Chapter 2

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It's been seven sunrises since the eight have hatched. They are already fully able to run and walk, learning to hunt. They act oddly though. Unlike normal hatchlings they don't stick to their parent's sides at all times. They stick together in a small flock avoiding any other hatchling that approaches. Darkfang has clearly taken the Alpha position in the flock with Blazefire in beta rank. It's disturbing how naturally they formed the group and ranking. 

I want to return to Berk as soon as possible. To give the hatchlings their own time to adjust to the new environment without having to watch for other dragons being around. Especially with they way they act. Moving them could be a very dangerous plan. They have shown that they have unnatural abilities. Blazefire being able to summon fire, Silver being telepathic along with Twilight. But then there's Darkfang. I worry for her the most for when she gets older. She has shown that death clings to her like an element as does electricity. I'm afraid that when she gets older her power will increase. She will have to learn to control it. She's dangerous and I don't want other dragons or humans coming to kill my daughter because of something she can't fully control,

" You should return for Hiccup. He can bring something to help carry them to Berk since they are not yet strong enough to fly." Nightholly says giving Bolt and Nightstar a worried glance. The two had been much weaker when trying to beat their wings. Bolt's wings appear to not be as wide as they should be. They don't catch as much air as they should, We're hoping his wings will grow but I have my doubts. And Nightstar. He's much weaker than the others. He is the runt, much smaller than any of his siblings. I'm proud to see that Darkfang never leaves him behind, Often having Blazefire lead the others as she runs back to go at Nightstar's speed. 

" You're right. I just wish Fang could do it so that I wouldn't have to leave them here." I say as I watch them run through the grass like a pack of wolves. 

" You know very well why he won't do that. He barely has ever let Hiccup touch him much less ride him.  And I don't believe Hiccup is very fond of him after he accidentally caught some of his designs and other important papers on fire. To a point It was my fault because He asked what a human nest looked like on the inside so I brought him in so he could see and everything escalated from there. 

" Alright," I say. I nuzzle her before Going over to my hatchlings. They understand what we are telling them, but can't themselves speak yet. But that's apparently normal for Night Furys according to Moonflower. 

" Guys come here," I say catching their attention from their game of chase. "I'll be gone for a little while. You stay in line for your mother and Fang okay." I pull Darkfang aside. I know i'll need to tell her I'm bringing someone new or she might see them as a threat and cause damage. " Now Darkfang, when I come back I'll have someone with me. He is my rider I told you guys about the sunrise before. He is very important so don't hurt him when he comes alright."

She gives me an odd look before turning away. I grab her tail and pull her back earning a clearly annoyed glare. " Do you understand?" 

" Yes," She answers in a small voice. " I understand much of what you say," She says before bounding away.

"She's very intelligent. She's learning at an alarming rate. Think about how accurate of  a killer she could be if she keeps advancing "

I'd rather not want to think of that kind for future for my daughter.

" But you know they're different for a reason,"

Sometimes I wonder if the voice isn't actually someone or something else rather than another missing piece of my mind,

I jump into the air picking up speed until like I had only a few times before am flying at the speed of sound. It takes a mere few minutes to reach the island. My home. I slow and circle around until i'm flying at a speed that is suitable to land. 

Hiccup once again surprised me with how fast a one-legged viking can move as he tackles me with a bear hug. Well, his small version of a bear hug. " Bud you're back! Where's Iceshard?" He asks looking for Nightholly. Hiccup decided that was what he would call her. I know where he got the name from. Nightholly's eyes look like beautiful shards of ice. 

I tackle Hiccup down with just my head and start a small game of war. I like the game. Hiccup has something new to say every time we play the game where he pretends I'm attacking him once more as an enemy dragon. "Vikings and Dragons head to head once again! Night Furys everywhere! Ow that once actually kinda hurt" He says rubbing his head while giving me big hatchling eyes and a fake sad face."

" Sometimes I think that you two love each other more than just in a best friend way," Astrid laughs as she interrupts our game to scratch my scales. Hiccup and Astrid are now mated themselves.  Though they call it marriage and they haven't had any human hatchlings yet. " She along with Nightholly like to say the same thing."

Hiccup stands up brushing off dust from the ground as he brings Astrid into an embrace. "Never" He says. I give him a shove before sticking my nose in the air and turning my back away from him. " Oh don't cry big baby," he says hugging my front leg. " I'll always love you too,"

I stand and look back down at my rider with bright eyes. It's time now We actually start getting to business so We can ship the hatchlings back here without dropping any. Hiccup catches on to the new energy and starts for his home. I bring down his saddle and my normal tail fin so he can take of the one i'm using now to fly on my own. It doesn't take long before I am dressed in a new tail and a pair of baskets clipped safely onto the saddle. 

Normally Hiccup doesn't leave without planning ahead but this is exciting for everyone. A new generation of Night furies have been born. 


" Oh they're so cute," Astrid says picking up Darkfang who was giving her a not-so-pleased look as her tail swished back and forth. 

" They're different colors though Hiccup says giving Blazefire and Bolt an odd look.

" Maybe Night furys come in different colors."

" But that doesn't make sense. Night Fury's habitat is the night for hunting and flying at top speeds. And all the adults are pure black with maybe a splotch of dark grey here and there. And-" Hiccup stops as he looks up at something through the window. I look to and she a doe standing there. Shivers run up my back as Astrid gasps. I look back down to see that all of the hatchlings had turned the dark color of the night sky while looking up at us. Skyress and Darkfang looking at each other then out the window then into my eyes. I glance back up to see the doe is gone and so are the dark colors of their red, blue, and white scales." 

Darkfang was giving me a serious look. One of the same expression I was feeling myself. There was something wrong here. My hatchlings aren't normal. Not at all.

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