Chapter 28: ➰⚡️Darkfang⚡️➰

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(A/N from now on, the chapters will most likely just be in whatever a POV I choose to go best with the plot line, instead of going in a pattern)


My first impression of StarNight wasn't exactly impressed. He seemed normal. I mean sure he had some red markings along his back and wings. But I'm used to seeing that. It's pretty normal with most of my siblings being multi colored.

And he didn't seem sharp. I mean, not that he isn't smart. But he's just not alert about his surrounding. He is interested in looking at every new plant and little hole, but he doesn't seem to know we have been following him from a distance.

" Go around and cut off any escape routes He can take for when I approach him." I say quietly to Twilight next to me.

I feel his mood bristle as he turns to glare at me. " Absolutely not, He's Dangerous Darkfang! You haven't had to fight with him. And I have, You can't go over there!" He whispers angrily.

I turn to him, " I'm just as dangerous. If he does anything, how about I just kill him."

Twilight just huffs angrily at me not moving.

It's creepy to a point being around Twilight too much. 1) Because it's like talking to myself. The only thing telling us apart is our voice, eye color which is only a different shade of blue, and our powers. 2) He seems to always try to be in charge. I'm sure if someone offered him all the power of the world if he killed me he would do it in a heartbeat. He is power hungry. The only thing keeping him from challenging me for the leader role is the fact that he knows I can unintentionally maim or kill him. Though this part of him doesn't show often, I know it's there. 3) He can read my every thought....

Sill he is a very good brother, And I will protect him with my life. " Twilight, go" I say again in a more authoritative tone I had Picked up from my father.

This time he does as I ask. When his dark scales disappear from my view, I approach the dragon a ways in front of me. Before I even get half the distance between us he turns around giving me this weird smile.

" Took you long enough. Why did you wait so long to come over?" He asks calmly walking over before sitting down in front of me while curling his tail around his paws.

" uhh"

"Told you he was dangerous. He's telekinetic too. And he has major weird mood swings. He's a pawn" Twilight warns.

StarNight's ear twitches as a slightly annoyed expression shows on his face. " Well it's not exactly my fault that my life was given to Goldensun before I was even born, now is it,"

Twilight comes out from his hiding. " Well maybe you could choose NOT to so as she asks. Maybe." He challenges.

" You of all dragons should know, that's not how it works. Or have you not learned from your father. He has experienced it before from Goldensun. He turned on his own family. Do you think he didn't try to fight back with his own power of command? The greatest alpha the dragon world has ever known couldn't even fight away her power." Starnight snaps back.

" But he's-"

" Never shown he even has that ability? That's because he is respected. He doesn't need to. Same with your mother. When she was officially mated with your father she became an alpha queen. Not as in control of other dragons, but both your parents have their own power because of their bond. You can't penetrate their minds. Not completely."

I turn back to Twilight. wondering his next approach. " Then if Goldensun is so powerful, then how are we supposed to defeat her? She could just 'take over' us or whatever"

" Hm, yes. But you are the offspring of alpha's. Not just Alphas but Night furys. The Night fury's offspring will be given abilities if they are the sons or daughters of two mated alphas. That is why you and your siblings are so powerful. But, there is a myth from long ago that said if the first egg laid was the first to hatch. It would be given the power of both the parents combined, along with their own abilities." Starnight turns to me. " Death was the firstborn of your clutch. Oddly they where born female. You were originally prophesied to be a male."

The air around us becomes filled with static at the insult. I keep the electricity from jumping of my scales as best I can but can't completely control it.

" What?" Twilight asks. He's cracked.

There goes any loyalty I still possessed from him.

" The leader was supposed to be a male?" He asks dangerously as he turns to gaze at me.

My tail twitches in agitation.

" I knew there was always something wrong. I knew I was always supposed to be at the top. I'm supposed to be the powerful one. You took that from me!"

" Twilight, I didn't take anything from you."

I shift slightly so I'm touching a shadow. I don't want to fight.

" Yes you did, you took My destiny. I'm supposed to be the powerful one."

" Twilight I still would have had my powers I have now even if I Haden't been born first."

That was clearly the wrong thing to say.  He leaps at me, claws outstretched. Wishing Death on my soul.  

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