A Throne Of Lies

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An hour later, Frigga stormed into my room yelling.

I had fixed everything by then so it wasn’t a mess but she still just barged in without knocking which got me mad. Every time she wanted to talk to me, she knocked.

Not this time.

“What the Hel did you tell the boys!!?!”

“I just told them that I wasn’t going anywhere. I had an agreement to stay in Asgard and not to return to my past.” I looked up from my book, bored

Frigga tore the book from my hands and flung it across the room, “Why did you say that!?! Why would you even think of saying that!?!”

I sat up, mad. Then went to retrieve my book, which ended up being slightly damaged.

“What is wrong with you?! Have you no respect for my privacy? What about my things?!” I turned back toward Frigga, “Why? Because they were arguing about me. About whether or not I’m happy here. They deserve to know the truth, god damn it! The truth!”

“The truth?!” Frigga ignored my first three questions, “If they knew the truth about everything then they would never be happy here. I’m keeping them safe! Protecting them!”

“Protecting them? With lies?! Ha! As if, they’d be better off knowing the truth. They deserve the truth.”

“Don’t you dare tell me what they deserve! Don’t you dare! They are my children, not yours!”

"YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES!!!!" I yelled at her, throwing on of the pillows that rested on my bed

"YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANYONE!" She yelled back, throwing a book

I turned and stormed over to the balcony, “Frigga, you need to stop. They deserve the truth.

“Fine. You want the truth? I saved you not because you were sick and no doctor on Earth could cure you, but because I thought since you loved reading and were smart, Loki would love you. He was upset and depressed and since you came he was better until you said you didn’t love him. I don’t know why you’re still here, on Asgard, but you were suppost to go home a week ago. That’s the truth.”

“I-“ I began hurt, “You lied. What else did you lie to me about?!”

“Your ‘illness’ wasn’t actually an illness. It was an old curse I put on you so I’d have a good reason to bring you here. There’s the truth. Have fun thinking about it.”

Frigga crossed the room and headed for the door but stopped and stared at me for a moment.

Then she spoke, “Have your things packed by tomorrow morning.”

I turned away and the door closed with a heavy thump.

I collapsed into a heap of hurt and started crying. 

Why did she hate me? 

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