Chapter 18: Bolt〰Nightstar〰

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I stand guard over the village with the moon shining bright over head. Darkfang sits up above high in a tree watching with me for the fire animals.

Many of the people are now housed in the great hall for safety and some due to the fact that their homes no loner stand or are unstable.

I hear a snap from the tree Darkfang is in. I look up at her and see her standing ready to jump into the air staring at something. I look where she is looking and see a small orange glow.

She looks down at me and nods in the direction f the glow signaling that we will I check it out. I sigh at the thought of having to fly that far. he jumps up into the air and I run forward before jumping into the air. I fly on her slip stream the whole way making the trip easier.

We separate when we get close to the glowing. She dives into a shadow making her invisible. I glide down into the long grass as silently as I can. I stalk forward like I do when hunting prey in the forest, silently and unnoticed. As I get closer I the glowing I can hear quick clicking like wood being taped together. I look over the grass pulling my ears close to my head.

I see many little balls of fire. Then I notice that they are the fiery animals we had daughter against earlier. An in the center of the cluster if them was this odd looking animal. it was shaped like a huge deer or cow. It had a mane of flames and many tails made of orange an white fire sprouting from its head and legs.

I watch and see that it seemed to be communicating with the animals.

If only Skyress where here we could figure out what they are saying.

All the sounds stop. The flaming cow-deer turned its head and stared in my direction.

I stop myself from moving at all. I start to feel panic as the large flaming animal starts to walk up to me.

" I know your their water one. And your little death leader is somewhere near by."

Should I get up? It probably sees me, I'm not much smaller than my dad.

" Well get up Water! I can't miss when I can sense your presence."I stay where I am.

At this point I really with in could live up to my name. I'm clumsy with my hurt leg. And I really regret that as I wish I could Bolt out of here.

" Well then I guess do would rather stay there." The large flaming animal starts to pace in front of me, but still keeping a little distance between us. " you know Water, I have heard from legend that Death can sense when one is going to die, weather thy are healthy or maimed. And I'm afraid they can sense yours right now." the animal turns its ears.

It's almost like she cant actually see us only sense our presence. She must be looking for some reaction from Darkfang to give away her position. And sees doing the same to me, by trying to make me nervous.

I look at the creatures eyes and see that they are not completely focused on me. But just at the ground near me. I pick up a stone and toss it a few feet away.

It bounces of another stone and the creature walks in its direction. It sniffs the ground where the rock is and looks back up.

" Very clever, I guess you know one of my, weaknesses. But now." It looks strait at me. " I have you cornered"

I look behind me and see that part if the fire animals have deprecated from the large group and made a semi circle behind me. I feel my heart beat quicken.

I start to pull water forwards the surface of the ground. puddles start forming around me and under the fire animals. I can hear a small his as their flames on their bellies start to go out.

" Waters not going to save you this time. Now that I'm with them, they can't die."

I make the water burst out of the ground making a cocoon around me. I start moving away from the animals. the start going after me. there are odd splashing sounds and I look around me and see that the animals are entering my water. their flames don't go out and the start to bite me. I let go of the water and start flying.

The weight o the extra animals pulls me down. I roar as in plummet to the ground unable to slow myself down.

Before I hit the ground I look to my side to see my sister launch herself at the creature controlling the fire animals. her claws extended and expression full of rage. the creature she is launching her attack on is just looking at her smugly. Knowing what Darkfang was feeling when I was being hunted.

I hit the ground.


I wake up feeling startled. singly in the distance I can hear the roar of a dragon. It ends and another one takes its place.

I stand up avoiding stepping on Blazefire's tail. I jump over him and walk to a window. I see a faint glow in the distance. Much like fireworms during migration.

" Everyone get up, their coming back"
I hear the shuffling if my siblings as the start to stand.

I start to lead the way towards the window but Blazefire moves in front of me giving me a look. I want to growl but I don't. We have bigger problems.

We all follow Blazefire as one by one we jump out of the window. we approach Hiccup and Toothless.

" Dad, we can see them. We should meet them outside the village. Then we could cut ten off before They do any real damage."

" Ok. I'll lead us there." he turns to Huccup.

" I just told him. " Twilight says giving Hiccup a small glare before starting to smile.

" That one has some sense of humor" Hiccup says with a smile shaking his head.

We all look at Twilight before following Toothless an Hiccup.

We fly to the edge of the village out to the trees. we wait there and watch as the little Fire animals make their way towards us. We wait high above the ground.

" Silver do you know what their going to do? " Toothless asks.

" Thy are being led by something the call Goldensun. They are all moving towards us the plan on going to another island to prepare for war after they destroy Berk. And- " she stops looking worried.

A flash catches my eye and I look away from my sister to see one of the fire animals coming at my face. I dodge it watching it fall back to the ground.

" Did anyone else just see that or is it just me?" Twilight says staring at the flickering dot on the ground that had been ready to hit me a few seconds before.

" No it's real," Blazefire says staring at the sky ahead of us as some of the fire animals are flying strait at us.

I use my powers to push the wind towards the fire animals In The air. I look at the ground and see that Skyress has started making a rock wall I help too after Twilight takes control of the wind. after the wall is done we all go lower to the ground waiting to see what will happen next,

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