Sora Agawa - Persona 5

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Sue me.

—General Info—
Name: Sora Agawa (Sor-uh Ah-gah-wah)

Name meaning: Sora: Blue sky, Agawa: Riverbend

Age: 15 (2nd year)

Birthday: April 1st, 20XX

Birthplace: Yongen-Jaya

Ethnicity: half Japanese (paternal), half American (maternal)

Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her

—Personal Info—
Positive traits:
Spirited - Sora has boundless energy. She's always down to party. She's always down to fight.
Rebellious - Never will Sora sit and watch injustice go on unopposed. She embraces revolution and social change.
Optimistic - Sora looks to the bright side, trying to find ways to make bad situations better.

Negative traits:
Childish - Trying to be serious isn't something Sora is good at.
Overactive - ADHD has shaped much of Agawa's life. She can't sit still, she's constantly fidgeting, and she can't hold her tongue to save her life.
Hyperaware - Sora's aware of what people say around her and what they say about her. She knows what they say, what they mean, and is incredibly insecure about it.

Other traits:
Crafty - Sora has a thing for machines. She's accidentally taken apart toasters and microwaves at home and made makeshift weapons. Oops-

Likes: Mochi, mechanical engineering, pep rallies, talking, trying to take apart everyone's cell phones to dissect what makes them work, nerding out with Futaba.

Dislikes: Extensive quiet time, bitter and spicy food, traditional values, gender roles, monkey wrenches.

Fears: Sora is terrified of bugs of every kind, losing her ability to craft, being socially rejected by those she cares about, and bodies of water larger than ponds

Habits: Sora cannot sit still and is always fidgeting with something thanks to her extreme ADHD. She almost always has something on her to put together and take apart. She fidgets with her red and white bandanna.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Family: Kaitlyn Reese - Mother - Unknown, Hanta Agawa - Father - Alive

Friends: Sora is close to Futaba and Ryuji. She's also becoming close to Hifumi and Akira, though that's taken a lot of time. And she spends a ton of time with whoever isn't her SO. And because she spent a lot of her youth at Cafe LeBlanc, she feels as though Sojiro is her second father.

Crush/S.O.: Yusuke Kitagawa, Haru Okumura (main so)

Backstory ((tldr at the bottom)): Sora's story begins with her mother, an American woman spending two years in Japan for a work abroad program. She was at The Crossroads one night when she met a single Japanese man named Hanta. The two clicked immediately and began seeing each other after work most days. Sooner or later, Kaitlyn was pregnant and had her kid on April first. Then she disappeared. She went back to America and Hanta never heard from her again, so he tried his best to raise Sora alone.

Sora spent her whole childhood barely above the poverty line, spending most of her time after school at Cafe Leblanc with Sojiro (a friend of the regular patron's). Her dad worked sixteen hour shifts, seven days a week and struggled to make ends meet, so he was never around. He did, however, invest in Sora's education, hence why she's at Shujin.

She went to the same middle school as Ann and Ryuji, though she only got close to the latter. She related to the fact that he didn't quite belong either and they hit it off right away. During this time, she got very into building and engineering. She was experimenting with circuit boards, hardware, and advanced small-scale machinery. It was a place to channel her ADHD, something she'd struggled with her whole life.

She began attending Shujin at the same time as her buddy, and Kamoshida immediately picked up on her skill with machinery. For the next year, the perv constantly hassled her to help plant video cameras in the girl's locker room, and while she refused every time, he persisted.

When Akira showed up and began to stir things up, she got involved as fast as she could. Sora gets along with most of the team, though she often butts heads with Makoto and she openly hates Akechi.

TLDR: Sora was unplanned and left with her struggling single dad when her mom abandoned them. She grew up going to Cafe LeBlanc after school, hanging out with Ryuji, discovering the magic of engineering, and struggling with her ADHD. When she hit second year at Shujin and Akira showed up, she joined the Phantom thieves ASAP to take down Kamoshida, and she wholeheartedly dedicated herself to the group after his demise.

Height: 5'0" (less-than average height for her age)

Hair color and style: Sora has raven hair (glossy black according to ye olde dictionary). It's long and wavy with pretty nasty split ends thanks to how much she fidgets with it.

Eye color: Agawa's eyes are dark brownish black.

Skin tone: The teen's skin is pretty light. Not necessarily fair or pale, but not dark either.

Weight: 110 lbs (average weight for her height)

Scars/markings: Sora has a couple burn scars, cuts, and various markings from her building mishaps. She also has a birthmark above her knee. Not too crazy.

Style: Sora has a thing for overalls. She wears them all over, all the time, always. Her hair is always in a ponytail and she wears the same shoes every day — dark red high tops.

Phantom Thief Costume: Sora's costume is akin to stereotypical Victorian steampunk dress. She wears a welding mask, a button up shirt and vest, a necktie and pants. Her boots are knee-high and she has a thigh pocket thingy with spare ammo. Her utility belt is full of tools and parts for her to improvise weapons or tools with.

Attack Element: Gun, Fire

Resistance: Fire

Weakness: Ice

Equipment: Sora's melee weapon is a smithing hammer, and her ranged weapon is a custom-built mini railgun. It has next to no rounds, but it's devastating when she uses it, while her hammer is small and does light damage but is pretty accurate.

Persona: Hephaestus (Greek god of fire and crafts)

Arcana: The Craftsman/l'artisan ((not an actual in-game arcana, but sue me :P))

Codename: Flare

Melee: Blacksmith's mallet (pictured in her phantom thief costume drawing)
Ranged: Handheld railgun (not drawn. It's basically a bigass handheld cannon)

Power - 2/5 Sora isn't too strong. She can't throw a punch to save her life.
Speed - 1/5 Never had to be quick. That's what ryuji's for lol.
Technique - 4/5 What she lacks in strength, Sora more than makes up for in skill.
Intelligence - 4/5 Again, Sora doesn't need to be strong. That's what friends are for, so she lets others handle the fights.
Cooperativeness - 5/5 She can party with anyone for the most part. She doesn't really care about who people are, she just wants to vibe.

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