Chapter 2

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Heyy, I'm back with another chapter! The story continues some minutes after the last one... Hope you like it!!

[Nya's P.O.V.]

When I was coming back, I saw my mother, with an angry face, looking at me.

--The whole Assembly's going to have lunch with us! Go get dressed, before anyone see you like this.

I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but of course they would criticize me and are me put one of that dresses...

--I was already going mom... I just wanted to stay alone a little bit, outdoors. I wanted to have friends...

--Ok... You can have friends dear! Some of the court members have daughter with age near yours!

--I don't want nothing with those stuck people... Why I can't meet the village people?

--You know what the Assembly think abou it, you're a Princess, you shouldn't be mingling with those people. Now go, it's getting late and soon they'll arrive.

I leave and go to my room. One maid was waiting for me, to do my hair and makeup... this last one, something that I could live without.

During lunch, only few people direct the word to me, and less look at me... sincerely, if they hate me that much, why they don't let me do what I want? Oh, because it would let them with bad reputation. All things I do is associated to them and their rules.

[Jay's P.O.V.]

After talking to Lloyd, I went to get ready for the today's presentation. Being the Jester, I needed to wear that colorful clothing, with that weird hat... Besides that horrible makeup. I usually entertain the court after lunch and dinner, and in the afternoon, if they call me.

I'm like this as far as I can remember, 'cause they told me I was left in the Castle's from door still newborn, and I work here since that. I can always make everyone laugh, and this is good, because if one day thery kick me out, I don't know what I could do.

I hear a knock in the door and a voice that I know very well shouts:

--Come on boy! They're waiting for you! -- The boss of the employees calls.

I get up fast and go.

[Nya's P.O.V.]

Finally, the best time of the day has come: the jokes and funny games of the Jester! I loved this part, 'cause it was one of the only moments of the day when I had fun. The rest of the day was always the same, doing nothing, try to escape, try to convince someone I needed friends, refuse something... the usual.

Jay was his name... no that it matters much for the others, but I think that the more I think in the person with a name, the more human it looks like, not just a slave or employee. Not that I like the slavery.

His eyes were beautiful... Electric dark blue. He was more o less 1 year older than me and very smart, for someone who never went to school.

Unfortunately, he wasn't well treated by no-one, and I couldn't do nothing. This was what meek me worse, see everybody despising him and have to stay quiet, otherwise I would probably be punished.

[Maya's P.O.V. (Kai and Nya's mother)]

It was very nice to see Nya laugh. She receives too much 'no' all day long, by I think she knows it's for her own well.

The presentation finished and we headed to the meeting room, calling my daughter to come over. She made a face of 'I don't understand', but came.

After we were all settled, one of the women began:

--I called you all here today to discuss something important for the future of the Kingdom. Like everybody know, the Princess is almost 16 years old, and I think it's time to find her a husband. The guy must be royalty, or a nobleman, someone who can lead. And that's why I suggest my nephew Dareth.

--My son woul be the perfect candidate, because he knows how to fight, has finished his studies and has the ideal age. -- Continued the brother of the first.

I looked to my left, where I knew she would be. Nya was almost crying.

--I think we can't make a... -- I was interrupted by the desesperate cry of my daughter.

--NO!! YOU WON'T FORCE ME TO MARRY THAT GUY! I already have to follow a lot of stupid laws! NO!

After this attack, she run out of the room. I wish I could help her, but now it would have to wait. More, I doubt that she wanna see me.

[Nya's P.O.V.]

While I was in front of everyone, I tried to look strong, but I knew I wasn't, so after showing how I felt, I run away. I didn't wait my mother finish to talk to know what it was... I wasn't going to start crying with all the people there.

I wanted to get to my room, but I fell in the living room, a little bit before the stair. I was there for a while, when I heard a calm, yet worried, voice:

--Is everything okay Princess? -- Asked Jay

Heyyy, how is it going??? Do you like Jaya? I really like it! The next chapter will be Jay and Nya chatting... I hope you like.
If you liked this chapter, please vote and leave a comment, if you can. Love you all!!
See you in the next one!


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