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Their eye contact was broken by the ring of Avni's phone. She saw her 'Dad''s name on the screen. In a jiffy Avni gathered all her belongings and strode down to exit the meeting room. Ruth called her name but Avni didn't stop. She then looked at Neil, equally confused on how the person was arrested. She gestured the other two lawyers to follow her, together they left the Police Station.

"Explain me everything." Was Avni's first sentence as she answered the call. "I'm so sorry, Avi. All our phones were being tapped. Police has forbidden us to contact anyone regarding the matter." Joseph started saying. He told the whole story to Avni, who on the other end fell into her office chair. Her head was spinning, as if it was going to burst. As she got to know more, tears streamed down her cheeks. 

The call ended and Avni rested her head on the desk. She could connect all the pieces now. How Neil changed all of a sudden, how he distant himself from her.. And how he avoided her. BUT... how come he thought that it was the right person under his arrest?! Doesn't he have the lest bit of trust? And hoe dare he connect it all to her as well?! With all the thoughts, Avni slowly fumed up. She could comprehend Neil's thoughts towards her now, and neither was she interested to live with him anymore. Avni quickly brushed her cheeks to wipe off the tears. Its time to act, she won't be able to do anything if she waste even a second. She created a case file and started working on it. Called her assistant and got the case documents from Ruth, and spent hours in examining them.

"Neil?! When did you come?!" Shweta was all excited as Neil appeared at the entrance. Evie sat on Bebe's lap, who was playing with her. "Neil!" She grinned wide. "We didn't know you were to arrive today. Even Avni didn't say so. The investigation is over?" Prakash said, giving Neil a side hug. "Yes, Dad." Neil gave a weak smile in response. "Avni!" Bebe then saw Avni, standing at the entrance. "Array I was all worried about you! Didn't even call once today. Thank God, Evie was all good today. She slept for direct 3 hours this afternoon!" Shweta grinned, clapping her hands together. Bebe noticed Avni standing there without a response. "What happened, Dear?" Bebe asked. Everyone, including Neil's gaze shifted to her. 

Avni slowly walked towards Neil, who's expression stiffened immediately. She showed an envelop on Neil's face, "I tried couriering this to your Police Station, but the working hours were over. So let me hand this over to you directly, ACP Khanna." Her words not only surprised Neil, but all the others in the room. Everyone knew something serious was wrong between them. "What has happened to the two of you?" Prakash couldn't stand without asking. "You should ask your Son, Dad. He had done an outstanding investigation." Avni replied with a smirk. "What are you saying? Neil, I read from the news that you have returned Mumbai with the suspects--" "Yes, all the way from London!" Avni interrupted again. Everyone gasped. "What do you mean? why are you talking in such a manner? I'm not able to understand anything!" Bebe asked. She called out Bhima and sent Evie with her. "His top suspect was arrested and brought all the way from London.. My brother Ansh." Shweta gasped and grabbed onto Prakash tightly. "WHAT?! NEIL ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!!" Prakash grabbed on Neil's collar and shook gently. "I am in my complete sense, Dad! I did a thorough investigation, and arrested the suspects! and He, is the master mind of this whole thing! He is the Terrorist!" "DONT YOU DARE, NEIL KHANNA!" Avni shouted out, interrupting him. "DONT YOU DARE CALL HIM A TERRORIST!" She showed a finger in warning. "Why can't I? I have enough proof against your so called brother!" Neil was equally angry. "The Court will decide that, NOT YOU." Avni muttered under her breath. Neil let out a mockery laugh. "Fine, and that would be proved in no time. In a case which you will be leading. I would go to any extent to prove him guilty! Nation comes first for me!" Neil moved closer and said. "And my blood ties comes first for me! This, is my recusal from the case! Go find your own Prosecutors, Mr. Khanna!" Avni threw the envelop at Neil's face. "Your blood tie? As far as I know, he is a Muslim foster child, that your parents adopted.." Neil said in a mocking tone, which boiled up Avni. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! Foster or not, he is my brother. And I will not let anything happen to him! Ah, who am I even talking to? How would you know the strength of the bond between two siblings?" Avni shot in response. "I will be taking up the case on behalf of Ansh, and I will prove you wrong!" Avni gave the last warning and headed to the stairs. But Neil's next sentence froze her steps. "Alright. Take up the case. The day you enter the Court as his lawyer, would be your last day in this House.." "NEIL!" Prakash yelled at him in anger. "Please Dad. I am talking to my wife, and I know what I am saying. You don't know what harm that person has done to our family!" Neil responded. Avni slowly turned around. "Have it your way, then. Consider that as my official recusal." With that she ran up the stairs. 

Bebe thumped on to the couch, as if she has lost all of her strength. Shweta grabbed on to Prakash and cried out loud. Neil strode down and exited the house in the heat of the moment.

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