Alexandria Marsh - Percy Jackson Series

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—General Info—
Alexandria Claire Marsh

Prefers - Al, Lex, Xander, Xandi. Occasionally - Alex. Skullgirl/skullboy.


May 21, 2005

Cincinnati, Ohio

Non-binary, leaning towards male and female depending on their feelings. They have bracelets corresponding to their gender identity — red for female, blue for male, or both for somewhere in between. Typically they've got both on.

—Personal Info—
Positive traits:
Leader - Lex, following their father's epithet, comfortably fills leadership positions.

Outgoing - despite their inclination to being an outcast, Lex goes out of their way to be social.

Extroverted - Talking to people, laughing,
and hanging out with others powers Xander.

Protective - In order to keep what they have, Al is prone to taking hits for others.

Negative traits:
Socially Unaware - Due to flipping the switch from being a reclusive loner to a bit of a party animal, Al doesn't have a good grasp on social norms such as making small talk.

Intimidating - Lex's hellish heritage has led to them having a pretty intimidating presence, as some people have said they give off an aura similar to that of a graveyard at night or a morgue.

Guarded - Xander is a bit of a paradox. They're social as hell, talking to anyone and everyone they can, but they keep a certain level of guard. They don't talk about where they were before Camp, or their time in Ohio.

Temperamental - Although usually calm, Al doesn't take well to people acting stupid if it's not time. If someone deliberately acted dumb during a mission, causing something bad to happen to someone, they'd be /pissed/, and bring her grievances to the person directly.

Other traits:

Soft - Alex is a generally pretty easy to talk to person. After getting past their dark front, it's easy to see that they're a huge softie.

Competitive - When they're challenged to do something, usually Lex replies with, "AW HELL YEAH, LETS GO-"

Bright colors, dark colors, spicy foods, swordfighting, capture the flag games, rock climbing.

horses/horseback riding, gender stereotypes, savory and sweet foods, arts and crafts, grim atmospheres.

Xander is nervous around surgical/medical equipment, sacrificial alters of any kind, and horses.
They're terrified of spelunking, total isolation, flying, and swimming. They're absolutely petrified by the thought of more social isolation.

Lex has a tendency to rest their hands on their hips. They also have a habit for chewing gum to calm their nerves.

so, so pan. generally prefers girls, but still very pan.

Missy Theodora Marsh - Mother, alive, mortal. Relationship: Actual shit.
Hades Agesilaos - Father, Alive, God. Relationship: Decent, kinda cold.
Nico di Angelo - Half brother, alive, half blood. Relationship: VERY protective of each other.

Friends (in order of closeness)
Will Solace, the Stoll twins, Katie Gardner, Percy Jackson, Clarisse La Rue.

Crush/S.O.: Percy Jackson (or Annabeth Chase if you're s.o. is Percy. I don't mind!!))

Backstory (TLDR at the bottom lol):
Lex's story begins with Missy Marsh living in Cincinnati. Missy was a mortician and cremator, specifically for Greek-style burials. Naturally, this caught the attention of Hades. The two had a whirlwind romance, eventually resulting in a little girl. Hades knew he'd majorly screwed up in having a demigod child and promptly got out of dodge.

For a while, the then-named Alexandria flew under the radar. They had a reputation in grade school for picking fights and generally being a weirdo, but that was because Lex would notice the monsters gunning for her and take care of it first. Because of her notoriety, no one wanted to stick around them. Who wants to be group project partners with the girl who beat the shit outta Tommy for whispering something to her? So, she was alone and absolutely miserable, still having no idea she was a demigod.

Truth be told, she'd already been experiencing Hades-syndrome (a phrase they'd coin upon learning about their father and hearing from Nico on his experiences), and had been filling the role fairly well — i.e. being emo and a "badass."

After nine years of being the stereotypical schoolyard bully to monsters in disguise, her mother finally decided she had to get rid of the kid. She'd never truly loved her child in the first place and had been turning the blind eye to Alexandria's behavior on account of wanting the state to get rid of her, but when it became clear she was too tough to just outright leave to die, she called out to a force deep in the pits of Tartarus, who told her simply to step outside with her and declare her parentage. Missy waited until the kid got home, then did just that. The child was confused as to why her mom yelled "this is the child of Hades!" Into the wind.

The sky darkened and lightning struck the ground in front of them, so the kid dipped with nothing but the clothes on her back, a bag of school supplies and two dollars. She was on the run, living on the streets and digging through trash cans, trying to punch monsters. She was half dead in an alleyway, fighting off a Kindly One with a rat carcass. Suddenly, two bracelets dropped out of it — one red and one teal. They sprung into a glowing hatchet and a freezing-cold shortsword. Deciding if they were gunna die, they were gunna go out swinging. With one swing of the hatchet, the monster exploded in s shower of golden dust. When it was over, both weapons reverted to bracelet form. Lex decided they may come in handy.

Soon, they (about ten years old now) ran into a boy named Will. He could tell this very underweight kid needed help, and took her in. Within a week, a friend of his, a satyr, finally took him to camp, bringing Alex with. Their journey was long and perilous with the kids nearly dying multiple times, but eventually, they made it to Camp Half-Blood. Will was claimed quickly, but Lex remained in the Hermes cabin for a year or two.

Soon after Percy arrived and got claimed, they were as well. Hades figured now was as good a time as any to claim his kid. Up until now, Xander was under the impression that they would never hear from their father, and they were fine with that, but finally being claimed, in their words, was "social damnation." From that point on, they were avoided by a sizable chunk of camp because of their father's (generally unearned) reputation. They didn't have a cabin for the longest time, and stayed in the Big House until it was built, and sleeping there was awful due to the ghosts harassing them and the insistence that everything have skulls. They're adapting.

Aside from that, immediately, Lex knew there was something about Percy that they either really liked, or really hated, and until he was declared a fellow Big Three kid, they didn't quite know why. Afterwards, Xander decided to try to make nice with him, which was rocky at the start because they butted heads a lot because they were so similar — idiot powerhouses with a bad reputation in the real world. Eventually, though, they began breaking through each other's shells and somehow ended up dating. They've been together for about a year, and their banter is usually pretty lighthearted teasing and being dumb.

At this point, they finally began to develop classic Hades-kid powers. That being shadow travel and zombies (;3), detailed below in the Powers section.

TLDR: Born in Cincinnati, Alexandria's father was Hades and gtfo soon after. She was a schoolyard bully in elementary school and ran away when her mom betrayed her. She spent a year on the streets before meeting Will Solace and becoming friends. They made it to CHB, began identifying as non-binary, and was stuck in Hermes' Cabin until Percy showed up and they got claimed. They started talking to Percy, made friends with him, and ended up falling in love; they've been together for a year-ish. They became a social pariah, but their friends still care. They finally got their Hades-kid powers and have been kicking ass ever since.

Height: 5' 7" - they're tall

Weight: 115 lbs - underweight for their height



Style: Punk-rock, lots of grey and brown. Ripped jeans, converse, their mom's old jacket (something they had when they ran away), purple streaks, short hair. Androgynous/masculine style. Shit load of earrings.


Attack Style: Melee/hand-to-hand

Advantages: Xander is fast and strong after all their time fending for themself and beating the tar out of monsters, meaning they're quite effective in close-quarters.

Disadvantages: Although strong, Xander has minimal situational awareness. They don't pay much attention to what happens around them i.e. they're kinda stupid lol

Hatchet throw - pretty self explanatory. They throw Ichos like your standard axe-throw attack.
Zombies - also pretty self explanatory. Calling out to their father, Lex summons 1-5 zombies to help fight. They can't do it too often because it requires contacting their father, the zombies are kinda unruly, and it's exhausting. Lex isn't too good at this one yet.
Shadow travel - blending into dark places lets Xander teleport!! It's easier than summoning zombies though. Less tiring.

Siopi - a kind of sword called a xiphos made of Stygian Iron. The name means "silence" in Greek. It takes the form of Alex's blue, masculine bracelet. When it gets lost, thrown, or otherwise moves away from them, it disintegrates and is ready to pop out of the sword again. Kinda like Riptide.
Ichos - a Celestial Bronze hatchet! The name means "sound" in Greek. It takes the form of the red, feminine bracelet and functions like Siopi. Both weapons are perfectly balanced for their owner.

Power 5/5 - Being a big three child, Xander is wicked strong both physically and in terms of raw power.
Speed 4/5 - See above.
Technique 2/5 - As mentioned in the Disadvantages section, Lex doesn't have great technical skill.
Intelligence 2/5 - See above, due to having below-average schooling for most of their life, and being really bad when it comes to battle strategy, they're pretty dumb lol.
Cooperativeness 3/5 - While willing to work with others, Al's notoriety means others aren't willing to work with them.

Physical strengths:
As previously mentioned, they're stronk. They spend a lot of time sparring Clarisse.

Physical weaknesses:
Al is fast as hell, but they have minimal longevity. They're good for short bursts of speed, not long-term runs.

Mental strengths:
Alexandria is fiercely loyal. They'll kill for the people they love and won't hesitate to throw themself into a ravine for others.

Mental weaknesses:
Due to being alone for so long, they're obsessed with protecting what they have. Lex worries constantly about hurting those closest to them and tries their hardest to keep everyone safe.
Also, like most demigods, they have ADHD and Dyslexia.

Skills and talents:
Cooking, camping, and general survival skills all come easy for Lex.

—Camp Notes—

Cabin Number:
13, although they stay in either the Hermes cabin or the Big House when it's being built.

Years at Camp:
Four, two unclaimed.

Favorite Activity:
Rock wall climbing (they're a camp record holder!)

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