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Zara came in just then. She thanked Avni and Neil before hurrying to their room with the twin, as they were too sleepy. As the door closed, Avni straightened herself on the couch. "Um... I need to tell you something.." Avni mumbled. The serious expression on her face suffocated Neil. She then opened her bag on the couch and pulled out some papers. Neil couldn't hold himself anymore! "What.. are you leaving me?? Avni, I'm sorry!" He hugged her waist and rested his head on her lap. "I'm sorry I had acted to weirdly! I s..swear I didn't know what I was doing. But believe me, I wasnt intending to leave you.. for Juhi. Avni—." She was interrupted by Avni, who pulled him up. Neil was surprised to see her almost completely relaxed now. "Can you go through this first?" She said again, handing over the paper.

Neil opened it in a jiffy, tears were rolling down his cheeks. "Wh.." Neil couldnt find his voice as he looked at Avni. Her lips slowly curved into a smile, nodding her head. "Oh my god.." Neil ran his hands on his face and sniffed. He got up to his feet, smiling and laughing. Pacing up and down for a while. "I am.. oh Avni..!" He ran to her and gathered her in his arms. Avni let out a hearty laugh as Neil lifted her up and swung in the air. "Neil, put me down. I feel dizzy already.." Avni tightened her grip on Neil's shoulder. He brought her down instantly but until her face leveled with his. Their hearts raced with mixed emotions. "Thank you, baby.." Neil mumbled, nuzzling on Avni's face. She closed her eyes, letting him enjoy her scent. Avni cupped his face carefully, and captured his lips to a passionate kiss. Neil responded equally. They parted, gasping for air. Neil carefully placed Avni on ground. Her sweatshirt lifted up a bit in the process. He slowly ran his fingers on her exposed skin. "I cant tell you how happy I am.. neither can I believe theres a little life in here." He then turned her towards him. "And.. I'm never gonna let you go away from me. Not in my wildest dream." Neil wrapped his arms around her waist. "I was so scared. I trust in our love, but.. I dont know what got into me." Avni said, caressing on Neil's face. "I didnt know what got into me either. And I'm so sorry for that." "But you can help Juhi to recover, I have no issues with it." Avni tried to make her view clear. "I know you wouldn't. And I love you for that." Neil smiled and kissed on her cheek. Avni hugged him and rested her head on Neil's chest. "I'm so tired.." she whimpered. "Oh yes, you owe some serious explanation." Neil pointed about the whole pregnancy test event, and took Avni to bed.

Two days passed without much holiday spirits. Avni was having some serious morning sicknesses thus she didn't take part in the trip activities. Neil visits Juhi briefly, and helped Todd with the formalities to complete to take her to India. He did explain her who Avni was and how his whole world now revolves around her.

"Can you pass me that scarf?" Avni asked Neil, getting up from the couch. "You sure you would be fine?" Neil asked for the umpteenth time. They were traveling back to India after the long vacation. Juhi was not traveling with them as Neil had said he'd need some time. He also made sure Avni gets her license back, but it is kept as a surprise for now. Avni has not been keeping well, thus he doesnt think her mind even diverted to that aspect. "I'll be good, dont worry." Avni squeezed his hand in assurance.
It was a very long journey and Neil was afraid to close his eyes even for split seconds. But Avni was the opposite, who slept throughout the journey except for the meal time. Neil brushed a strand of hair from her face. Avni have already started to look a bit fluffy. Her cheeks were little more chubbier, tip of her nose and the sides of the face were a but flushed with redness. Neil is still sinking in the feeling that a part of him is living inside her. The little miracle that saved their love from a drastic phase of life.

Bebe pulled Avni to a bone crushing hug as soon as she got out of the car! "I had no idea we'll get such a beautiful package from London!" She teased them, her overexcitement evident from every action. Shweta somehow seemed a bit hesitant, but Avni didnt give it much of her thoughts. Dinner went on with long conversations. But as soon as the topic of Juhi was brought up, Shweta was extra attentive. She inquired about her condition and possible measures to take for her recovery. Neil explained it all to her and told her Juhi will come in three days, which evidentiary excited Shweta.
Avni came up to their room to take a shower, but sat on the couch for a while, trying to interpret Shweta's reaction. Was Juhi very dear to Mom? And her return is changing her relationship with me? Avni couldnt help but think of it in a negative way. Her hormones were to be blamed perhaps. "Shall I help you take a shower?" Asked Neil, closing the door behind him. He thought Avni was too exhausted. Avni quickly shook her head and went in. The night was long for her. Bunch of questions packed up in her mind, suffocating her soul. Was her consent for Juhi's stay with them, a bad decision? But she had already given her opinion, the only way is to trust the time and let it pass by. Avni turned to the side of Neil and ran her fingers through his hair. She draped the comforter on the two of them and tried to get some sleep.

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