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Since I figure I can use my Synthetics now-

Name; "My designation is Xeirs, pleased to meet you!"

Age; "I've been told I look about twenty." (He's thirteen xD)

Gender; "Erm, I find it difficult to give a gender to a machine." (We call him male.)

Sexuality; "... That is very personal question." (Undecided, really. He's probably bisexual panromantic.)

Species; "As mentioned in the text above my name, I am a Synthetic."

Personality; "Hm?" (His personality tends to mirror the one of who he's around most. Because he was an early model, he isn't programmed with a typical personality. He has to adopt one.)

Looks; (I haz you an quote from an unpublished book:
At the far right sat a man who looked almost identical to me in terms of exposed skin. He was made the same way, had grey eyes and light, fluffy hair, but almost his entire body was void of skin. His metal parts were exposed for everyone in the room to see, and while that simply meant that he was a shell of metal and there was no awkward sights or anything (especially because I noticed he had a severe lack of clothing)

... XD)

Powers and Abilities; (I mean, he's a robot...)

Other; "Such as?" (He's one of the counselmen for ίππος αφηνιάσας and the head trainer.)

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