14| A Crash Course In Demonology

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14| A crash course in demonology


𝚈𝚊'𝚕𝚕 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎, 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙴 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜. 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚑𝚢, 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊. 𝙱𝚄𝚃 𝚠𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚗, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍.


𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐩 and they resumed their normal schedule of school day drives and quick quiet kisses before and after class. On Wednesday she ate dinner with the Constantine family, which was one of the quietest, most normal dinners she'd ever been to. John's parents were kind, hardworking people who relished their weekends working on projects around the house and thrifting the local markets. They were thrilled that John was dating someone, which caused him to be incredibly uncomfortable, and gave Hollis the greatest satisfaction. Watching him writhe at his childhood stories, Hollis drank strong coffee with his mother. Who she noticed had the same golden brown eyes as her son, and the same nose too. John's father was nearly six feet tall, he was dark, handsome and jolly. He cleaned up dinner and the dishes and chimed in when he could. John's soft sighs and constant eye-rolls were abundant, and he quietly coaxed Hollis from the living room and insisted that it was a school night and that they needed to get her home. She politely said her goodbyes and thanked them for the meal.

Hollis wore a modest, mid-length cream-colored dress which squared at her chest and plunged at her back. She had a light pewter sweater with her but hadn't needed it until they left the house. The car ride would be short, at least it always seemed that way. Hollis's cheeks were flushed as he cackled quietly in the passenger seat of John's car. One story, in particular, his mother had shared was when John was five and refused to pee with the toilet seat up because he thought Santa might put him on the naughty list.

" Your parents are so nice, " Hollis sat back in John's leather seats, his car rolling down a backroad, allowing them to spend a few extra minutes together.

" You mean boring right? " He scoffed and grinned, glancing at Hollis as she enjoyed the late December air.

Hollis beamed for a moment, her honey-brown eyes catching a soft glint from the full starry sky and nearly complete moon. The windows were down in John's car and a quiet tune played behind their light, playful bickering.

" Yes, it's refreshing. Safe. "

John nodded and shook off her comment. He understood where she was going.

" Not every family is as exciting and unpredictable as yours, that's refreshing. "

" My family seems to like you, maybe they'll make a trade. "Hollis's comment was met with a quiet cackle.

" I'm not cool enough for that yet. "

Hollis shot him a sour look, her expression deepening as John's comment caught her off guard. Like Her family was the Gold Standard for Families. However, she had begun to realize, that no matter how strange they were, her family would always be there for her. They would always support and cherish her. She was very lucky for that.

John let a rough hand rest on Hollis's bare thigh. Instantly her body went rigid, tensing and flourishing with a boiling hot anxiety. John glanced from the road, unsure if she was okay, but the moment he saw the small, but hearty smile on her face, he let his hand remain on her. With a deep breath, she let a hand rest over his, her fingers lightly tracing his bony knuckles and rough skin. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's energy, letting their presence wrap into one another until John parked the car outside Hollis's house. It was late for a school night, but her parents wouldn't scold her too badly.

John's car was put in park. Its engine quietly rolled as he sat back in his seat, as his thumb lightly traced her bare skin. Hollis didn't want to get out. She wanted to stay right here with John, their last weekend had been so memorable, that she wanted to fall right back into that night.

" I'll pick you up after school tomorrow and we can meet your folks for the, uh, " John casually paused, " special meeting. "

John tried to articulate the words to sound cool and collected, but Hollis couldn't help but grin wildly at him, her teeth gleaming as she held in a snort. She leaned in, assumably to hug him as she knew she needed to get inside soon, and he was being too cute not to hug. However, her sudden increase in his proximity caused John to become rigid. She paused just inches from his face. Hollis's first inclination was to poke fun at him, maybe mock him lovingly as they often did to one another. Her playful smirk faded the moment she caught him off guard and saw how bewildered he looked. Coy smile gone, his facade of courage fading, leaving him to look almost bewildered. John's grip on her thigh had become tenacious with her sudden movement. His fingers dug into her bare skin as his eyes looked through her with passion and fear. Hollis couldn't explain why she felt so overwhelmingly pulled to him at that moment, but the raw electricity between them seemed thick, tangible even. She knew in that moment; when their eyes met, and their breath seemed to slow, that he felt that gravitation too. That spiritual pull she was so sure was one-sided, was in fact, mutual and all-consuming.

Hollis hadn't felt this type of love before. A connection so fierce and scalding that if she'd done anything else besides let it dominate her, she was sure she'd explode. By the way John melted into her, his calloused hands delicately gripping the soft skin of her thighs, she knew he was engulfed with the same light.

Suddenly his grip loosened and he roughly cleared his throat.

" See you tomorrow. "

Hollis caught a glint reflecting from a nearby streetlight. Ravenously, his brown eyes swept up her, lingering on her glance for a few seconds. He held himself firm, regardless if Hollis believed she could see through his farce, he held himself back like a gentleman.

Hollis normally dreaded this next part. Quiet glances at each other, both upset the other had to leave, but neither brave enough to beg the other to stay. Today felt a little different, Hollis was picking up a different vibe from John today. It was as if reservations had begun to crumble, and he was stealthily becoming more comfortable with pushing forward.

" I'll be here at seven. "

John leaned over, attempting a quick, playful kiss. Without notice, Hollis turned her face just a little, causing him to kiss her cheek. She smiled boorishly, as though she'd pulled a fast one on him, but the intensity with which his lips paused and hovered on her skin, made her body instantly break out in goosebumps. She was frozen, again. Confidence thinned by the moment as she realized she was, in fact, not strong enough to be playful with him.

For just a few seconds Hollis's eyes met his, and with their faces inches apart, she urged herself from his presence.

" Goodbye, Hollis. "

John's voice was so low she almost missed his comment. If they hadn't been so close, it would have been lost amongst the radio and idling engine. Hollis nodded, cleared her throat, and kept her composure. Her brain was too preoccupied by her current situation to even worry about the impending day's ritual.


The day came and went, and Hollis's mind remained preoccupied. She knew the dangers that constantly plagued their family, the horrors that went bump in the night, and how one wrong move could mean death. Demons, creatures, and otherworldly beings were ever present, and now more than ever, she was thankful to be in a family of psychics and religious nut jobs. She'd been present during exorcisms that went sideways and cost the host their lives, and seen firsthand the horrible atrocities that befell the spirits of children, women, and the innocent. It was a heavy burden to carry, and if you didn't have an iron-clad will, you too could easily succumb to the darkness.

But Hollis had her family. They had and would always protect her, especially Huey, who was very elated about John coming tonight. Happily chirping at breakfast that this might " weed out any weak suitors. " Hollis knew he was playing, but the jab was still annoying.

John was waiting for her just outside the school, patiently keeping a lookout for her in his normal spot. The moment their eyes met she watched a wild grin cross his face as he tossed a cigarette from his proximity and waved at the air around him, dispersing the smoke.

" Showtime. "

John flashed Hollis a toothy smile, edging her into a smirk herself. She approached him and he took her backpack, simultaneously kissing her in the process. The worry melted off her for a moment as his warm lips caught hers in a brief embrace. She pulled away and gave him a hard look.

" You need to stop smoking, it's so bad for you. "

He put her bag into the backseat of his car, quietly nodding before turning back to face her.

" I don't plan on dying anytime soon. "

The snarky remark made Hollis scoff as she playfully nudged him back toward his car. She went around the front of the vehicle and got into the passenger side.

" Let's hope we can keep it that way. "


The Balfour's had been contracted to visit a residence over a routine haunting, however unlike the many cases Hollis's parents took on, this one was real. No flickering lights due to shitty ancient wiring, or old pipes hissing in the night. The family that had desperately thrown money at them had been plagued by a demon. The shakedown had happened over a few weeks, but as the house itself became quieter, there was a new disturbance in the couple's young son. They were concerned his newest behavior may have something to do with their recent visitor, and asked for Victor and Merry to check it out.

Victor, Merry, Hughes, and Shae were at the house before John and Hollis arrived, all waiting outside for the youngest daughter to arrive.

John had insisted he change into a button-up shirt before driving over, and even though Hollis tried to persuade him to go as himself, he changed. Hollis didn't bother with a flashy wardrobe change, she was so used to these visits. The last thing on this frightened family's mind would be what color shirt she was wearing or how her hair was styled. She would be just fine in her lace-up chucks, long flowing shirt, and jeans. John on the other hand was sweating bullets and white-knuckling the steering wheel the entire drive over.

They pulled into the short driveway and quickly parked. One glance at the house and his gaze immediately went to hers. For a moment she thought he was looking for a reassuring smile or affectionate nudge, but his bewildered expression pointed otherwise.

The home was an older colonial model, built sometime in the early 1700s. It was restored, put on the market, and purchased just a few short months ago. That, however, wasn't the interesting part. The heavy dark aura that seemed to consume the entirety of the house was unmistakable. This was a very real, very serious problem.

" Are you ready for this, " Hollis swallowed away the lump of anxiety in her throat, "John I was hoping this was going to be some scared idiots with a pest problem. "

Hollis trailed off, nervously tucking her dark hair behind her ears as she tried to get a read on John. She was worried that this might not only scare him off but he could get hurt in the process.

" You don't have to be afraid, I'm here. " John remarked, a soft grin forming on his face as he tilted his head a little in her direction.

" Shut up, this is pretty serious. "

Hollis's entire body was tense, she knew this was going to be a complete fucking shit show. She looked at John, and the obnoxious sparkle in his gorgeous brown eyes brought her back up to the surface. She took a cleansing breath, and the two of them met the remaining Balfours and entered the home.


" Woah, you brought the whole clan, huh? "

An optimistic voice from an aging woman welcomed them into the large house. Her husband followed his wife shortly after, hurrying down the stairs, happily greeting the small group that had gathered in their home.

" Right on time, thank you again Victor for coming on such short notice. "

The husband to the woman who had just welcomed them in had hurried down the stairs to meet with Victor and his flock. He eagerly shook Victor's hand and very briefly gave him a rundown of the oddities that had been occurring.

John tugged at his collar, nervously looking around the house, unaware of the two sets of cautious eyes on him. Both Hollis and Victor had discreetly swiveled their gazes to the young man, watching him adjust to the uneasy atmosphere within the home.

" John, " Victor spoke clearly, his voice causing John's posture to run rigid. He stepped from Hollis's side and approached Victor. Hollis knew the normal run-through with these types of gigs. Figure out what type of demon, spirit, or entity, poltergeist, whatever kind of evil was plaguing the family, then use religion, or occult that might counter it. While Hollis knew the various totems and Latin that lined nearly every religious text in the Balfour household, John did not. He wouldn't be able to repeat lines from the Bible verbatim or know off the top of his head the words to quell a demon. This exorcism would be a test, the test. A way for her family to see if John had the ability and courage to do what their family was famous for, what Merry and Victor's parents and past relatives had done for many years.

Victor put an unyielding hand upon John's shoulder, speaking quietly to him, he explained the situation the family was in, and what was likely to happen. They were led upstairs to where the young man was resting, and as the small group talked amongst themselves, Hollis kept up the rear. She listened carefully as the frightened occupants recanted their son levitating off his bed, speaking in tongues, and becoming more violent. By the time they reached the door, Hollis could barely keep herself from crawling out of her skin. The malicious energy radiating beyond the door was thick and penetrating. She walked passed Shae and Huey, sliding her way up to John, who looked a relieved to see her.

" Keep your faith, they will test it. " Victor's warning caused John to lose the little warmth he did have in his face.

They moved forward as a unified front, knowing that together they would rid the world of one evil son-of-a-bitch.


Huey and Shae stayed back, talking amongst themselves, they watched as Victor took up the lead, with John close behind. Hollis's mother stayed by her daughter's side, warmly she grabbed Hollis's hand, silently reassuring her that this would soon pass.

" I can help, mom, I-"

" Shh, " Merry gently shushed Hollis's anxiety away, " we both know you're capable of incredible things, but me and your father, " Merry grinned a little deeper, " we think John is too. "

Hollis's face slowly twisted, her brows knitting into an unsure line. She hadn't realized how much her parents had looked into her boyfriend.

The young man they were trying to save was quietly cackling in the darkness of the large bedroom, his distended voice was the only thing that caused the room to go silent. Victor paused, cleared his throat, and continued giving John a brief rundown of what they needed to do next.

" They'll say everything and anything, to get you to question your faith. Don't entertain them, don't listen to their filth. They are here to deceive, trust yourself. "

Victor handed John a small black, leatherback book. He instructed him that depending on the language of the possessed victim, they would adapt to that religion and read the text.

" Jeremy, your father says you're not feeling like yourself. "

Victor spoke unapologetically, addressing the young man across the room, and not the muttering creature that was currently inhabiting his body. The young teen sat on his bed, flat-footed on the cream linoleum flooring. His body hunched as he spoke quietly to himself.

" Jeremy's taking a break, check back later, " the young man's higher-pitched voice distended as he fought off a giggle, " maybe when he's buddies with the worms. "

" Hmm, " Victor weakly acknowledged the demon's reply. He looked to his side at John, " No Portuguese or Spanish. Maybe Christian or Judo based. Turn to page one-forty four. "

John looked apprehensively at Victor but kept up his grit and flicked to the page requested. The text lining the off-yellow page was in Latin, and John looked briefly at Victor, waiting for his next move.

Hollis wanted to leap forward. She could do this with her father, even alone. But, this was John's trial. This was his time to prove he had what it took to stand on his own, even if Hollis protested against it. It was something John wanted.

" Read the text to the best of your ability, do not respond to it, John. "

John nodded to Victor's firm command. He swallowed hard, and spoke slowly, enunciating the best he could. Two lines in, the young man's body suddenly became more alert.

" Quit that shit, " a voice hissed from the young man.

That was their cue. Normally Victor would go through sigils, symbols or briefly speak the name of a few various gods to weed the demons origin out, but in this case he had a pretty good idea.

Hughes now left Shae's side, approaching his father as he prepared for the next part. As John's eyes darted from the book and to the boy, his hands trembled just slightly. Within moments of Hues reaching Victor, the teenage boy scrambled off the bed and charged at John.

Victor and Huey braced, both groaning as they lunged forward and attempted to keep the demon from going near John. The boy was nearly levitating off the ground now, and Victor and Huey could barely hold him down. He spit, snarled, and spoke obscenities at the group.

" Tie him down, " Victor spoke hoarsely, nearly too fast to even understand. Huey reacted on command, using all his might to pull the boy back toward the bed frame and restrain him with a belt.

The room began to shake as the possessed teen laughed at the two grown men still struggling to hold him back. His entire focus was on the young man struggling to read the Latin text in front of him.

" Little Johnny Constantine, what have you gotten yourself into? "

John's face suddenly froze, his mouth hanging open as he looked on in disbelief. His hands visibly trembled as he seemed to be stunned. It was Hollis now, who left her mother's side, and quietly reassured her boyfriend, whispering to him and tightly clutching his arm.

John's eyes softened as they met Hollis's, the fear and shame dissolving as he nodded, and continued through the text.

Huey was tossed backward, nearly doing a summersault as the victim easily pressed both him and Victor back.

" You're a damned soul. Do you think this good deed will give you an edge, you insignificant little fucker? "

Hues and Victor were back on their feet, trying to detain the young man long enough he didn't hurt himself or anyone else.

" You're going to Hell Jonny, just like me. Like the rest of us who are unclean. Nothing you do will ever change that. "

Items in the room began to levitate and break. The shaking walls and foundation made the group waver unevenly. A broken cup caught John's face, busting his nose and cheek open. John flinched, recoiling for a moment, but he continued. Hollis remained at John's side as his eyes darted between the possessed child and the text in his hands. He struggled as the demon continued to mock him.

Victor and Hughes held onto the chirping teen who was dead-set and derailing the exorcism. His obnoxious grin and demented voice would be enough to scare anyone, but John stumbled through his text and neared the end of the page. Hollis's father had prepared sigils on the floor, holy water, and prepped for the final blow.

" Tell me, loverboy, have you told Daddy about your accident when you were fifteen? "

Jeremy's face was temporarily deformed and exaggerated, his eyes a sick shade of yellow as he playfully bit at his captors. He cackled regardless of how much pain he currently was in, and although his wrists were bound to the wooden bed frame behind him, you could hear the cracking of the wood as it began to begin to break. He looked harshly at Victor as if begging him to put all the pieces together. He writhed in agony as Victor and Huey began to speak with John, reciting the same lines from memory, strengthening the exorcism.

The young man spoke in a sickeningly affectionate way, kissing at John through the air, speaking to him through the obvious agonizing pain from the purification.

" I'll see you soon, big boy. "

Hollis also quietly recited the prayer next to John, her heart in her throat as she realized everyone in the room probably knew John's secret.

Within moments the young man was howling, begging for mercy, and for anyone to help him. His voice now sounded normal, human even, as he cried and sobbed. John's pace slowed, but Victor was quick to turn and silently shake his head, signaling they needed to push through. It was a rouse.

The next minute would be the end, and unlike many other exorcisms, this one was pretty tame. The poltergeist was pushed from its host and purified, leaving behind a whirlwind of broken items, bodily fluids, and a very confused young man.

While everyone seemed abuzz about the successful exorcism, Hollis couldn't help but stay sullen and silent, knowing the heavy burden John had been carrying was exposed in front of everyone in the room.

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