15| Bonds

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15 |Bonds

Hollis was prepared for the fallout of the exorcism. The judgment, the religious drama around fate. Her parents resolve for her partner to be morally compassed, and Huey's obsession to be hyper-critical of John's every move. It was enough to make her want to jump into a hole and never come out.

There was a lull after the exorcism, with Jeremy needing assistance getting untied, cleaned up, and comforted, and the rest of their family celebrating another successful soul saved, Hollis remained vigilant and extremely nervous.

Victor approached John and Hollis, both of them went rigid, anticipating the worst, but John was met with an encouraging smile. He matched eyes with John as he congratulated him and gave him a reassuring shoulder shake.

" Excellent job John, " Victor's uncharacteristically positive attitude and kind words made Hollis even more on edge.

The two patrons of the house were comforting their son and very emotionally thanking the Balfour family, pulling Victor's attention from John and Hollis. He turned back to them one last time, asking one more favor of John.

" Meeting at home after, Hollis. "

Victor matched eyes with his daughter briefly before panning back to John.

" You too. "

John's eyes widened some as he silently nodded. Both he and Hollis pulled back from the group for a moment, sitting and reminiscing about how much crazy shit they just went through. John's nose and cheek had been grazed by a broken plate or cup, Hollis couldn't remember. Regardless, he was bleeding and she was quick to pull some tissues from a box off a dresser. She dabbed at his wounds, lovingly cleaning his face while he couldn't take his eyes off her.

" I can't believe you didn't pass out, or puke. " Hollis's eyes exaggerated, widening a bit as she fought off a grin.

" Was that you? " John smiled warmly, he leaned into Hollis's touch.

" No to the first, yes to the second. " Hollis didn't elaborate and quickly changed the subject.

There was a brief silence between them, as the happiness began to fade, and they both knew the big thing they needed to talk about, but neither of them wanted to be the one to bring it up. This special moment, this huge achievement for John, was now overshadowed by a terrible truth. He leaned in closer to Hollis, causing her to pause abruptly.

" They're not going to let me see you anymore. "

John spoke softly, affectionately, and so matter-of-factly that Hollis nearly screamed. How could he be so sure? Hollis was fearful, appalled, and gutted. The way he spoke so honestly, with a tinge of pain in his eyes, she couldn't bear it. Hollis glanced around for a moment, her eyes becoming wild for just a few seconds as her face grew closer to his.

" I don't give a fuck, I choose you. "

There was a rawness to the way Hollis spat out her declaration at John. Frightened that she might disappoint her family, but even more fearful that the man she loved might be snatched from her forever. She could feel her eyes welling up, her heart in her throat as she tried to compose herself. John's brows knitted close, his focus entirely on her as he leaned in and gently kissed her. Hollis's eyes spilled over, hot tears smoothly running down her cheeks as their lips parted. The world around them suddenly became louder as most of the group moved from the bedroom and downstairs, too busy to notice them, Hollis was thankful.


The trip to the Balfour home was filled with uncertainty, as Hollis tried to imagine even one scenario where her parents or brother would be open to forgiving John's sins. They'd been more than welcoming of him, for some reason, but Hollis was sure this would be the final straw. The air was heavy between them as John and Hollis shared glances at one another, while Hollis stared at him with dread, John's expression was much softer. He was enjoying his time with her, taking in the details of her face and the unique psychic frequency they shared. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd get to soak her in. In some way, she had to know that he would never make her abandon her family. He'd disappear from her life before that could happen. He loved her far too deeply to let her sever the bond she had with them.

Hollis's phone was furiously vibrating on her lap, so much so that she had to turn it off. Shae was messaging her nonstop, Hollis was thankful that her parents and Huey hadn't reached out to her. Maybe they weren't going to look into it and she was overreacting? She wouldn't know until they walked through the front door.


Things would be worse for her inside.

Although Victor and Merry were more respectful to talk amongst themselves about the issue, Hughes didn't hesitate to state his very honest, and damaging opinion. Most of which centered around how John was not a good fit for his little sister.

Shae stayed back, not normally one to hold her tongue, she remained respectful and let the family quarrel amongst themselves. Hughes looked more tired than usual, in the last few weeks actually, he'd begun to look worse and worse. This exorcism had taken a lot out of him, and the longer he rattled off, the more feverish he appeared. Hollis was stressed and anxious, she didn't refute what her brother was saying but she did stand firm next to John.

" That's enough Hughes, " Victor had just finished a side conversation with Merry, who instead of looking furious, appeared fearful. She looked at John with compassion, maybe a little sadness. Hollis was too worn to tell.

Victor raised his hand, passively trying to silence his son. Although Hughes acknowledged his father, he hesitated to step back. His fierce eyes met Hollis's, and for a moment she watched his jaw run rigid as he held in his final comment. The Patriarch of the Balfour home was as calm as could be, alarmingly calm if Hollis was honest. Her father was a righteous man, but an honest one. He wouldn't degrade John or berate him like her brother, but to say he would sugarcoat anything would be a stretch.

" You exceeded our expectations today, John. "

Victor's tone and true words made the room eerily quiet. Merry slowly approached her Husband's side, smiling through pained eyes as she nodded silently next to him.

" I can't imagine anyone coming into their first exorcism and not succumbing to some form of deceit or hate, you did well. " Victor's praise was rarely a main topic of conversation and even more scarcely given.

" We, understand what happened to you, what was revealed, " Victor cleared his throat, his sentence dragged on a little, as he was having trouble putting his compassion into words. Merry, however, was more than happy to pick up the slack.

She was less reserved than her husband, and where he couldn't express their gratitude, Merry could.

" You, " Merry's words shook just slightly as she spoke in a quiet, warm voice, " must have felt so alone to do what you did. "

Her hands found his and she gently held them. Her emotional expression and Victor's unusually calm retort caused Hollis to mildly gawk at her family. Where were the threats of damnation, the contempt, the anger? Hollis was scolded for not attending her brother's sermons, and not being diligent enough when engaging with families, it went on-and-fucking-on. John's offense was catastrophic in their community, he'd be alienated and abandoned. Hughes's reaction was normal, her parents were not.

John's white button-up shirt was a little wrinkled and messed with a few small brown splotches where blood had dried. He'd unbuttoned his cuffs and carefully rolled them up to his elbows. John leaned into Merry just slightly, her touch drawing him in.

" I-I don't understand. " Hollis was frank, she remained next to her boyfriend, but her bewildered expression was clear.

" John's a great guy, I'm sure. But he killed himself. He's always going to have a target on his back, it's dangerous for Hollis to be with him. "

Hughes chimed in, his wide, wild eyes darting between Hollis and her parents.

" Under normal circumstances that would hold some truth, but this is meant to be. "

Merry glanced back at her husband, who affectionately and quietly nodded back at his wife.

" We can't elaborate right now, what you need to know is that John has a chance to fix this. Just a chance. "

Victor cleared his throat, placing a hand on Merry's shoulder, he supported his wife.

" If you save enough people, and send enough evil back to the gates, the scales might tip in your favor in the end. If not, you'll still save many lives before you cross over. "

Victor and Merry's explanation was vague but sincere. They had a point, but Hollis wanted to press what they meant by "to be?" As in her in John, or his destiny in general?

How would they find out such information about a stranger?

" Y-you can't be serious Dad, " Hughes spoke softer now, but still with purpose. " You can't just lie to make him feel better, you know how this story ends."

Hughes was less frantic now and more astounded at his parent's claims.

" You're not explaining yourselves, " he grew more irked as a thin sweat covered his skin.

" And we don't need to, not right at this moment. We we warned a long time ago about something like this, so we were prepared. " Merry spoke honestly and clearly to Hughes, who seemed to be growing more angry.

There was a visible pulse in Hughes's jaw as he tensed and relaxed, struggling with respecting his parent's word and fighting for what he believed was just. He anxiously ran a free hand through his messed curly locks and looked at the group before him with bewilderment.

Hollis shared this expression.

Shocked, confused, maybe even skeptical. She didn't buy what her parents were selling. Something else big behind the veil was going on, and sooner or later she would need to know. Victor and Merry were being more understanding than when Hollis accidentally missed a curfew or skipped a sermon. It made her incredibly uneasy that she didn't know what was going on, but maybe this was what a miracle was.

" I, "Hughes's voice cracked, trailing off as he looked at Hollis with distrust like she'd betrayed him in some way.

Hollis's parents explained very little, but while Victor spoke more to John, explaining that he'd like him to go on more business calls with them, Hollis's eyes were locked on her brother. Victor offered to pay John for his time, and in return, he'd help shape him into a tool of God, or at least something righteous enough to tip the scales of Good vs. Evil.

Were they not seeing what she was seeing? Hollis had to wonder. Was she the only one who noticed how Hughes had lost weight, how his normal bright demeanor had sunk below his surface? He looked aged, exhausted, and sick. The exorcism had pushed him over the limit. Even if everyone else couldn't see it, she could. Maybe it was her psychic energy or the stress of the last few months, but she knew her brother, and even if his logic was sound, his body was hurting.

Hughes's feet stumbled some as he stepped back and sat down. He rambled to himself for a moment as Shae rushed over to see if he was okay. Hollis only tuned in the last few seconds of John's conversation with her parents.

" I'm sending you home with some texts, look them over. You'll need to brush up on your Latin. "

Victor spoke like learning a dead language would be of no issue, prompting Merry to cackle quietly behind him. She'd checked on Hughes and after determining he was just fine, headed out of the room to fetch the books Victor was referring to.

" I'll walk you out. "

Hollis glanced at Huey one more time before her entire focus was on John. The two older books John held were from the early 1800s, both made from old leather and were beyond any monetary value a collector could offer.

" That was nuts, I would normally apologize, but I feel like you expect the fucking insane when you're with my family. " Hollis paused, a smirk crossing her lips as she walked shoulder-to-shoulder with John.

" I feel at home here. " John grinned, easing Hollis's tense expression and causing her to lean into him.

" Those books are old as fuck, take good care of them. "

John looked down at the books in his arm, and then up at his car as they neared the street outside Hollis's home. His brow crinkled some as he realized their time together was ending.

" You never told me what you wanted for Christmas. "

Hollis changed the subject to something a little lighter. John paused as they stopped just outside his car. He carefully placed the books inside his open car window and cooly leaned against his car. He remained silent.

" Hello? What did you want for Christmas? " Hollis tucked her raven hair behind her ears, her amber eyes entirely focused on him.

John stayed silent. He crossed his arms and matched her gaze. An ample closed smile crossed his face as the apples of his cheeks began to flush. The silence was deafening but Hollis slowly became more uncomfortable as she felt like he was implying something.

" No way. " She playfully stepped forward and pushed at him, egging him on further as his closed smile broke, revealing a handsome grin.

" I'll see you in a few days. "

Infuriatingly, John didn't confirm or deny her answer. He leaned in close to her, his arms unraveling from his chest as he softly embraced one of her hands, and didn't hesitate to kiss her.

Hollis would normally freeze, eyes fluttering and heart racing, she would barely be able to stand. John didn't give her a chance to swoon and become nervous, he dipped into her body, pressing his soft lips against hers. Hollis's hand left him and brushed against his button-up shift. She rested her fingers tightly on his neck, encouraging him to kiss her deeper.

John leaned into her, kissing her gently, his hands tightly holding onto her arms as he tried to practice a bit of restraint. One hour ago he believed he may never get to see her again, and now, things had gone completely in the opposite direction. He pulled from her, their lips catching just slightly, sticking for a moment as they separated.

" I'll see you on Christmas. "

John's words were a little labored as his breathing had sped up a bit.

" Hmm. " Hollis hummed a reply, smiling just slightly as she nodded at him.

John's hands hesitantly left her skin as he got into his car, and after another short reply, he was off. Hollis dragged herself from the curb and sidewalk and back across the grass and into her home. Things had calmed some, her father had retired to his study and her mother had started dinner. Hughes and Shae were nowhere to be found, but Hollis honestly didn't expect him to stick around after the show from just a few minutes earlier.

" Mom, why are you and Dad being so cool with all of this? " Hollis looked a little disheveled as she stood in the kitchen doorway. She looked at her mother with turbulence. Everything pointed to them giving John a hard time and ostracizing him from them because of the choices he'd made. Why was he special, why was he exempt from wrath?

" It's not something I feel entirely comfortable talking to you about right now, but I know you're uneasy, " Merry dried her hands on a kitchen towel and approached her daughter.

She took Hollis's hands in her own, her kind eyes looking deep into her daughters.

" Your grandmother warned us one day, that something like this may happen. We were expecting it. So it's not so much a surprise, as it is foreseen. "

Merry reached up, pushing a lock of stray hair behind Hollis's ear, she looked at her daughter enamored.

" Honestly, I'm a little surprised with your reaction. We just want what's best for you, lovey. " Merry leaned in and gently kissed her daughter's cheek.

Hollis had more questions, but she knew there would be no more answers tonight. Instead, she focused on the answer that she did receive and hoped that there would still be a future for her and John.

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