Their little heartbeat

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Avni's assumptions were turning out to be true. Shweta wasnt very much chatty as before, when she sits around with Avni. She would just inquire if Avni needs any help or wants to eat anything specific: other than that, their relationship wasnt that well. Nor was it noticed by anyone else, as they were more excited with Avni's pregnancy.

Neil woke up to the noise of someone closing a door loudly. He simultaneously heard Avni getting sick, behind the door. Its her normal morning routine now. She has been avoiding to brush her teeth in morning as it makes her sick, thus refusing to go downstairs for breakfast. Neil has been trying to convince her that it was alright, but Avni being Avni, wouldnt listen.
"Avni? Open the door." Neil knocked on the door softly. "I'm fine, Neil.." he heard her mumble. "Just.. open the door.." Neil said again. He have asked her not to lock it, after she fell into the bathroom once. With a crack Avni opened the door. Her face was white as a ghost, eyes a bit red. Neil gathered her in his arms quickly. "Do you like want to eat something?" He asked, taking her to bed. Avni shook her head, but Neil still turned to go downstairs. But Avni grabbed his hand, making him sit next to her. "You wont feel better if you dont eat.. and its not you alone now." Neil said bringing her closer. Avni rested her head on his chest, grabbing onto his shirt. Neil's heart almost stopped when he felt his shirt getting wet with Avni's tears. He tightened his around her. "Shhh... I'm sorry. I.. I would do anything to lighten your pain. But I know you are brave enough to fight this through.. a little more courage please. I'll be right here. Right next to you, I promise... okay?" He said, kissing all over her face and hair. Avni just nodded her head, too tired to even respond. "And.. I'm gonna go to pick up Juhi from airport." Avni lifted up her head and nodded, moving away from Neil. He felt strange, but accepted that its quiet normal. "Sure you dont want anything?.." Neil asked again, tucking Avni to bed. "There's some juice you got last night. I'll have that for now." Avni said, she knew Neil would be worried sick if she doesnt eat.

Avni was asleep, by the time Neil returned. He thanked heavens that Avni wasnt downstairs. He is tensed about how Shweta treated Juhi. He understands Juhi was really dear to Shweta, but didnt expect it to be that way. Neil sat beside Avni and kissed on her forehead. He could see the struggle she was going through to bear their baby. And he'd make sure she doesnt go through any stress. Avni slowly opened her eyes. "I know you havent eaten. Come on, get up." Neil pulled her hands. Avni groaned, not wanting to move. "My head is really heavy.." "in the case..." Neil lifted her up in his arms. "Neil. Put me—." "Nope. Not gonna listen." He cut her in and took her to the bathroom.
Everyone was gathered at the table when Neil and Avni came down. Avni gave a warm smile to Juhi, who smiled back. "How was your flight?" She asked Juhi. "It was good, except the turbulence which took my breath away." Avni could sense the fear in her voice. "Thats okay. You've reached safely." Neil was satisfied with the conversations. He trusted Avni would try to take everything smoothly. "We all will help you to overcome all your fears. Neil is here too, you dont have to be worried about anything, okay?" Shweta added, caressing on Juhi's face. "Neil, your dad has fixed Juhi's appointment for this evening. For 6 p.m." Shweta informed. Neil's eyebrows lifted. Avni's scan appointment was for the same time. He can't ditch that. "Mom, Avni's scan appointment will clash with that. How about you going with Juhi?" Shweta obviously wasnt happy and was about to rebut. "Ah no. Its fine, I've got a bit late token. You can go with Juhi and join me before mine.." Avni grabbed Neil's hand and said it aloud. Thus Neil didnt get a chance to rebut.

Avni waited outside the scan room, waiting for her token. She was still feeling dizzy, and tired as she haven't been able to eat. Neil came in after sometime. "You okay?" He sat next to Avni and wrapped an arm around her waist. Avni rested her head on Neil's shoulder. "Too tired.." she could barely keep her eyes open. Neil kissed on her forehead. "Sorry, I shouldnt have let you come alone.." Avni didnt respond. They sat there for a while and finally they were called in. Avni slowly got onto bed and lay down. The monitor showed a tiny jellybean inside her, as soon as the probe was placed. Neil almost gasped out loud. He caressed on Avni's face and kissed on her forehead. Avni smiled and held onto his hand tightly. "There's one complication though.." the doctor's voice broke their moment. "What?" Neil asked. "Your cervical wall is a bit weak. You might need a fee stitches once your third trimester starts. And until then, you'll have to be really careful as there might be a chance of miscarriage. Other than that, the baby is healthy." Doctor finished her advise with a smile. "And its your responsibility that she doesnt go under any stress." Neil quickly nodded his head, squeezing Avni's hand more. "Doctor, any cure for the sicknesses?" Avni was taken by surprise when Neil asked. Doctor smiled again. "No such treatment. But you can avoid any food that makes you nauseous." He instructed Avni and allowed them to leave.

Once they were seated in the car, Avni kissed on the scan prints. "Show it to me?" Neil pleaded. Avni moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder, showing him the print. "Adorable!" Neil grinned ear to ear. Avni smiled and kissed on his cheek. "Thank you for giving me this gift." She whispered to his ears. Neil kissed on her forehead and shifted his focus onto the road. They sat silent for a while. "How did Juhi's consultations go?" Avni asked, shifting her head slightly. "Went well. Doctor said there's a lot of phobias of her for now. Slowly we have to make her face each one of it and get her overcome that." Avni nodded her head. "And.. I'll have to attend the sessions with her every other day." "Every other day?.." Avni was uncomfortable, but tried her best to hide it. Rest of the ride was a silent drive.

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