13| Sunday Event

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13| Sunday Event

  Hollis would have snuck back in before daybreak if she had been smart, but her judgment was clouded. John's car rolled up a little after six, and the moment she realized it was daylight out, she knew she was fucked.

Even if the sun had just begun warming the sky, Hollis realized she should have had the common sense to get inside her room before the sky changed colors. She sat in the passenger side seat and turned to John.

" This is your fault. "

Hollis sat with her head tilted and her lips in a fake pout. She didn't need to explain. John knew what she was distressed over.

" Worth it. "

The pout on Hollis's face melted as John embraced their mutual fates. She relaxed back onto her seat, her tired body urging her to remain in his car and nap on the cool, soft leather. Hollis peeled herself from the vehicle's seats and drowsily looked at her driver.

" I'll see you Sunday. "

Hollis's voice was slightly distended. Her brows furrowed into a nervous line as she waited for his answer. John stared ahead, his thoughts consuming his attention as he remained silent. After a few seconds, he turned to her and flashed her a half grin and soft nod.

Hollis exited John's car and hurried across her family's lawn, unsure if she had just managed to sneak out all night as a free woman or if she would be grounded until she was forty.

" Hollis! "

She froze. Fuck she'd been found out.

Hollis was shaken, literally. John had parked his car and sprinted from the driver's seat across the slick grass. Siding to a halt, he nearly slipped and fell into her. Hollis's bewildered eyes remained on John, watching him as he nearly slipped and fell on his ass. John let out an almost inaudible 'fuck' as he grabbed onto her and steadied himself.

Hollis grinned, barely containing her laughter as John shot her a cold expression before laughing himself. She looked up at him as he gave a soft sigh, and slowly he leaned in forward. Their lips brushed against each other as John sunk into her. Hollis kissed John, and suddenly the world melted away.

" I'll see you Sunday. "

Hollis felt John pull away, and with a deep breath, she began to ground herself again. John's voice was cracked and unsteady. He remained with her until she was ready to walk again, their lips just a few inches from touching.

Hollis nodded her heart in her stomach.

John backpedaled, this time not slipping, as he made his way to his car, and Hollis waited until he was gone down the road to sneak back into her room. She stayed as quiet as possible, closing her window to the sounds of birds chirping and lawnmowers starting up. She undressed, taking off her sweatshirt as she heard a soft knock at her door. Hollis jumped as the silence in her room was broken. She inched her way toward her door. Hollis only showed part of her face by opening it up just a crack. She needed to shoo away whoever it was and try to recoup, but the moment Hollis opened the door, Hughes pushed his way into the room and abruptly closed the door behind him.

" Huey, hey, you can't just-"

Hollis hissed at her brother, who locked the door behind him and sat on Hollis's bed. Hollis stood by her door, still dumbfounded by what was happening.

" Just shut up for a minute. "

Hughes shot at Hollis in a low, nasty tone. He took a deep breath and gathered himself before clearing his throat.

" Sorry. Please, sit. "

Hollis's body was heavy. Her footsteps practically dragged across her wood floor as she agreed and sat beside Hughes on her bed.

"You probably think I've been over the top the past few weeks with your personal life. " Hughes paused, and Hollis could see in the morning light filtering into her room how equally exhausted her brother looked. Typically, Hughes was well put together, keeping his appearance clean and being ready for whatever his day entailed. Right now, however, things look a bit different. His ordinarily short, semi-curly hair was a frizzy mess, and his skin was pale with a green sheen against it. He looked as terrible as she felt.

" I have a good reason, Hollis, I promise. It isn't easy to talk about, but I just want to protect you from whatever might come. Protect you from John. At least, that was what I had thought at first. "

His voice trailed off some, his eyes disassociating from hers as he pulled back further into his mind. He managed to gather himself. His stressed, sunken eyes showed Hollis how little sleep he had gotten. She was angry and confused at first, but she could tell he was being earnest. Something big was bothering him, and honestly, he had been a colossal dick the last month. She wanted to hear him out. Huey reached out a clammy, cold hand and held one of Hollis's.

" I-I've been having nightmares, what I believed were dreams, Hollis. I keep seeing these horrific things. Things I assumed were just dreams but might be possible events to come. "

Huey's dark eyes begged at her as though they wanted to swallow her up whole to protect her.

" You, Hollis. Y-you die. "

Hollis's entire body tensed up, her expression bewildering as she tried to muster a comment. What the fuck was he talking about? Her? Dead?

" I-It changes, Holls. Sometimes you're dying. Sometimes it's you ordering the slaughter. But I do know this, John is with you each time I dream of you, and in one of them, he's the one who stabs you in the heart. "

Huey looked devastated, as though the confession didn't relieve him but added to his grief.

" And I figured if he stayed far away from you, it couldn't happen. You could live a long, happy life-but, Hollis. I'm just not sure anymore. "

While Huey spiraled, Hollis stared out past him, remembering a familiar dream she used to have herself. Her grip tightened Hughes's hand as she adjusted, ensuring her eyes met his.

" Were-were you in a church, Huey? "

" What? "

" The other dream, were you in a church, the dream you have when I don't die. "

He didn't need to answer. His exhausted expression let Hollis know that the dream he's been having was the same one she'd had since she was a girl. Only Hughes just put faces to the faceless.


They talked for a long while. Hollis helped put some pieces together for Hughes while he did the same for her. The only thing they couldn't pinpoint was where and when it would happen.

" You're more like me than you'll ever admit to Mom or Dad. "

Hollis and Huey sat on her bed, exhausted for different reasons but finally on stable ground.

Huey looked at Hollis, her same amber eyes looking back at her as he forced a smile. She knew he'd never admit it, but he was more psychic than he knew. He just wasn't ready for that realization yet. Hughes slapped both knees and let out a hard, relieving sigh. He managed a wholesome smile, showing hope for their future.

" We can beat this together. Like always. "

Hollis gave him a dissatisfied look and scowled.

" So cheesy. "

Huey got up and went to exit her room, pausing just before leaving.

" Oh, and take a shower before Mom or Dad get up. You smell like a campfire. "

Hughes's brows arched as he fought off a grin, not saying anything else as he left and closed the door behind him.

Hollis remained silent. Horrified at what her brother just told her. Had he checked in on her and noticed she wasn't gone? He'd been brotherly enough not to report to their parents so she couldn't gripe too much. But the dreams Huey had been having, Hollis has had similar visions since childhood. That he had the same ones from a different perspective couldn't be a coincidence. She felt less crazy, less ostracized.

Hughes and Hollis were finally at a common ground again, and she finally had the confidence to meet John halfway. For the first time in maybe forever, Hollis was beginning to feel some confidence and self-worth.

Most of all, she had friends and family she could rely on.

At least she wasn't alone in her hectic life, which was comforting.


Saturday came and passed, and Hollis messaged John on and off most of the day. The dinner her parents had planned was formal, like most Sunday dinners, but this one was the most important to her. John had to make an impression on her parents, at the very least, show up, smile, and leave. She wanted to puke.

John had to work at the auto shop that Sunday but assured her he would be there for dinner. Huey had left to pick up Shae, and Merida had Hollis help clean up a little and chat. Victor left shortly after his son to visit a client and new associate who called himself " Papa Midnite." Leaving the house quiet for a few short hours.

" Don't be nervous, love, " Merida spoke kindly to her daughter, watching Hollis anxiously bite at her thumbnail as she paced along the kitchen.

" This isn't an interrogation, honey. We trust your judgment. We just want to meet the man who might become our future son-in-law. "

Hollis's hand dropped from her mouth as she looked at her mother, bewildered.

" Stop it, Mom. "

Hollis sighed and zoned out for a few seconds. What kind of circus had she dragged John into?

" You know, when you were a little girl, you used to tell me you were going to marry a man in a red suit or something like that. " Merida grinned, placing a fresh vase of flowers on their kitchen table.

" I thought you had read one of your brother's comics or picked it up in some scripture. But you'd get deathly serious. You'd stop what you were doing, shake your little head, and say, " No, Mommy, he's going to save me, and we'll be together forever. "

Merida smiled, remembering how inquisitive her daughter was.

Hollis looked on, horrified. Hopefully, her mother would get these embarrassing comments out of her system before John came.

There was a soft knock on the door as Shae and Huey entered the home. Immediately Hollis felt some relief. Maybe some focus would be off her and John for a bit. Shae blew a discreet kiss at Hollis and was immediately greeted with a warm hug and a peck on the cheek from their mother. Merida held the young woman's hands and smiled fondly, taking in all of the details of her face.

" It's so lovely seeing you again. You look beautiful. " Merida scooped up Shae before Hollis could even give a proper hello to her friend. Toting her off to look at a book Shae had requested and to offer her something to eat.

" She's suffocating your girlfriend. "

Hollis spoke quietly to her brother, who seemed more at ease in the presence of Shae. Huey crossed his arms and examined the situation.

" She loves it. At first, I thought so, but you should see her gush in the car. She loves Mom—maybe more than either of us. "

Hollis's mouth hung open momentarily, wanting to reply, but she smiled instead. Hughes was right. Merida walked merrily around the house while Shae followed. The two shared a quiet conversation while reading an old book Victor had hunted down for his son's significant other. They giggled to themselves as Shae pointed out something on a page.

" John's late? "

Hughes soured Hollis's mood, and she gave him a deflated expression.

" He got called into work for a few hours. He'll be here soon. "

She hoped, at least. John knew how important this was to her family, to her too, but things did come up.

Nearly an hour later, Victor returned to the house and briefed his family on the situation with some local possessions.

" It's becoming more frequent now, which is strange. Generally, things calm around the birth of Christ, but lately, darkness is more active than ever. "

Victor looked worried, even for a man who had reservations about showing too much emotion.

"Your new informant seemed intriguing. "

Merida spoke in a light tone, but Victor knew her play. His brows arched as he knew what his wife was playing at.

" He's not morally gray, and I wouldn't rely on his assistance in solving these matters, but he was honest. That much I can appreciate. "

Victor sat at the table and grumbled to himself. Glancing behind him, he noticed Shae next to Merida and immediately rose.

" I looked forward to seeing you again after working with the Mattisons last week. You were a tremendous help with the care the couple needed. "

Victor's sullen face caught a surprising light as he greeted Hughes's girlfriend. He extended a hand, and Shae met him halfway, their palms embracing as she showed an earnest smile.

" Easing their worries was easy. I'm just glad things didn't escalate. "

Hollis listened to their exchange as a murmur of a laugh was caught in the back of her father's throat.

" Shae helped with the Mattison's exorcism!? "

Hollis spat out breathless and bewildered as she hadn't been informed about Shae helping with, well, anything.

" You've been a little preoccupied. "

Huey spoke above a whisper to not draw any attention to Hollis. She stayed silent. He was right.

Just then, there was a knock at their front door, and Hollis nearly fell over the kitchen table to get to the entryway door before anyone else. She quickly gripped the handle and opened the door to see John.

Taken by surprise, John froze until he matched eyes with Hollis. A soft smile instantly crossed John's face as he struggled to button his shirt.

" Sorry, I'm late. "


John brought a small yellow bouquet in a pink vase. Hollis took the offering from him and quickly put it on the closest table before helping John finish buttoning his shirt and cuffs. Hollis took charge, straightening his collar and tucking his soft locks of hair behind his ears, only for them to fall back into his face. John's closed-lip smile never wavered. He watched patiently as Hollis went a little berserk. She was in a not-so-overly-formal lavender dress that hugged her torso and flared at her midsection and a cream-colored cardigan. Hollis pulled the bottom of her cardigan up and went to wipe a little black smear of grease that John must have missed on his cheek. He raised a hand to stop her, not wanting Hollis to ruin her beautiful dress, but she persisted. All the while, his eyes never left her face. They ran over her beautiful amber eyes, the little beauty mark on the apple of her cheek, and how her full lips pursed and relaxed as she tried to focus.

Hollis finally let her hands fall to her side, her expression softening as she realized she was being overbearing. John's smile deepened, watching her self-realization.

" Sorry, I'm late. I had to help put out some fires at work. " John spoke to the room but maintained eye contact with Hollis briefly before breaking away.

" John-honey! Don't worry about it; we're never on time. "

Merida had left Shae's side a few minutes prior and began to set the table when John came in, so naturally, she abandoned her project to ambush their new guest.

John seemed to roll with the punches effortlessly, so well, in fact, Hollis was a little off-put. She didn't see him lose his cool very often. It was annoying.

He handled Merida's usual tirade of warmth and questions, repeating that his aura was so bright it nearly blinded her and was only akin to Hollis in saturation. Next to him was Victor, who shook John's hand and stood quietly at his wife's side until she was finished.

" It's quite a surprise having visitors for Hollis. We're happy to have you over for Sunday dinner. "

Victor cleared his throat, trying to be earnest to someone who meant so much to his daughter.

" Please, sit. " Victor shuffled his feet, and John entered the Balfour's home. Shae sat with Hughes and offered John a friendly nod and grin, enjoying everything that was about to unfold.

" You could stop enjoying this. " Hollis sat next to her friend, who boorishly continued to beam.

" This is it, Holls. I can't believe both of you are here. Together. And, in front of your parents. I couldn't have manifested this with every spell in my book. "

While Shae was simmering over with joy, John sat next to Hollis and continued with the small talk with her parents. He offered up what his parents did for a living, what he planned to do after their graduation in June. Nothing too deep, but her parents were curious. Hollis only had to scold her father once for overstepping by asking John about his religion.

" I'm Catholic, at least if I follow what my parents observe. "

John watched Victor's mind twisted and bent, listening to every word the young man said.

" You believe in the devil, then? "

Victor's brazen tone almost caught John off guard.

" Of course. "

" Good, " Victor seemed a little less on edge as he let out a sigh of relief, " because he believes in you."

"Dad!" Hollis seethed at her father. He was pushing things too far.

John's brows creased as he shook his head, looking to his right at Hollis.

"It's fine. " John quietly reassured her.

" You two are going to be dating then? "

Merida placed her elbows on the table. Her long coiled locks of hair fell over her shoulders as she rested her chin in her palms. She looked incredibly proud for some reason.

Hollis wanted to die. Why couldn't they be normal and respect her privacy?

" I don't think that's anyone's business. "

Hollis was thoroughly flushed now. They had only gotten halfway through their meal, and already she was at her witts end. No one deserved to be questioned this much, especially on their first meeting.

" I hope so. "

John broke the ice and made eye contact with her for just enough time that she was sure she would catch on fire at any moment. He was so incredibly understanding with all of this. He kept his composure and didn't seem bothered by the questions. She was still at a loss why he would endure all of this, all for her.

" Welcome to the family then, " Hughes and Shae had been uncharacteristically silent and chimed in just as Hollis was ready to melt. They raised their glasses and cheered John and Hollis on.

John discreetly shifted one of his hands from his lap to hers, letting his knuckles and the back of his hand softly brush against her arm. Hollis's tight back and shoulders softened as the table topic shifted from Hollis and John to other matters taking up the Balfour household.


While Hollis had given John a quick rundown of why Huey was being such a twat, the two still shared quick, stern glances at one another after dinner. They could stomp out whatever else was brewing under the surface another time.

Merida served coffee, and the room began to decompress. Shae shared some of her drawings and chatted about what she wanted to get Huey for their upcoming first Christmas, and Merry was more than happy to sit and help her mull over a few things that would catch Hughes off guard.

In the adjoining room, Victor spent just a few moments looking for paperwork and grumbling as he sorted through the mess his newest acquaintance had gifted him. Hollis sat down with Hughes as he almost fell asleep by the small gas fireplace in the living room. Hughes weakly opened his eyes, and a full genuine smile crossed his face. He looked happier and more rested now than she'd seen him in weeks.

" And you were so worried. "

Hollis almost snorted as she listened to her brother quietly deny being the sole stressor in everyone's life until recently. She didn't have a quick retort; even if she did, it would have to wait. She watched and listened tentatively as John approached Victor to see what was scattered on the living room table.

The patriarch of the Balfour household glanced up briefly to notice John before refocusing on what was laid out in front of them.

" We've had to perform a record number of exorcisms this past month, which would be expected before the late harvest months, even during a full moon. But it is uncommon so close to a new year. "

Victor crossed his arms, humming in a low groan as he ran a frustrated hand over his face.

John remained silent. Observing the papers as he took in the old books and parchment, all of which were in every language but English.

" Sumerian and Babylonian symbols would mean we should follow their calendar, not ours. Right? "

John spoke unsure. He tried to remain confident, but Hollis watched as he crossed his arms and paced in place a little. Victor Balfour was an intimidating man to anyone outside their family. He wasn't necessarily the tallest or strongest in the room, but the way he carried himself and his no-bullshit demeanor tended to rub others the wrong way. He rarely smiled, laughed, or joked but was always sincere and upfront about his intentions and feelings. Many took it personally. Some assumed him rude or bitter. Hopefully, John would understand her father's demeanor and roll with the punches.

Victor was silent for a few moments. He glanced at John twice as his brain processed the information he'd missed. He glanced back at Hollis, his stern eyes catching her glance while he hesitated to say something.

" Yes. The winter solstice is next week, " Victor cleared his throat, and his posture relaxed.

" You work this week, John? " Victor's words caused most of the room to freeze.

John's body tensed, and he nodded in agreement. " Yeah, a day or two. "

" Excellent, when you're free you'll join us next week on a call. "

Victor gave a spirited shake to John's shoulder and managed a soft, almost unnoticeable smirk. He mumbled about the documents and excused himself from the living room.

John froze in place, he looked at Hollis, and they shared a similar expression.

Merida and Shae had a cup of coffee as the evening ended, and Hollis gave John a short tour of her home.

" Don't touch anything, " Hollis spoke with a coy smile.

She showed John their dining room, the family's various trinkets, versed texts, and enchanted items. Books older than some families and relics that even Hollis wasn't sure of their age.

Hollis showed John her room, which after nearly a year, was finally unpacked.

They sat on her bed, and Hollis tucked her long raven hair behind her ears. She watched as John happily sat next to her and examined her room. He took a small photo by her bed with a young Hollis and Hughes. Both were grinning while on a family vacation, a real family vacation. Their family visited a few beaches, rented out a place for them on a pier, and spent a little time with the family they had left. It was brief, but it was memorable.

" You guys aren't so strange after all. "

John smirked, putting the photo back as Hollis nodded and rolled her eyes.

" Stop. " Hollis scoffed.

" And,listen you do not have to do any paranormal shit this week with us, I'm sure-"

" No, I'll be there, " John cut her off mid-sentence, " besides, I love paranormal shit, remember? "

John watched the tension in Hollis's body leave, her shoulders relaxed, and a gentle smile crossed her face.

John's eyes followed her features. He leaned in, watching her brows furrow and lips separate as she anticipated their touch. As quiet as a whisper and just as soft, their lips met. A soft, lasting kiss. One that let their skin melt against one another, begging to stay together as they pulled away. John's lips pursed, and his expression hardened as Hollis remained light and radiant. As she seemed at ease, John leaned in again, this time more purposefully. He brought a hand up to her jaw as his lips were guided to hers, and instead of another soft caress, Hollis's body was consumed by him.

Their kiss deepened, and John's full lips, once soft and endearing, seemed hungry. His gentle kiss was replaced with explicit movements as his tongue pressed against hers. Hollis urged herself forward, their kiss deepening as his lips slid down her mouth, jaw, and neck. Her hands greedily grabbed at him as she fought off a hard whimper as his warm, wet mouth glided along her sensitive skin. Abruptly, there was a loud laugh in the hallway leading to the bedrooms in the house, causing Hollis to shove John off of her, and sloppily he rolled to the floor.

Hollis listened as John groaned and coughed. Smiling, he laid on his back and caught his breath, and together they listened as Shae and Merida continued to chat down the hall.

" Sorry, " Hollis flinched, her shoulders hunching as she apologized.

John pushed up onto his forearms, the grin on his face softening. He held in a laugh, his glance leaving hers for just a few seconds before being pulled back. He tried to salvage the last few seconds they may have together.

" See you at 7? "

John's brows rose and he anticipated her answer. Hollis's worried expression softened as she nodded, smiling at him briefly before extending a hand to help him up. She knew he would have to leave soon, but for now, they remained close. John and Hollis stood there for a few beats, their hands still intertwined as they reveled in the intimate silence of one another's company in Hollis's room.

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