Brotherly Love

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The next morning I woke in my own bed, but with Loki lying beside me.

He was reading ‘The Lord of The Rings Trilogy’ and grumbling about how the characters could have done this or that better. His hair was teased, yet again,  from tossing and turning.

Last night after tea we both changed into our pajamas and read books together. Around 9 or 10 we sat next to each other in my bed and read ‘The Hobbit’. Out of all the books I brought from home he decided to pick some novels from J. R. R. Tolkien. Apparently he liked ‘The Hobbit’ so much that he wanted to find out what was going to happen to Bilbo and Gandalf.

“Good Morning.” I yawned 

“If you’re going to talk while I’m reading then I suggest you listen to your music or read yourself. I am in no mood to talk since these characters make the most idiotic decisions.”

I stifled a laugh.

“It’s not funny.” He muttered to himself.

“Why don’t you read something else by Ray Bradbury? You like him.” I offered still chuckling

“No. I already read all the books you had by him.”

“What time is it?”

“10 in the morning.”

“I slept in.”

“Yes you did.”

“So, you like J. R. R. Tolkien?”

“I suppose. I also wanted to know what happened to that ring stealing hobbit.”

“Well,” I got up and headed toward my suitcase full of books from home, “Why don’t you read ‘Call of the Wild’ by Jack London? It’s a really good book.”

“If I wasn’t being interrupted I’d be done with this series, and I’d begin that series.”

I rummaged through the suitcase and opened a hidden pocket; I dusted off an old book hidden there. It was one that I hadn’t read in a while; I smiled at the familiar cover. ‘The Little Prince’ or ‘Le Petit Prince’ in French.

“Here's a really good one.” I held the book toward Loki and he looked up from his book

“I’m busy. Why don’t you go get some breakfast? Or tea?”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I turned toward the door but first placed the book on the edge of the bed.

Walking down the hall, I ran into Thor. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“Have you seen Loki?” He asked quickly


“I need to speak to him about…” Thor began and glanced at me quickly “Things.”

“Well I haven’t seen him.” 

“I have a feeling you’re lying to me Lady Luna.”

“And if I am?”

“Then you will only have the mercy of Odin to protect you.”

I turned and walked toward the dining area, Thor was being ridiculous.

Just as I walked into the dining area they started putting away the food, I quickly ran to the buffet and filled two plates with food. I knew Loki was eventually going to put down that book and eat. I asked one of the ladies putting away the food to send a tea tray to my room.

She agreed and I headed back to my room. 

I went to open the door with my elbow, since my hands were full, but stopped. There were voices inside. Two voices.

Thor and Loki.

They were arguing, “You can’t keep treating her like this!”                                                 

“At least I converse with her! I make her feel welcome. What do you do?! Sit around talking to Sif and the Warriors Three! She needs Midgardian-Asgardian contact. She needs to be able to talk to people!” his fist slammed against the table “If she doesn’t then she’ll die. And God Damn it, I don’t want that to happen. I care about her. You do not.”

“Don’t you dare say that I do not care about her. She is my sister.”

“That’s the thing Thor. She’s not. She’s from Earth. She has a real family, this is not it.”

“Where did you learn this?”

“She has books. Lots of books filled with information. All about her life and her family. She misses them.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do.”

“No you don’t.”

“We can’t keep her here forever.” Loki fell into a chair

“Yes we can.”

“She’ll die!”

“We won’t let that happen. We can show her the other realms. We can enlighten her to stay here. Please Loki.”


“For mother. For me. For her.”

“Thor…” Loki stood and sounded wary 

“For you. Please.”

"Don't you dare bring me into this!"

"Please, Loki. It's obvious!'

I opened the door and started to enter, “I brought…”

Both Thor and Loki looked at me then the room, which was partly destroyed.

“What happened?” I asked putting the food down on a table that wasn’t on its side

“We… got into a… ar-disagreement.”  Thor rubbed the back of his neck with his palm

“Yes. A disagreement. Nothing more.” Loki walked over to the couch and fixed it to its upright position

I picked up a book and sat on the couch before Loki could, “My name come up?” I looked at them amused and slightly curious

“No-” Thor began

“Yes.” Loki interrupted and was given a murderous look from Thor. He held up his hands in surrender, “It’s the truth.”

I flipped through the book. Then casting it aside, got up and walked to the door. I motioned for Thor and Loki to leave.

They headed to the door and once they were in the hall I spoke, “I’m not going anywhere. I had to make an agreement that bound me to Asgard. Never to return to my past.”

I turned and closed the door as both Thor and Loki looked at me. Shocked.

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