CHaptet 15:Skyress. ➰Toothless➰

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🍃 Skyress🍃

" Saphira, now what shall we do? " I ask cheerfully.

" You may be the Guardian Skyress, but even you need breaks at times."

" Sorry. I'm Just so happy to be out and doing things."

" Don't be sorry. It is your duty to use your powers for the good of this forest. and later even farther than you could imagine... But you till have to sit down once in a while." She says

I sit down next to a small tree. I look at it again and see that some of its leaves are browning. I frown before making the leaves unwither.

I settle back down in my spot. I feel a weird tingling like I'm being watched. I turn my head to see if I am. Instead I see a dark shadow flow across the grass. I focus more closely at the grass and see that it isn't a shadow, its dead grass. The shadow moved leaving the grass behind it looking untouched.

" Darkfang?" I ask in its direction.

But Darkfang can't turn invisible in broad daylight. And things don't come back like that after she has moved away from the plants.

The dead patch stops. It seems to turn in our direction.

" Ummm?, Saphira?" I start to slowly stand up.

" Oh-no. Skyress go, we need to go now!" Saphira says nudging me forward.

" What's going on?"

" Move Skyress! now!"

We both start to run in the opposite direction of the patch. I leap into the air flying over Saphira to give her more room to run. I look back and see the patch had taken chase and was closing in.

" Guardian!" I snap my head forward only to meet a stone wall of the mountain. I fall to the ground. My vision is blurry a I look at my Mentor.

" Skyress! Young one remember me for who I am now. Remember what you are. You are the Forest Guardian. Never forget that. You are going to do great things. And remember who I am." She says. " Go to your sister she will explain, I had shared my thoughts with her once before she knows what to do"

" What?" I ask confused and now scared.

Saphira slowly turns towards the dark thing. She lowers her head sadly.

"Skyress, Guardian. I am sorry that I have failed you"

I don't have time to question her meaning as the patch speeds towards her at such a speed. There is a force at the impact of the deer and the mysterious object that sends both of them hurling away.

Saphira try's to get up but falls. She goes very still. I stand and take a defensive stance. I no longer see the patch but something is changing. The doe starts to change. She once soft brown fur starts to turn golden. Her hooves turn into something with claws.

When the doe opens her eyes she is no longer anything like Saphira. It's whole coat is golden, it's eyes where tenure color of gold and Its body looked like it was encased in a thin layer of red and golden flames. A single diamond shaped ruby sat on its forehead.

" Saphira?" I ask not moving from my defensive position my head low to the ground.



" So what do you want to do now bud?" Hiccup asks me from the saddle on my back.

" Lets just fly " I warble looking back at him through the thin cloud.

" Yeah good idea," he leans back laying on my back.

I glide around looking at the ground.

" Hey I know!" Hiccup suddenly straitens up making me jump. (not that you can really jump while flying)

" I haven't used my gliding gear for a while because we've been so busy this week. We could do that!" he says excitedly.

I role my eyes. " just don't run into the mountain ok, "

I slow down slightly as he jumps off my back. when he evens out and gains control I glide down under him and flip over on my back. he looks at me and smiles and I give a toothless grin back. I start to dip downwards and flip back over upright. I go back behind him.

Hiccup has made adjustments to his gliding gear. He has extended the gliding wings so that he can direct his path. he holds two sticks in his hands with the ends I the leather wings attached to them. He can tilt them like I do with the tips of my wings to coast and catch the wind better.

We dive together closer to the ground. a we get closer to the ground I fly down underneath him and he lands on my back. He puts his wings away and gets back into the saddle.

" Well that was fun wasn't it Toothless"

I nod in response.

My wing dips down as a gust of wind comes. I look forward and the clouds quickly blow away oddly fast. I look around and see nothing in the air, I look down at at trees surrounding the base of the mountain and see a golden object running after something. I fold my wings in and dive towards the two.

"What's that?" Hiccup asks me.

I don't give a response because I don't know that myself. I pull up just above the tree line. I dove into the trees and land running but don't stop. I run in the direction the golden object was running.

I catch the sent of fear as I follow the trail. I keep gaining on the golden animal until I can finials see it but no features of what it might be.

A roar of panic sounds ahead of me. I run faster as I recognize the sound. The golden animal had its prey cornered in a small indent in the mountain where there would be no room to fly away or go around the peruser. I get close enough and leap into the air extending my claws at the golden animal. I scratch its side as I spin around to face it head on while protecting Skyress behind me.

She had tried to protect herself with a shield of thick vines and rocks summoned from the ground but the plants were withered and limp and the rocks had shattered.

I look at the animal that was chasing my daughter. It's pelt looked like it was made out of gold the way the sun glared off it. It's body vaguely looked like that of a deer but twice the size, nearly as tall as me. it's eyes looked like dark stone. it's tail was made of orange flames and there was a red gem in between its eyes.

It starts to rear in a challenge. I pull my ears flat agents my head and snarl in response. It comes at me with great speed put I slash my claws across its chest and it falls away.

I feel the presence of fire under my scales as the start to aluminate the blue color. The animal stands up and shakes its self the wounds I had inflicted in it disappearing into the gold fur.

It turns back to me and I lunge at it with a loud growl as a warning. It spokes and jumps back. I fire a white hot plasma blast at it and it rears and turns away running into the forest leaving scratched hoof prints on the ground.

" Toothless get us it of here," Hiccup says while looking at Skyress still panting in the corner.

" Skyress come now," I say leaping into the air. She follows.

( A/N yup I left Darkfang out cause that would have given you more information on what she and Nightstar are doing but, No I'm not letting that happen so soon. He may or may not just be put in somewhere random later. Tell me how you've liked the this and the last chapter. what do you think is going to happen?)

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