Chapter 3

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It's been a full moon since my hatchlings first entered the world. Now each the size of a wolf.

Their powers are growing. They're all amazing. It's amazing that Twilight has even entered Hiccups mind. Alarming us all when Hiccup was given a translate of what I said.

But I feel like I'm not doing enough. I feel almost alone as I watch them grow, not staying close to us as they learn. I want to be closer with them, to be able to protect them. Shield them from what ever is coming in their future.


"Hey Darkfang!" someone shouts.

"Oh good Thor now what," It's easier to find a Changewing than find a place to sit alone around here. And having two siblings that happen to be mind readers doesn't help any.

I soften my tone when I see that it's Nightstar running over to me. "Yeah?" He probably just wants to come sit with me like he has before.

" Want to come play hide and seek? We're waiting for you," he says looking up at me with happy eyes.

I brighten at the mention of my favorite game. I may not be able to literally change the colors of my scales to blend in like Silver. But I can almost completely disappear if I stand in a a shadow. And I'm able to make shadows so I'm even able o move while hiding. I'm completely undetectable, even my scent disappears while hiding in a shadow. Hence I win the game fair and square.

" Sure," I say starting to walking with my smaller brother.

Within a few minutes we are already outside Our home. It's just natural not to wonder too far.

" Well now that we're Finally all here, who's going to be the finder?" Twilight asks in an annoying tone.

Now not going to lie, I love all my siblings. But that doesn't mean I can't not get along with them perfectly. Especially Twilight. He purposely gets on my nerves, I asked Silver once why she was like that and she simply said because he was jealous. I don't understand why but I'm glad he doesn't do it twenty-four-seven. Normally when not pushing my buttons he can be quite entertaining with his mischievous

" Why don't you be the finder Twilight," I answer.

" What? Why me?" He asks pulling his ears back against his head.

I huff. " Because it's your turn mouse brain, Silver and I looked last time,"

" Oh, but doesn't my mind reading ability put me at a higher advantage?" He asks with a dramatic fling of his head.

" Well it Hasn't helped you much in the past," Blazefire says head butting Twilights shoulder.

" Oh shut up," Twilight responds before leaping on Blazefire in a play fight.

" Darkfang I want to start the game," Nightstar says looking up at me.

" Come on you two. Some of us actually want to start before the moon rises," I say walking I between the two.

" Why don't you join the game Darkfang?" Twilight says just before one of my legs is kicked out from under me. I stumble to the ground just before being tackled. Im squashed under one of my brothers just as I realize that I'm not going to easily take control of this situation.

" Guys come on," Bolt says in an almost whine.

I sigh at the fact I would have no actual helpful back up being Blazefire was part of the rough housing. And sometimes the best way to get someone's attention is fear. I've heard that it's not good to make others listen with fear, but I don't see what's wrong with it as long as I don't really kill them.

I try to lift myself up but one of my brothers is pinning me down. I let my annoyance run through my scales ending in a sharp electrical shock. A Yelp is instantly followed by the loss of the body weight on me.

" What was that for! We where only playing!" Twilight snaps.

" Please can we just start hiding?"

" Well you're the one who brought me into it," I answer.

Twilight opens his mouth to reply when Bolt buts in, his silver eyes looking between us. " Just stop. You're ruining it for all of us," He says mildly while taking over the situation with his soft, mild mood.

After Twilight gives me a hard stare before he turns to Bolt in his more common excited attitude. It is only a few mere seconds before we have all separated and disappeared into the undergrowth of the nearby forest.  I choose my place near a sweet smelling bush. I wriggle under its low branches and head towards the trunk of the large plant. Hopefuly this time I won't burn part of the forest down. I had not tried but accidents happen regardless of who you are. I just didn't know that lightning could start fires...

But it's awful. I'm always being yelled at for some reason or another. It seems that at least once a day I get some sort of stupid speech from Skyress telling me just how important it is to bring life of the forest into the world rather than destroy it. 

" But you know what SKyress? Everything has to die. And I just happen to be able to control just that whether you, I or Loki likes it or not." I growl out loud."And it's not like you never mess up with our abilities either." 

She once managed to make Hiccup's whole house into a plant sanctuary on accident. I was the only one that could help kill them off without destroying the whole house. That week I was forced to help Astrid remove the plants. I killed it and she swept up the withered plants and threw them out. And Bolt has problems too, once he just tripped and bonked his head on a boulder and in result nearly drowned the village, Sapphire made it snow the other day and it's the hottest season here!

A twig snaps just in front of me. Immediately I pull the shadows around me making myself just a cold spot in dark undergrowth. I open my mouth allowing the scents of the forest flood in. Twilight and Blazefire's scent is strong.  

Blazefire has never been good at the game, either Bolt or Sapphire with their oddly bright scales. I smirk when they pass with no indication of sensing me. I'll win this game.

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