His addiction

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The squad spent rest of the day exploring the city and visiting the ancient places. In the process they tried on a rollercoaster ride. It was Avni's first time too, but it went really well for her. Neil had flips in his stomach, but managed to pull out of it, safe and sound.

The suite was resembling a rooster cage, as the sun came down. As everyone was getting ready for the Bridal shower/party they were keeping for Noya. Some of their other friends were to join as well. Avni could be Said as the only calm soul among the lot. She wanted to dress simple, hence helped others to get ready first. She was about to help Esha with her hair, when Amra came running. "Avi! Someone's calling you on skype, non stop!" Avni rushed to the living area, where her MacBook was kept on the dinning table. Everyone else gathered around. Avni answered. "Avni!" "Ruth! Whats up??" "A terror attack at the Westminster!!" Avni was taken aback! "What?!" She Exclaimed. "I cant..explain right here.. wait! Daniel is calling you!" With that Ruth hung up. Avni was frozen in her position for a while. "Nikhil! Put on the TV!" She flipped through the channels quickly. Everyone's hand clasped against their mouth, as all the scenarios were seen on the TV. Two collided busses on the Westminster bridge, injured people lying around all over the bridge. Avni's Skype received a phone call again.
A: Daniel!
D: Avni! It's him! The one we suspected! Khalid Muhammad!
A: oh my gosh! He was the attacker?!
D: yes! Police is trying to capture him. And and.. the PM is inside the Parliament chambers! (Daniel's breath was short, he was too nervous)
A: WHAT?! How.. is it the Queen's Speech day?
N: yes.. oh there she goes. She's taken out of the chambers now.
Avni let out a heavy sigh.
A: how are they going to catch the bomber? Shoot him?
Just then they heard a gun shot.
D: he's gone.
A: Thank god!
D: listen Avni, we'll need to provide all the information. ASAP! You have to come here as soon as possible.
Avni shook her head to clear out her mind. She really wants to be with Noya right now. But this was important as well.
A: I don't think I will pre-pone. Because I'll be traveling tomorrow night anyway. Keep me updated.
Daniel agreed as Avni is the one who'd decide. And they concluded the phone call. Avni looked up from her laptop, everyone's eyes were glued to her. "Hehe it's fine. Y'all should get ready. I'll join you in a while." They agreed and left to the ballroom of the hotel at the top floor.
Avni worked for about an hour and got up to get ready. She took a quick shower and put on the dress. It was a black mermaid shaped dress, with brown stripes at the sides. It fit into every curve of her body. Avni quickly did a light make up and curled her hair. She wore the shoe in a jiffy and ran to catch the elevator.
Avni entered the room, her eyes searched for anyone from the group. Ryan came up to her. "Take my hand, you gorgie! Anyone could kidnap you from here with this beauty." He Teased. Avni laughed and took his hand. Neil was at a side, trapped in a conversation with a friend of Noya. Avni walked to the other girls and mingled with them. "You beautiful thing!" Esha Said, praising Avni, who just rolled her eyes and started a conversation with her. They all gathered around Noy, raised toasts for her, shared their memories too, while taking dinner together at the table. Neil could not take his eyes off from Avni all those while. Avni looked at Neil, their eyes locked on each other. Neil was wearing a black suit, with a white shirt and a bow tie. This was the first time Avni saw him in a formal wear. His whole personality tonight was taking her breath away. Noya clicked her fingers in front of Avni's face, shaking her out of the eye lock. She then shot glances to Avni and Neil, questioning em what was going on, with a gesture of her eyes. Avni and Neil both gulped as if they have been caught red handed. Avni quickly looked away, ignoring Noya.
Last was clicking pictures of the memorable party. Noya wanted to treasure them as her best moments.

Avni walked to a side as her phone rang. She walked into the small terrace area, and was on the phone for a good twenty minutes. Avni took a deep breath after ending the phone call. It has been one tiring day. Her work has now doubled with the attack. Avni turned around to leave, but had to stop and she bumped onto someone. Avni brushed her hair for her eyes and looked at the figure. "Neil.." "Hi" he smiled. "Wait.. Noy." Avni Said trying to look over Neil's shoulder. "They've left.." he mumbled. Avni's eyes widened. "But.. wh.." she didn't know what to say. And neither she knew why Neil came to her. "Relax Ms.Lawyer. Noy asked me to bring you along, once you are done with the call." Avni relaxed a bit, but gasps again as Neil held on to her waist. He took her inside to the empty ballroom. A soft music was playing still. Neil took Avni's hand and swayed to it, "this is something I really wished to do tonight." Avni didn't know how to respond. Neil's hand now moved slowly along her back. His fingers ran up and down her back, avni's hand tightened on His shoulder, trying to calm her inner chaos. "You're so beautiful! I've never seen anything so gorgeous." He whispered beneath his breath. Avni felt goosebumps on her skin, her cheeks were now flushed. Avni looked at Neil, but it was her weakness that she again got lost in his eyes. His eyes now filled with lust. The next thing she knew, Neil's face was slowly moving close to hers. Avni could feel his hot breath on her skin, her eyes closed slowly. The fragrance of her was seducing Neil, it was impossible for him to resist.  He slowly placed his lips on Avni's cheek. Her skin was so soft, he dug his lips deep in her skin. Avni's hands tightened on his hair. Neil slowly moved to her neck, lingering his lips over there. He placed trails of wet kisses on her skin, Avni's breath hitched. With difficulty, Avni placed a hand on Neil's chest, pushing him a bit away. "Neil.." she whispered. Neil quickly controlled himself, and looked at Avni in her eyes. Avni could see his eyes were still filled hunger. "I'm sorry.. I.." Neil started, but Avni shook her head. They swayed in each other's arms for a few moments, which was broken by Neil's phone which buzzed with Noya's call. Hence they had to for back to the suit.
For both Avni and Neil, it was a sleepless night. One heart was dancing with an unknown happiness while the other.. well.

Avni didn't see Neil on breakfast table. She didn't get time to check on him, as she went out for some shopping with Noya. They returned by afternoon. Whole living room was in chaos. Some were packing and some were busy preparing food. Neil was in the kitchen with Esha and Ryan. "Avi! Over here!" Amra called her over. She was sitting at the dining table. Nikhil and she had scattered so many stuff over it. "What's going on?" Avni asked, taking the gold necklaces and other jewelries. "Is this one nice?" Amra asked Avni. She tried some and so did Esha. "Noy? I thought you were doing a catholic wedding?" Avni couldn't hold it. She was really confused with all the Indian traditional stuff scattered around. "Oh it's not for Noy's wedding! We have a much bigger wedding before that!" Esha replied, confusing Avni even more. Avni shot a glance at Noya, questioning her. Noya's expression was all blank.. as if she was really upset. "You didn't know Avi?" Esha asked again. "Didn't know what? Whose wedding?" Avni replied with questions. "Oh ho! Neil's wedding dear! His mom has finally found a choice!" Amra Said, almost hugging Neil to death. Avni.. it took a while for her to process the whole thing. Neil is getting married? To.. wait.. what happened between him and her last night? I thought.. I just thought.. Avni looked over at Neil. Who was looking directly at her. Her whole body was numb and cold. She just didn't know how to react. All the others were drooling around Neil, teasing him to death. While Noya, stood at a distance. Not knowing what she should do.. her heart filled with concern for Avni. Avni dropped her eyes from Neil and turned around. She held on to the chair next to her, to support herself. A wave of mix emotions drowning her right now.

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