Chapter 2: Disapearring act

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Currently Ben is on the roof of the church for surveillance purposes. In order to make sure none of Simeon's cronies show up like with Kafka. That was until he heard Cruz screaming.

And acting with his recently gained Bug Brother instincts, he went down and went to see what was wrong. "Cruz what's wrong?!" He yelled concerned... only to see him being chased around by Adam using the Kendata strings technique continuously yelling.


"Ben help me!!!!!" The green hair yelled  still running, "Cruz flip over" Ben shouted. He got the idea and smirked before turning around to face Adam, once the priest got into range he grabbed his arm and flipped him over his shoulder.

Since the two joined this little gang, Ben taught Cruz some fighting moves in the event it is needed. "Hey I did it!" The boy yelled, "yes now I think you should stay behind me" Ben said.

Cruz looked confused until he saw Blade get back up, "wasn't expecting that, well Yamada, I see you've gone and flipped me" he said dusting himself off. Then smirked scarily at him "care to try that again?" The kid screamed and instantly hid behind Ben.

"Knock it off Blade" Ben said, "oh really? Remember that spar you said we should do?" Blade asked cracking his knuckles. "Why don't I take you on right now?" He was seen grinning evilly.

Cruz was visibly shaking "gladly" Ben replied making the same scary smirk, then the boy ran into the church for safety. Inside the church dining room we now see Cruz hiding under the table where Eve and Gido were sitting at. "Honestly, I knew you couldn't fight but I figured you wouldn't be a coward Yamada" Eve commented.

"My name isn't Yamada, and for your information Ben's been teaching me how to fight, I just know when I can't handle a round!" Cruz retorted. "And besides it's pretty clear not even you could fight Blade" Gido added taking a sip of coffee.

Eve grunted at the two, then they heard Blade screaming. Looking out the window they saw Ben chasing him around with Toe Pick's Head. "GO APOLOGIZE TO CRUZ ADAM BLADE!!!" He yelled chasing the Zero fragment user.

"That's cruel" Cruz said, "I Uh... know that alien Ben's using for a head. Toe Pick has an extremely terrifying face... I've never seen it but I'm lucky I haven't" he said. After thirty minutes Ben stopped chasing Adam, "So are you going to apologize?" He asked him.

"Yeah... Yeah gonna apologize to Yamada" Blade said before walking into the church. Only to see Cruz being chased out by Eve "GO BUY ME SOME SUPER GEL DERO DORO ENERGY DRINK YAMADA!!!" She yelled chasing the poor boy. "HEY KNOCK IT OFF" Ben yelled chasing her "ALRIGHT!!!!" Blade yelled chasing all three of them.

Gido sighed, "well at least now I can have a peaceful morning?" He said taking another sip of coffee. Ben had managed to make the two stop and had gone with Cruz to help him. Crud went to get what Blade asked for while Ben bought the soft drink.

"Is this even healthy to drink?" He asked himself looking at the two cans of Super Gel Dero Doro. "I mean this stuff's got like 5,000 calories" he shrugged and opened one and gave it a gulp. "Hmm... well it's not normal that's for sure" he said looking at the can.

"But the taste is pretty close to the new weird smoothies at Mr. Smoothie, and it's definitely satisfying" later on he met back up with Cruz and they went back to the church. Ben then talked with Eve "seriously Eve, why do you drink this stuff?" He asked her,

"The calories, let me ask you constantly changing shape would require a lot of energy and mass right?" The doppelgänger fragment asked. He thought about it and nodded in response, "Well to keep my energy replenished I drink Super Gel Dero Doro for all the calories it has" she explained.

"I see it, imagine if there was some sort of weird device that infinitely injects Dero Doro drink into your body" Ben had commented. "With that you'd be able to change constantly without fatigue", "Yeah That would be cool" she said.

"That's why? Well it does make sense" Cruz said walking up to them, "hey where's the other can you got for me anyway?" Eve asked Ben. "Oh, it should be in the dining room" he replied as they went back in only to see that there was a diamond shard in the can.

"What the heck?!?!" Both Ben and Eve yelled, "where'd that come from? And it definitely wasn't me" the alien shapeshifter tried to plea. "You're the only one who can shoot diamonds! Who else could've done it!?!" Eve shot back. Then a fast moving object passed between them, "was that a diamond shard?" Cruz asked as he inspected it.

It had in-fact been a crystal shard similar to Diamond Head's, they looked to the window to see Adam throwing them around like Willy nilly. "That explains a lot, come on I'll go buy you a new one" Ben said as they left the place, well not before Eve gave Blade the beat down of a life time.

"Honestly What was he thinking?" Ben said as they walked through the market place they were at a little while ago. "Doesn't Blade know he might accidentally kill someone with those diamond head shards? I thought he'd be more responsible than that but shame on me for leaving my shards around" he added.

"I'm not really surprised, Blade is a little bit trigger happy" Eve replied, "Uh Guys we have a problem" Cruz said. The two had saw what he meant, the stand Ben bought the soft drink from had run out.

"Well that's disappointing" the alien shapeshifter said while the mutant blue haired shapeshifter grabbed both of them and dragged them around until she found a place selling then. Finally they found a truck with the Dero Doro and managed to buy a few.

"That was a lucky break wasn't it" Ben said as he was about to drink a can, "no kidding, I'm just glad we got some" Eve replied and looked at Ben confused. "Uh Ben, you're not really going to drink that are you?" Cruz asked, "Actually I find it pretty appetizing" he admitted. Then the alien gulped it down like it was nothing.

"Ew how can your drink that?!" Cruz asked a little disgusted, "Huh, a man that can hold his stomach as much as I can" Eve commented. Then smirked 'Eve likes, not even Blade can stand Super Gel Dero Doro, yet here is Ben actually enjoying it. Not only that but he's got a good face, and under that shirt do I see muscles? And even when Blade smashes our faces together... oh man that mouth, that tongue of his is amaz... HEY WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING?!?!?! GET IT TOGETHER EVE!!!!' She thought as her face turned red.

Eve was pulled out her inner thoughts when Ben pulled her and Cruz into an alley. "Shh", he looked passed the corner to see another one of those testament machines that he first encountered when he got to this world.

"Testaments" Cruz said as he and Eve gave a look, "we can take em" she said turning her arm to metal. "Bad idea, imagine if we destroyed them, Simeon would know there are Super strong Needless here and send more and they'll destroy the place" Ben elaborated.

"Ben's right, we can't put the people at risk, let's find a place to retreat to until they go away" Cruz said. Eve nodded at their logic 'he's compassionate about keeping the innocent safe rather than putting them in harms way, and he can Shapeshift like me. Man he can replace my interest in Blade in a seco... AGAIN GET IT TOGETHER GIRL!!!' She yelled inwardly again.

They found a nearby building, however what they weren't aware of is that when running to it Cruz had accidentally stepped in a familiar green slimy substance. Four clumps of it to be exact, they went inside, finding a window Cruz saw two testaments pass. "They weren't aware of us, that's good" he said, "I'll say, such imbecilic machines they are, and humans thought AI was advanced. But they passed by us without knowing" a familiar voice said.

Everyone was stumped, "Uh who said that?" Cruz asked, "why my dear lad look on your hand" the voice said. Cruz looked at said limb but saw nothing "other hand", the green haired boy then did as requested... and after screamed at what was there, it had been a small green blob like creature. Somewhat squid like in appearance, and on his shoulders were three similar creatures.

Except they had colored patterns on their bodies, one had red splotches, the other had Yellow streaks and the third had blue pigments. "AAAAAAAHHH MUCUS MONSTERS!!! GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFF!!!" Cruz screamed.

"Wait, Skurd is that you?" Ben asked the Slimebiot, "Benjamin how good it is to see you again" Skurd replied. "Ben you know this booger thing?" Eve asked while Cruz was still creeped out, "Yeah Skrud's a pretty ancient alien, he has the ability to take DNA and project it out in different forms" the alien shapeshifter explained.

Cruz then stopes freaking "Wait So one day he latched onto the Omnitrix and created weapons for you?" He asked. "Bingo" ben said, "Also I'd like you to meet my new children" Skurd said gesturing to the other three slimebiots.

"Wait you had kids?" Asked Ben confused, "yes we Slimebiots reproduce asexually, the yellow one there is my daughter streaks, she's a little shy but does know how to throw down" Skurd elaborated. "The red one is my son Splotch, he's a loyal friend and a great fighter, and lastly my daughter Pigma, she's a little monotonous but over all she's knowledgeable" Skurd explained. "Well nice to meet you all" Ben said to each Slimebiot "same... Mr. Tennyson..." Streaks said.

The aliens then heard someone quietly laughing, "We're not alone" they all said, ben then turned his arm into Omni's and have each Slimebiot a patch. "Defend Cruz at all costs" he said, "why you are quite the bench aren't you?" A voice said, looking to the source they saw a kid floating in mid air.

"So, you three with that priest who destroyed the testament, or or do you have some other friend?" He asked. "I get it, you're a Needless from Simian" "it's Simeon" Ben and Cruz deadpanned.

"Correct, I am one of Simeon's four great ones" the kid said again coming get it a better view. "I'm Uten", Cruz was shivering in fear, "Yamada what's wrong?" Eve asked. "Simeon's four great ones... four of them... just four... wiped out all my comrades..." the kid said trembling.

"It's no good... we're done for..." "Not if we have anything to say about it!!!" Skurd said, "prepare to meet the dollops with plenty of wallops!!" Skurd formed around Cruz's arms and turned them into Heat Blast's And Chromastone's. Splotch formed around his legs, back and chest. And as for Streaks and Pigma formed around his neck and head.

"That's right, you may be able to handle whole armies of normal humans, but can you handle other Needless who are at your strength?" Ben said as he turned into Omni. "Brave you three are... seven if you count the snot bags" Uten said.

"So you're all Needless, no matter, even with the powers you have there's no way you can defeat me" he added before something shot towards Eve and for her right in the arms and stomach. "EVE!" Ben yelled, "that was too easy" Uten said before noticing the girl's wounds were healing. "Pin point transformation, I altered the surroundings cells and closed my wounds" she explained.

Uten just smirked, "so your fragment is doppelgänger eh?" He said, "well, are you the one who defeated Kafka or was it the priest?" He asked. "Who care's Ben give me a boost" Eve yelled running towards Ben as he picked her up and threw her towards the blonde.

"EVE CANNON!!" She tried to punch him but her fist didn't make contact, "This looks bad, we must pull her back before she's open to attack" Skurd yelled. He then turned Cruz's Chromastone arm into a Wildvine whip, "What do I do with this?" He asked panicked. "Well how does it look dear boy? Whip it, whip it good!" Skurd said.

The green hair then whipped his vine toward Eve and snagged her leg and pulled her back before Uten threw a few knives at her. "Nice job Cruz, now it's my turn" Omni said before letting out a booming Echo Echo sonic scream.

It had some effect but the next thing he knew a giant spiked ball was above them. "He can make matter appear to? This... this doesn't make any sense" Cruz said. "Please do elaborate" Pigma asked, "Needless are only supposed to have one ability, but this guy... he can float in the air, create invisible barriers, attack at high speed and create matter out of nothing..." he explained.

"There have been stories of certain Needless, they say god created man, and evolved man into needless. Some of which who are evolved to the point that they're the missing link between man and god" Uten said. Ben growled 'this guy's a complete narcissist, come on Cruz use that big brain of your's' Ben thought.

"My fragment is creation, I am the Needless closest to God" the blonde boasted again, "incoming he's going for another knife attack!" Streaks said before extending four tendrils and created a Diamond Head Shield in front of Cruz. Eve turned her arm to metal and made it bigger to act as a shield and Ben used Ghost Freak's power to become intangible.

The blades were then thrown, and unfortunately Eve wasn't fairing so well seeing as her metal arm was starting to crack up. "Eve quick get behind me!" Cruz said as Splotch turned his legs into XLR8's and sped him so his shield was guarding both of them. Unfortunately Uten had gotten rid of the floor minus the spot where the two were standing on. And revealed an abyss filled with spikes, Ben had been flying, "now I'll give you two options, one you can either be shredded by my knives. Or you can fall down to the bottom and be skewered by spikes" the blonde elaborated. "And don't even try to use your doppelgänger fragment, you've already used up all of your calories shielding and healing yourself" he added.

"This is insane how can we beat this guy?" Ben asked passing through the shield, "not to worry! If one method doesn't work, look at it from another angle and you'll find a solution!" Splotch said.

Skurd then popped out some type of weird Spitter looking blaster on the green haired kid's hand. "Worth a shot?" He asked before he fired a stream of green liquid at Uten, which as expected couldn't get passed his invisible barrier. "Well that plan was a bunk" Eve said, "quick hand me a Super Gel Dero Doro drink" to which Ben had done as requested.

Cruz had looked over his shield to try to find a weakness, "come on, there has to be something... Wait" he looked the barrier Uten was behind as well as the floor. His eyes widened in realization, "guys I found out his trick" he said as the knives stopped, "Hmm... So that you say you've figured out how my fragment works? Well then why don't you show me" Uten said.

Cruz then whispered to his current teammates "I've figured it out, quick look at the floor, and the barrier Uten is behind" he said. The five looked where he said and saw what he meant, "I see" Ben said.

"Ready on one, two three!!" All three of them jumped off the platform, "Wait what are you doing?! You'll be skewered!" Uten yelled, that would be the case.

Hadn't been if the three were standing fine above the so called spikes, "What?!" The small boy said fearfully, "your power isn't creation" Ben said. "You just simply made the floor invisible, and that floating trick you did. There probably a platform below you" Eve continued.

"Fine you figured out my trick, but how did you discover it?" Uten asked wary, "simple" Cruz replied "when I blasted that green liquid at you, you didn't take into account that it might stain the walls of your barrier... or the floor beneath us" he answered.

True enough Spitter's blast had left floating puddles everywhere, "damnit!" Uten cursed. "And now that we know you're power all we need to do is get in close for a mega attack" Ben said before turning the top of his head and legs into CrashHopper's. Eve then transformed, sort of... she turned her hand into a drill and now she was wearing a different outfit.

Splotch had grew Stink Fly's wings on Cruz's back and Skurd turned his right arm into Armadrillo's. "So you say but I still have my barrie..." the member of the great four hadn't had a chance to finish his sentence when the three crashed through a stone wall that had indeed been his barrier.

"Like Cruz said you just made the floor invisible, and that so called barrier of yours" Ben said. "Nothing more than a solid wall, breaking something apart is easy if you know what it's made from" Eve said. "Stop... stay back..." Uten said fearfully, "sorry but now it's our turn" Cruz said starting up his new drill arm.

"Mind if we join you?" Ben asked turning his arm into Armadrillo's and activated the drill. "Be my guest" they all charged the invisibility fragment user and completely bored through him.


They later got back to the church, Cruz having fun with the Slimebiots "wow you guys are a riot" he said. "Why thank you, I say we all do make a good team" Skurd cheered, "so Ben, is it okay if I used them?" The boy asked. Ben chuckled "sure, just be sure to be responsible, we don't want another Adam Blade going around willy nilly" he answered.

"Hey Ben" Eve chirped, he turned his attention to her "I Uh... I wanted to say thanks... to you and Cruz... when we first met I treated you both... kind like garbage" she said nervously laughing. "It's fine water under the bridge, and plus it's what I do for any friend of mine" Ben replied.

She smiled at him "and also, as a reward for both getting me that Dero Doro drink, and saving my butt... here" she then pulled Ben into a nearby building and gave him... a fairly deep kiss.

Ben was sure stunned from that, but he just let it happen 'maybe you aren't so annoying or bad... honorable miss Eve Nueschwanstien' he jokingly thought. Then returned the kiss... 'I wonder if any of my brothers ever had a moment like this?'.

In Fairy 10
"Achoo!!!" Ben sneezed as he and Erza were sitting on the patio of his house. "What's wrong Ben? Allergies?" His wife Erza asked, "nah just someone's talking about me again" he answered.

"Probably you're brothers, but let me help you relax?" She said. "What about the kid's?" "Over at Lucy's tonight remember? Beth is sleeping over at Asuka's and Amber, Wendy and Clara are on a job" Erza says.

"Well, if my wife demands it who am I to deny you?" Ben said as they walked into their house.

In Witches and Extraterrestrials
"ACHOO!!!" Ben sneezed, but thankfully away from Bayonetta, "aw what's the matter love? Caught a little cold or was someone mentioning you?" She asked.

"I think the second option, but let's get back to our thing" he said, then the two punched two angles that were behind them. "Tie again" Ben said before he grabbed another by the throat and threw it at the umbra witch.

"Seems so, still I will win" Bayonetta said, "in You're dreams" Ben replied.

In Everyday life with monster girls and an alien boy

Kimihito And Miia we're walking by Ben's room when all of a sudden "ACHOO!!!" Came from his room. "Yikes, think Ben's sick?" Miia asked, "maybe, that's a wicked sneeze" Kimihito replied.

They opened the door to see... them blushed madly at the sight to behold and quickly closed the door. The Centorea walked by "What's going on?" She asked, "you don't want to know" both of them said pulling the centaur away from the shapeshifter's room.

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