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A phone call from home saved Avni from the situation. She quickly disappeared from Neil's eyes. Neil let out a huge sigh, as if he have been holding his breath for a decade. He leaned on the kitchen counter and and ran his fingers through his hair. He was lost, not knowing what he should do. He cannot not accept any decisions made by his mother. And there's Avni.. to whom he have fallen in deeply. The clearest way infront of Neil was choosing his mother, as there was no official relations or closeness between Avni and him. He have to bury his feelings for her and move on with what's to come.

Avni was the last one to walk into the living room with her luggage. She was wearing a white sweatshirt and blue jeans, with a grey coat. She had draped a shawl around her neck, to escape from the cold. Neil could not take his eyes off from her, but soon dropped as reality sunk in. Avni got onto the most back seat of the van, planning to avoid interactions as much as possible. Teasing and hilarious conversations went on, the airport was pretty much far. "Neil, it's good in a way that this turned out as your bachelor trip as well! Not bad man." Nikhil Teased Neil, who just gave a smile. "London has to be exceptionally fun, okay Ms.British?" He added, gesturing to Avni. "Avi isn't gonna stay with us in London." Noya responded. Neil's head swished towards her. "Why not?!" Ryan asked. Avni shrugged. "I have family over there, and urgent work as well hehe." She felt Neil's eyes on her.
The flight landed at London around mid night. "Hello? ..yeah." Avni loaded her luggage to a trolly. She hugged Esha, Amra and finally Noya. Avni buried her face on Noy's shoulder. "Avi, please tell Neil about how you feel.." Noya started. "Shh.. I don't want to talk about it." Avni cut her in and hugged her more tightly. She let go of Noya after a while. Her eyes were moist, her face was all red as she was trying to hold back her tears. Avni smiled and waved at Nikhil and Ryan. And then.. Neil. Who stood as a statue, even after Avni walked away. Neil's throat was dry, his heart was aching. He trembled with.. Neil rushed and caught up with Avni. "Avni!" He grabbed Avni's hand who turned around in a shock. She looked into his face, really confused. "I.." He started. Avni's heart raced, her hands trembled. Their eyes locked. Neil could see the complain in her eyes, constantly searching for a response from him. But he was helpless. He didn't reply. Avni finally pulled out her hand. "Good luck, Neil.." With that she left.

Neil wasn't at ease, neither was Avni. His wedding preparations were going on back at home, as Neil didn't think it would be necessary to wait over for him cuz he knew the girl. Avni was also making useless attempts to forget about Neil and focus on her work.

2 Months later

Neil got out from his car to enter the big mansion in front of him. A board was hung at the entrance that said "Noya weds Arav". Neil smiled to himself and hurried to go inside, as he was already late. He has been really busy at work, but he spent majority of his time planning and helping out Noya with the preparations of the wedding rituals. It all has finally kicked start today.
"Noy!" Neil called out as he saw Noya passing by. "Ugh! Idiot! You can't reach anywhere on time, can you!" Noya rushed to him and slapped his hand! "Ouch! I told you I'll be trapped for a while. Lets go?" Neil saw Noya trying to say something. He could see her being upset to an extent but didn't bother to ask her. Instead he dragged Noya inside.
Neil made Noya take her seat, Everyone was gathered around her for the ceremony of Haldi. It started with the parents and relatives. Finally came to the turn of Neil, Nikhil and Ryan. Who together applied Haldi to Noya. They teased her a bit, and Neil got up to wash his hands as the Haldi had a bit of itchy affect on his skin. He walked towards a table and pulled out a cloth to wipe it off. Neil was about to turn over when he bumped into someone! Neil quickly reacted to help the lady from falling, hence he wrapped an arm around her waist, the other accidentally caressed on her face with all the Haldi. Neil looked at the person. He could not believe, as Avni laid down in his arms, her eyes squeezed shut as if she still feared of falling. Her skin has got rid of all the tan, it was rather fair white. Her cheek had a Haldi print of his hand. "Avni.." He whispered under his breath. Avni quickly opened her eyes. She can recognize his voice in anywhere in this world. It was him! Avni felt her heart thumping in her chest, her whole body was going numb. The moment lingered for a while, but Avni managed to control herself and moved out of Neil's embrace. Avni gave a quick smile, after straightening herself. Neil took heavy breaths, trying to calm himself. Avni have become more beautiful with the days. So perfect. But..
"You came.." Neil mumbled. "I had no other options." Avni replied. There was an awkward silence. "How have you been?" Neil asked again. Avni nodded her head," all good, except work of course. How bout you?" Avni asked, moving a bit more  close. "Good.. um..I.." "Neil, Lets have lunch?" Avni and Neil both looked over to check on the person. It was a young lady of about her age. She was wearing a yellow and gold sari, with matching jewels. Neil didn't say anything. "Oh Neil, your wifey has been looking for you. There he is, Jia!" A man passed by, teasing the lady and Neil. Avni's eyes widened. So he really is married.. She've..She've lost him.. Avni took few steps backward slowly. Neil looked at Avni, who was trying her best to relax, and act normal. But his heart knew what she's going through, when his own heart is in the same status. Avni looked at Noya, who have been witnessing it all. She nodded her head, in order to gesture Avni that everything will be alright. Avni ran to Noya, who held her in a tight embrace. For the crowd it was a hug if reunion. But in real, a once strong heart shuddering in pain..

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