The Pack

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In all technically, these guys are werewolves, but this is simply for a wolf only rp, so... Not putting forms in Randomness from now on XD

Name; H, otherwise known as Hailey Murdis.

Gender; Female

Appearance; Grey eyes and black fur with a white underbelly.

Age; two years (give or take twenty human years)

Rank; skryleen

Mate; open ;)

Pack or loner; pack, but used to be a rogue

Family; mostly dead, the lot of em.


Name; Rage, or Ammon Miller

Gender; Male

Appearance; Blue eyes and typical grey fur.

Age; Three years (early twenties for human years.)

Rank; he doesn't have a permanent one

Mate; heh... Open

Pack or loner; pack

Family; Maria, who's his sister. They're litter mates.


Name; Maria Miller.

Gender; Female

Appearance; Blue eyes and typical grey fur.

Age; Three years (early twenties for human years.)

Rank; Gamma

Mate; no, not currently

Pack or loner; pack

Family; Rage is her brother. They were born in the same litter.


Name; Carnage.

Gender; Male

Appearance; He's only got one hold eye, the other one is clawed out. His silver fur is dotted with scars and marks from his various fights.

Age; Fiveish years (like, thirty in human)

Rank; Hm... He was beta, but he got kicked out of the position for insubordination. He's a rogue now.

Mate; Open

Pack or loner; Rogue, as previously mentioned

Family; Not alive ones, at least.


Name; Beau!

Gender; Female

Appearance; She has forest green eyes and a greyish fur, dotted with orange.

Age; A few months old (she's like six in human years)

Rank; Pup


Pack or loner; She's been adopted in

Family; Yes, but they abused her, so she ran away and now has her new family, the pack!

HEY! Sorry it took so long, I had class and such. shadowrider676

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