A turn on the road

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It was a hot summer afternoon in Mumbai. The temperature has risen and so has the city become more polluted than ever. It is almost impossible to escape from the traffic and the heat before you could reach your destination.

Little Evie was placed in a play gym in the living room. The tiny 3 month old was trying to catch the felt toys hovering above her play mat. Avni sat on the couch right beside her, going through a case file. An urgent case has come to their firm and she had to get back to it, although her maternity leave has not yet come to an end.

The ring of her phone brought her back to the present. "Neil.." Avni mumbled as the name appeared on the screen. "Hey.." She answered, a bit tensed as she knew Neil was busy at work because of some ongoing conferences, and its almost impossible for him to make a call during work hours. "Avni! I have to leave to Delhi in an hour! Its urgent, I'm on the run for a serious case of terrorism. Please pack up for me for about a week, yeah?" Neil spoke, without pausing for even a breath. Avni could tell how serious he sounded, thus she waived away all her queries. "Sure, are you coming home?" She asked, closing her files and keeping them aside quickly. "I might drop by just to change my uniform. Please keep my suitcase ready." With that the line went dead. "Bhima?" Avni called out to their maid and left Evie with her. She hurried to the stairs, informing Bebe quickly about Neil's trip and hurried to their room for a quick pack-up.

"DD, pick me up on your way to airport. I'll be ready in 15 mins." Neil instructed his assistant as he walked into the house. "Neil. Whats with the sudden trip?" Prakash got up from the couch and walked to his son, Bebe and Shweta right behind him. "Its some case of Terrorism, Dad. Some Indian living abroad and some living in Delhi, together tried to blast several places at once." Neil ran a hand on his forehead. He was hell of tired of attending the conferences for two weeks and the case dropped on them like a true bomb. He has been directly instructed to attend the scenes. "What?! In Delhi??" Sheet exclaimed. Neil just nodded his head, "Mom, Dad. I don't have time to explain right now. Gotta hurry. I'll keep you all updated." With that he ran upstairs.

Avni was about to walk out of the room, and she bumped onto Neil. "Ouch!" She exclaimed the little iron star on Neil's uniform bumped on her forehead. She held onto her forehead tightly as she felt a bit dizzy. "I'm sorry, I didn't--" Neil's words trailed off as he saw a line of blood run down Avni's face. "It's bleeding!" He exclaimed. "W-what?" Avni then noticed the stain of blood as she brought down her hand. "Damn, I should have been more careful! Come!" Neil took her hand and brought her inside. Avni could clearly see how tensed up he was, and the little accident added up his frustration. "Tsk, Neil. Its fine. I'll get this cleaned." She tried to calm him down, as Neil walked off to pick up the first aid box. He was about to rebut, when his phone 'I'm beeped with a message from the Delhi Commissioner. Neil realised that he had no time at all. "I'm sorry, I-" "Its fine. I know you are running late." Avni interrupted him, getting up from the bed. "Get a shower before you change." She handed him a towel and Neil gave a nod and headed off to the shower. Everything then slowly sank into Avni. Neil was leaving town for god knows how long. She know that cases like this takes several days of investigations and Neil would be double busy. Evie and she will have to stay home, away from him. But then again, thus is life. And Neil has to do what he has to do. Avni took a few breaths to calm herself down.

As a last check, Neil put his charger in the suitcase and zipped it up. He straightened himself, his eyes fell on to Avni, who stood at a side of the bed. Her face showed no emotions or he rather he could not comprehend it. But a weak little smile on her lip was evident that she wasn't at all fascinated with the sudden turn of events. Neither was he, but theres no choice.

"Evie will keep you up the whole night.. and I'm sorry I had to leave." Neil mumbled, working towards his wife. Avni pursed her lips and tried to smile again. "I'm not going to sleep in here, until you return and we are together." Avni pointed out indirectly, how hollow she was already feeling. "Hehe. That scared are you, wifey?" Neil chuckled, bringing Avni into his arms. "Nope. I just don't want to miss you so much." "I'll be calling you every night, hey. I'm only a City away." Neil was feeling uneasy to see how unhappy Avni was, so he tried to make a positive environment before he leave. "But then you'll be busy.." Avni said softly. Neil did not reply to that. Both of them knows its the truth, thus neither tried to revert it. He hugged her more tightly and kissed on her forehead. "Let me see Evie before I leave." Avni nodded and straightened herself. She gestured to Neil that Evie was in the hallway, and headed to the washroom.

"Baby!" Neil cooed to Evie, and picked her up in his arms. "My patootie..!" He squeezed the chubby little cheeks and cuddled her lovingly. "Daddy's leaving. Be good to Mommy, okay? I'll be back soon, I promise.." Neil nuzzled on her face, trying to control his tears. Its strange on how badly attached a father gets to his child. Especially to a daughter. The little more protectiveness is justifiable, as they are so vulnerable just like a flower. Neil had never imagined he could witness this special kind of love, ever in his life. He did not think that he will really have to leave his tiny little heartbeat even for a day. But then today.. well. He just have to be very strong.

Avni's steps from behind them, brought Neil back to earth. He successfully changed his expressions and forced a smile, before turning around. Avni smiled in return, not knowing what to say. "I'll miss you.." Neil mumbled, as he wrapped an arm around Avni's waist and brought her closer. Avni looked into he brown eyes, and quickly pecked on his lips. "I'll miss you so much more." Just then the others joined them to bid goodbye to Neil. DD pulled into the driveway. Neil took blessings from the elders and hugged Avni and Evie for the last time for a while, before descending into the portico. Avni sighed heavily, trying to refrain from all the negative thoughts. Shweta hugged her, assuring that they will all together fill up the gap of Neil for Evie. Avni smiled and hugged her back.

Days passed as Neil being busy, just as Avni expected. On one had, even she was busy attending the hearings and work. The current case turned out to be a winning, yet interesting case for Avni. It was super exciting and she wanted to share all of it with neil, but something very strange she had become to notice. Although Neil attempts to call at least once a day, it would all be video calls, and that too to see Evie. There never was a real conversation between Neil and her, and neither did he call in the night when Avni was free most of the time. Initially Avni convinced herself it was because Neil was busy on the field and she did not wanted to bother him. But with each passing day, she slowly lost her patience.

"Wow! Too cute you are!" Avni exclaimed as she dressed up Evie into a new floral pyjama. Little one laughed as her mother tickled on her sides. Avni grinned wide and gently placed Evie on the bed in her nursery. "Oh look! Daddy's calling!" Avni showed her mobile to Evie and picked up the call. "DD, I'm dead sure it is him!" Avni heard Neil say, as the call connected. "I am not taking any chances, Not for anyone. Work is work, and my Country comes before me at any instant!" His firm tone gave goosebumps to her. As if her sixth sense was giving her a warning-an un easy feeling. Just then Neil realised that Avni and Evie was on the other head. "Hullo Baby!" He quickly changed and called out in a cheerful tone. Evie excitedly stirred her hands and legs, she can recognise Neil and his voice really well. Avni held the phone above Evie's face, as Neil talked to her for more than 10-15 mins. He did not for once called out her name, neither did he attempted to see her. This was the normal routine call, and now even Avni was hesitant to show up herself in the video. She was badly heart and on the verge to be completely shattered. As hard as she was trying to console herself of Neil being busy, her heart was not ready to accept the fact... As Neil tried to end the conversation, Avni called out to him. "Neil!" it brought a halt to Neil, who stared at the screen blankly. "Can--we talk tonight? please?" Avni put out the words with difficulty. Neil's usual answer would be a, will call once I am free. But unlike that tonight, he did not rebut and neither did he end the call. "Once Evie sleeps..." It was Avni who spoke this time as well. Neil just nodded his head, and remained in the call ash Avni put Evie to sleep.

Avni sat on the armchair in the nursery after tucking Evie into her crib. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Avni promised to herself to take things smoothly, yet solve it up as soon as possible. "Is there some problem, Neil?" She asked. Neil on the other end tensed up a bit, but replied with a No. "I--I thought. because.. we don't talk anymore.. I know you are busy but-- we haven't talked for even 5 hours with in these 2 months..." Avni's throat was all dry, as she was hell nervous. "Because I really am busy." Neil shot back, taking Avni by surprise. "These are all the files that haven't even been touched yet." Neil showed the room around. "But--a few minutes call..." "Look, Avni. You know how dedicated I am to my work and I do not want any kind to distraction to it." Neil interrupted her. "Distraction? I am a distraction?!" Avni's voice was a bit loud this time. Neil was about to rebut, but an officer came into the room. "I'll have to go for now.." With that, the call ended. Avni sat on the chair, froze into her posture, wondering. "What could have possibly gone wrong? Everything was all well when Neil left and it was good for the first few weeks.." Avni thought to herself. Tears rolled down her cheeks, despite her continuous attempt to control herself. Her face slowly fell into her hands, sobbing her heart out.

Two days later Avni got an urgent call and rushed to office. "Avi! We have been handed over the case of the Delhi attack case!" Ruth hurried to her side as Avni entered the office. "The suspects are under custody and brought to Mumbai this morning!" This force Avni in her step. Brought to Mumbai? In morning? Means Neil too came back? She felt dizzy as the questions swam through her mind. Ruth's voice broker her stance, "Only you can take up the case and prosecute them! I have already sent the confirmation to the Prosecutor General." Avni's eyes widened. She wanted to object as she gave not yet looked into the case. "Uh-huh. I know what you are going to say. But right now, we are going to the police station, to meet up with the officers and the suspects. We'll be handed over the documents after a brief from them." Ruth dragged Avni to their changing room to get their suites and other stuff. "Haha, Neil is one hell of a person, I must say. He takes his profession with so much passion! I mean he is the Gem of this country. Didn't even let you know the progress of the case, until the investigation was completed." Avni forced a smile to Ruth's statement but did not pass a comment. Her mind was in a havoc right now.

Once they arrived to the Police Station, they were escorted to a conference room at the end of the hallway. As Avni entered behind Ruth, she froze in her posture to see Neil inside the room. There were so much changes in him within just two and a half months! He had lost a bit of weight but more bold at the same time. His hair was longer and his beard and mustache was more grown and perfectly shaped. Avni's heart raced. But as their gaze met, her heart just broke! The wave of all the emotions of the past days took the best of her! Unintentionally her eyes welled up and she could feel her body having a mild shake. Neil noticed all of it, and his eyes were fixed on Avni.

"Ehemm." Ruth laughed, breaking their eye contact. "Shall we proceed with work first, Mr. Commissioner?" Avni saw Neil's eyes widening. "Y—your firm has taken up the—P-Prosecution?" He asked, hesitantly. "Yes? Avni is taking it, I have even sent the confirmation." Ruth replied, trying to figure out what was possibly wrong. Before Neil could reply, his team of officers walked in and the meeting started. They shared the case facts and explained that the planning took place outside India, and the traitors came in with a fully fledged plan, etc. The Briefing lasted for a few minutes. Avni and Neil shared glances. Filled with emotions unknown to each other.

"Thank you for attending, Prosecutors. That's all for the Briefing. We'll hand you over the investigation papers." DD made the statement before dismissing the meeting. "Oh and, those are our suspects. In that room." He pointed out at the glass between the two rooms, the curtain covering which was now pulled up. Avni turned around to have a look, and felt like the earth beneath her feet just rolled out! She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands! How was that even possible?! Avni moved closer to the wall to have a better look. The next instant she coupled her hands together and held close to her chest. She then turned around to Neil, her eyes filled with tears, confusion, complains...and hatred!

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