Chapter 29 ⚡️➰Darkfang➰⚡️

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His claws sink into my scales, ripping into my muscles. I lunge upwards slamming into him. I clamp my jaws around his neck and force him to the ground. His claws painfully are ripped out by the force. He squirms in my jaws and shoves his head up at me causing my jaw to crack. I leap backwards in surprise hoping to the gods he hadn't just broke it. He takes the advantage of my surprise to run at me and grab the shoulder of my wing. I yelp, and smash his skull with a powerful blow from my paw.

He stumbles back. I charge him and pin him to the ground. I hadn't noticed it had started storming until Twilight's black scales stared to become coated in mud.

" Twilight! knock it off! This is what Goldensun wants! She is trying to turn us on each-"

My sentence is cut off with my screech as i'm flung off of him from the force of the wind. I slam into the trunk of a tree.

I growl. If you want to play this game. We will surely play it.

I let myself tense. The air around us becomes electrified. A bolt crackles off of my scales and hits by brother in the side sending him sprawling aside. I can smell the burned scales on his side. I start to walk towards my brother.

" No, no! You can't defeat me! I-I have to do.."

" Twilight!" I turn him so that i'm standing over him with my front paws pinning his shoulders down. " Twilight!" He continues to rant, his gaze staring through me hatefully with blank, dim eyes.

I look to the burn from the bolt then back at his face. I jab a claw onto the burn. He screams out in pain. This removes the blank glaze over his eyes. But that hate was now focused on me.

" Twilight,Stop" I order.

He just growls. He doesn't try to move though. I take this as a symbol of remission, and get of him. He lets out a breath as I do and carefully gets up hissing as his burn stretches.

" You don't hold real authority over the others do you." I snap my gaze to the dragon who had sat aside and watched my brother willingly try to kill me. "For you to ever be successful you need them to trust you. Let them choose you as their leader. That is the only way you'll ever win this."

" Your the one who caused it in the first place!" I growl.

" No. I simply was talking. Giving you information." His attitude becomes much less serious and changes to younger and more playful.

"Told you he was odd."

Well he's not the only one. I think to my self. But i'm sure he heard me anyway. Twilight was now sitting behind me with a cold air around himself.

A conflicted feeling was making its way up my throat. A trapped feeling that made me sick. How am I supposed to trust Twilight after that. Out of the two of us, he was physically more hurt than I came to. But I never thought He would ever try to kill me. My own sibling. How do i ever trust him? Will he do it again? Why did he wait until we where this old to lash out at me? Why didn't he ever try to challenge me before?

" I did but you never noticed that I wasn't just playing." Twilight states, I glance at him.

" Hey, let's go do something. You're the first dragons I've seen since you and Silver last came and watched me."

After that statement I made up my mind to forget that Twilight ever tried to attack me. It was worthless information that I can throw out to save room for Future memories.

" Twilight, I need you to-"

" I have to go," Twilight interrupts

" Why?"

" It's Hiccup!" he answers already up in the air,


"There's something wrong. I'll try be back. Just be careful around him. There's something wrong with his mood swings."

" So what are we going to do?" Nightstar had moved under my wing so it draped across his back.

"Uhhh" I look over at him pulling my wing back over to my side.

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