Chapter 14:Bolt Nightstar

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" Hey Nighstar! Wait! " I yell trying to catch up to him.

He glances back at me before moving faster in the In the direction of the woods. I try to also go faster but my old injury keeps me from being able to go any faster.

Before he enters the woods his scales start to change into an earthy elements camouflage. I try to track him with me eyes but soon lose sight of him while he is hidden like that. I stop trying to go after him my feelings slightly bruised. Instead I turn home.

When the house comes into sight I see all my sisters out side. Skyress and Sliver are excitedly telling a story it looks like. Sapphire is listening very interested with wide eyes while Darkfang is staring just beyond the two story tellers with a blank stare.

As in walk over to see what thy are talking about, Skyress has a wildly happy expression as she tells. Daekfangs ears perk up and her pupils slit.

So she actually was paying somewhat attention.

She abruptly jumps up into the air and flys off gaining peas until she is only a flicker an sonic thunder cracks.

" Hey Skyress what are you talking about?"

My sister whirls on me with a crazy grin, making me question my choice of coming here.

" It's wonderful Bolt!" She practically yells.

" What's so wonderful?" I ask taking a small step back to be next to Sapphire.

" Saphira is back!"

" Yeah, we found her last night!" Silver adds in. " Isn't it wonderful!"

I'm about to ask who Saphira is when Silver speaks to me in my head.

Dont ask that! It's the doe that saved Skyress. She was her teacher. You should have known that mouse brain.

Okay, okay. Calm down for Thor's sake. She roles her eyes. I continue to listen to their story about Saphira.

When the story is over I see something around Skyress's neck. I look at it confused and see t is a red Holly berry wrapped around her neck with a strap of thin leather.

" Hey what's that?" I ask flicking my tail towards the red berry.

She looks down at it happily. " Its a gift mom gave me"

I nod. As long as I'm not forced to wear a necklace i'll be fine. It is a good gift for her though.


I walk on the path on my way to the cove. I'm in my human for for now. It is nice being able to see this high when I walk rather than having to walk on all fours lower to the ground.

I get near the cove so that I can see it. I shift back into my normal form. I walk to the edge and fly down to the ground. While staying away from everyone I have taught myself many things. I can now fly with ease like most of my siblings. I have learned new technics with my powers making me stronger.

I land trotting to a stop. I have come here to practice my sword skills today. I no longer need or want Hiccups help. I have also found my own sword. The blade is sharp on both edges. The hilt of the sword is black with green outlines on the grip. The blade it's self hasn't anything really special about it.

Lucky enough my human form grows normally with me. I am now, or have heard people say that I look the age of 13. Because of this I no longer have trouble holding and handling the my weapon.

A crack of a branch catches my attention and I stand half way behind a boulder. I see the intruder for it is Darkfang Again.

I grumble to my self as she stalks towards me. All she ever does now is glare and snap at me. Info not understand how bringing back my sisters friend was so horrible. It was a favor I did. That is how I see it.

She walks up to me her eyes slits. " Come" she says in a low growl.

" Why should I." I challenge.

The whole cove turns dark as all the plants and many birds fall to the ground dead. her ears are pinned back flat against her head. " Because the time has finely come that you must see the damage you have done"

she turns and leaps into the air leaving me no choice but to follow. She flys away from Berk. I have never been away from the island before because of my lack of being to fly well before. She flys ahead of me leading me to an unknown destination in the fog.

We land on solid ground after a long flight. The fog is preventing me from being able to see anything. I summon a gust of wind to push it away. When it is all gone Darkfang is nowhere to be seen. In front of me is an island made of all stone as far as I can see. I try to take a step froward but stop as a strike I pang goes trough my leg and I stop.

I look around and see an entrance to a cave. That's probably where she hid. " Darkfang come out" I yell towards the cave annoyed.

" Im right here" I jump at the sudden sound of her voice. At dirt In front see anything but then next to me I see her. She is almost invisible next to a light shadow like it swallowed her.

" Come " her faint out line becomes more visible as she steps into the light.

I try to take another step. But I wince in pain. " I can't Darkfang,"

" Well you paws aren't meant to tread on this rock, you will have to endure it until we stop."

My paws weren't meant to tread here? Why wouldn't I be able to walk on something? unsay o myself in my head as I make the painful journey down the tunnel of the cave.

After a while I see nothing, but soon a glow makes me walk a little faster. We walk in the direction of the glow until we enter a large cavern. I hear a whisper that slowly becomes louder brill it sounds like wrath.

The fawn of day shall perish us all,
For Night will fall at the grasp of death,
A fires blaze will flicker to ice,
The ocean will devour the earth,
Thoughts run rampage through the seas,
And all in all death will choose the finial win while Night runs to kill the day,
The fawn has risen so the end is to come,

" What was that?" I ask looking around for the maker of the voice.

I look back at Darkfang only to again find nothing there.

" It is a warning" she says, her voice coming from where I had last seen her. " It's is riddled and mixed pieces of the prophecy "

" What prophecy? "

She looks at me for a second visible. " The one you caused to become true"

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