awakened at a time. Because your father didn't awaken, he lost his ability to become the next Proxy. Thus leaving you to take your grandma's place, & thus the responsibilities of the Proxy falls to you."

"My father was gonna become the next Proxy, but he wasn't able to? Why's that?"

"We don't know why, but now it's your turn to be the next Proxy."

"Please! Can't you just pick someone else more suitable for this type of stuff or perhaps my other sisters too. Close them to be the Proxy."

"Proxies are born, not made Ms. Alastar. Not until you yourself bear a child will you be able to be relieved of your title, also your sisters aren't suitable for this because you are the only one who has the Proxy blood in your veins, they don't. As of now, you alone can be the Proxy, & there must always be a Proxy. The consequences otherwise would be disastrous!

June, the balance of our 2 worlds has always been very delicate. The Proxy has always played the crucial role of bridging the gap so that both worlds can cohabited with one another. I know this may seem very unfair to you, but it's more than just your life that is on the line here!"

June's heart sank to the bottom of her stomach from how serious this job is. "You're right. It's not fair. But if what you said is true; if I don't do this & countless people will get hurt, how could I possibly refuse? How could I even live with that?"

"That's very mature of you June. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but honestly I was expecting you to put up a lot more of a fight. Anyways, you needn't to look so own! Being a Proxy isn't so bad! It is a highly honored & beloved title that I'm certain you'll grow to embrace given the time." Slendy said; June looked up at his face, she could tell that he was smiling back at her if he had a face to begin with.

Jeff got up from his spot, & walked toward the door, & said. "Yippee! Touching moment. Blah blah blah. are we done here? I'm gonna go make a little... house call down the street. That couple in that cabin was practically begging to Go To Sleep heh heh..."

"Hold it right there Jeffery! You're not going anywhere!"

"Aw what the heck man! You said I could go after we made sure she was safe & you got a chance to talk to her. I got here out of Zalgo's castle, & you've had your little chat. Mission accomplished!" Slendy was getting annoyed of Jeff.

"Mission NOT accomplished! I was operating under the pretense that young Ms. Alastar was already well aware of her birthright, & had been training for the day of her awakening for the past decade! This changes everything! We can't leave her alone now! She's completely defenseless!" Slendy yelled.

"Defenseless? Defenseless? You crealy didn't see the way she freaking pummeled me when I first got there! That woman is as defenseless as a CHARGING rhinoceros." June got up from her chair, stomped over to Jeff.

"Excuse me?! Just what was I supposes to do you jerk?! I woke up to a strange man in my bed. You're lucky it was just a pillow I was swining."

"Oh that's REAL nice. Call the man who just saved you life, & rescued you! See if I ever do it again you little snot!" Temper was rising all over the living, Slendy snapped, & shouted as loudly as he could to shut the both of them up.

"That's enough! I have had it with the hostilities! You 2 are going to need to learn to get along whether you like it or not!" Then he turned to Jeff. "Jeff, this is an order. You will stay with & protect Ms. Alastar until she has the ability to protect herself."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh... FINE I"LL DO IT ALRIGHT?! YOU HAPPY NOW!!!" Jeff shouted, stomp his way to a room, & slammed the door behind him. Slendy fell down onto the couch, held his head, & sighed heavily.

"Really charmer isn't he, Slendy?"

"He's a PAIN. It's tough handling him around when all he wants to do is going off stabbing people willing." Suddenly a phone rang, it was coming from Slendy's pocket. He picked up the phone, & held it to his face. "Hello?... R-right now?.... Yes... Alright, I'm on my way." Then he hang up the phone. "Sorry June, I'll answer more of your questions later, but of right now I have to be at a meeting with the councilors right now. Since there are no beds around the place yet, & I can't leave you alone in a room by yourself yet, I would for you to stay in Jeff's room till I get your room prepared."

June sighed. "Alright." Slendy nodded his head, then just like in the video game Slendy disappeared into thin air. She walked toward Jeff's room, the door was painted black with a sigh stay out sigh attached to it. June opened the door to see Jeff laying in his bed staring at the ceiling. As soon as June shut the door, Jeff turned his head, formed a frown of his face.

"Oh great. What do you want, princess?"

"Shut your trap for a second. *sigh* Slendy told me that he's at a meeting with the councilors, & he doesn't think it's a good idea for me to be in a room by myself so I'm staying here until he gets a room for me, soooooooooooooooo deal with it."

He sighed, turned around, walked over to his dresser brought out black sweat pants, & a black t-shirt that had a skull of it. He handed the clothes to June. "Change."


"Just do it." June didn't want to argue with him even farther, so she grabbed the clothes, walked over to a corner, & began undressing herself. After she was done, Jeff began taking off his white hoodie, through it onto the carpet floor, & hop into the bed. June huffed, & got into the bed, too. Jeff grabbed a black night mask, & pulled it over his eyes; June rested her head on the soft pillow as Jeff turned off the lights.

For a few minutes, June turned her body towards Jeff, & whispered into his ear. "Jeff?"

"Hmmm..." He mumbled in annoyed.

"Thank you, for saving my life." Then she faced her back to him, & fell asleep. Jeff's body shifting, nobody thanked him before, ever in his life. This was the first time that someone thanked a killer like him.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

June: "Hello again everyone. So sorry about the long wait on this chapter. Unfortunately the writer hadn't been able to write or been able to go near a computer for being so busy with families, summer job, etc... Thank you again for all the support, it really wouldn't be possible without-"

LJ: "Hey boys, & girls. It's me, your favorite clown, Laughing Jack. Why am I doing in the in ending intro you may ask? Well, this story is just terribly boring, I mean just listen to this pathetic sobbing touching moment scene. Where's the passion? Where's the gore?"

June: "Excuse me?!"

LJ: "Hey! Don't need to get rude!"

June: "What are you doing?"

LJ: "I'm just doing the ending intro like I'm doing right now. Geezz..."

June: "You're not even in the story for another few chapters. Go away."

LJ: (showing puppy eyes)

June: "Aww... Fine, you can do the ending intro this time, but only once until you come into the story."

LJ: "Aww thanks. You're a real friend."

June: "Just read the sheets, okay. We've got a lot of work to do for the chapter 5."

LJ: (reading the note card) "Okay. Hello fans. Here are some of the regulars. Press the little fun looking comment, follow, & vote button after you're done reading this. We hope that you're all enjoy this chapter so far, hope to see you again. You see I told ya I can do it."

June: "Uhhh... I don't how the author deals with people like you."

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