Chapter 3; the Living Flame thrower

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Inside the church hide out of Adam Blade, Ben was uncomfortably trying to sleep while plugging his ears with his fingers. As to the reason why Blade has kept calling Cruz to make food using the Name Eve gave him.

"Yamada! Food!" The priest kept calling out, after not being able to get some rest in the morning. Ben has finally snapped and got up from his Snare-Oh! Hammock and threw his pillow at Blade. "HEY IF YOU DON'T MIND SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP HERE!!" He yelled.

While walking back to the room he shared with Cruz, passed Eve him in the hallway and shot him a wink. Ever since that little kiss from last chapter the blue haired girl had seemed a little more closer to Ben.

Heck one time she even complimented Ben on a few occasions off screen... or rather off page... she's even taken a liking to Cruz.

Speaking of the boy, after fainting the Slimebiotes Cruz has been a much more capable fighter. Each Symbiote handles different tasks that he can utilize to his advantage.

Skurd, the oldest out of the slimebiotes And is attached to his arms, handles his new host's attack and offense power. Either by transforming his arms into those of an alien or giving him weaponry made from alien DNA. Splotch is attached to Cruz's legs and back handles the boy's mobility. Turning his legs into those of a fast alien's it growing the wings of a flying one on his back.

Streaks resides oh Cruz's mid section, she handles his defense, using various alien powers to keep her host safe. Such as making him intangible like Big Chill or Ghost freak or making a shield from the DNA of Diamond Head or Chromastone.

And the last Pigma is basic utility, using any of Ben's alien powers for miscellaneous purposes. Like for instance a Brainstorm Claw with the brain attached for working with electronics and electricity. Or Armadrillo for a replacement for a toolbox.

Using his astounding intellect he expertly knows which alien powers can coincide with which.

As to where the kid is, about now he has passed Ben in the hall carrying some food. "Hey Cruz, say after you want to train for a while so you can get the hang of my powers?" He asked.

"Sure, it definitely beats cleaning the church up, and I did it with like an two hours to spare two and a half hours to ago" he replied. As to why Ben wasn't hungry he already ate a long time ago, funny thing Humatrix had already known Ben would most likely be hungry for normal food once in a while. Also with being trapped by the horrid hex had given them a slight deficiency.

So before any of them left he gave each Ben a type of food summoning device. Both handy and delicious, the shapeshifter had gotten up before the others and ate something.

Now this may seem cruel but the remote was honestly a working prototype. It can only create meals once a day and for up to five people, and since Ben hadn't remembered it until he accidentally used it to poof up some pancakes a while ago he didn't know.

Anyway we now see Ben on top of the church doing some surveying from above. 'Looks clear so far, don't see anything suspicious' he thought using Eye Guy's eyes for 360 degree vision.

That's when he spotted someone walking up to the place, a man, tall, short blonde hair, wearing bandages around his mid sections and a white coat with metal spikes on it.

Ben decided to phase back under the roof and into the dining room "Hey Guys I spotted someone heading here" he said. Cruz, Eve, Blade and Guido looked at him. "What?" "Was he from Simeon?" Cruz asked, "not sure, he was tall, had short blonde hair, wore a white coat with silver spikes on the shoulders" Ben described.

He then heard a door open and close, he went out into the chapel and looked around and saw the person he spotted go into the confession box. "Well where is he?" Blade asked appearing behind him, "I just saw him going into the confession box" Ben answered.

"Looks like you have to go in there" Eve said, "what why me?" Blade asked "it's a priest's job to listen to someone's confessions" Guido added.

"S***" the Zero fragment cursed before walking into the box, "people still go to a confession box in the black spot?" Ben inquired. "Most people in the black spot can't bear to survive untainted, some can't bear the weight of the crimes they were forced to commit" Guido explained.

"This guy could be from Simeon, we better listen in" Ben said before deploying an Ultimate Echo Echo disk and made it hover over to the box. "What do you want?" Blade asked, "I came here to kill a guy named Adam, is he here or what" the other person said.

"This can't be good" Ben said as he and the others quickly stepped further from the confession box until it exploded. Blade was the only one who was still standing. The man was blasted cross the chapel "I Am Adam!" He said which floored Ben and shocked Cruz "he's such an idiot" Eve said.

"So you're Adam! I never thought you'd be here!" He person said, "who're you?" Blade asked. "Who am I?" The person asked, then chuckled "well you can just call me MOMIJI TERUYAMA THE NEEDLESS OF FLAMES!!"

At that moment several of the candles in the building lit on fire, "he must have the flame power" Guido said, "I may have given myself away but oh well, my power of flame" Teruyama said.

Blade was then seen putting some fingerless steel knuckles gloves on "so you're a needless eh? Well too bad because you're my favorite food" the Zero fragment said. They both got in a fighting stance "oh no if they plan to duke it out here, Eve take Cruz and..." the old man was cut off by Cruz.

"No worries I've got this" he said as Streaks formed over most of his body giving him Heat Blast Armor. "With this I'm fire proof" he explained, "too bad needless... I'M GONNA GOBBLE UP YOUR POWER!!" Blade said crazily then charged the fire needless.

"You got some mouth on yah! EAT THIS!!" Momiji then Deere's his fist back as it ignited in fire. "The fist of Flame! LITTLE BOY!!" He then threw his fist at Blade.

It connected but all it did was knock him back, "he shrugged off my little boy attack" the flame fragment said. Just then Adam rose his head and uttered "learned it" he rose his fist and it too ignited in fire.


He then hit Teruyama with his own attack, "I see you've got the learn power" he said then noticed a slight glow next to him. He saw a ballistic Ben barreling towards him with a Heat Blast fist burning bright "AND HE'S NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN LEARN ATTACKS!!" He yelled as his fist burned bright than either of them.

"You have your little boy? Well see my FAT MAN!!!!" Ben's flaming fist then connected and sent Momiji flying. "What the? What was that?" He asked confused, "Adam here may have the Learn Power but you've just met he who holds all powers at once, the Omni Fragment" Ben remarked.

And after morphed into Omni "bwahahaha, well how was it like getting a taste of your own attack and a better version of it" Blade asked cockily. "Don't screw with me, if all of us fight using the same technique, you both fall first because I've fully mastered mine!!" He then charged both Ben and Blade.

"And I'll be there to watch you!!" "You really are an idiot" Blade said as his first burned brighter again. "If the three of us fight using the same technique the one who wins!" Ben and Adam then rushed Momiji and punched both his fists "LITTLE BOY!!/FAT MAN!!"

In that moment the fire needless cried in pain as his hand started bleeding, "is the one with the stronger fists!!" Blade and Ben said as the priest's fits had metal while Ben's had diamond knuckles.

"My turn" Cruz yelled as he turned his arm into Armodrillo's and punched the fire fighter out of the church. "What's the Matter fire power man, you seemed a little tired back there, not even able to withstand the blow of a kid" Blade taunted.

"Man, those are hard fists you got, damn" he commented, Teruyama then leaped into the air and created a ball of fire in his hand. "NOW HAVE A TASTE OF MY SECRET, MOST POWERFUL ATTACK" he yelled.

"Switched to long distant attacks eh? Do you honestly think we can't avoid them?" Ben asked, "but if you dodge I'll hit the old man, kid and girl" the fire man said making Guido flinch.


He threw it, however while Blade dodges Ben simply thrusted his hands into the flames and used Heat Blast's arms to absorb it. "Now thanks for the fiery four course meal but now I've got some fire to burn off" Ben quipped before generating a fire ball in his hands. "Only this time it ain't fire" he then revered it back and aimed for Teruyama "FROST FIRE BOMBARDMENT!!!"

The alien then threw the fire ball, "you honestly think that puny little flame's do anything to me?!" Teruyama said before using his little boy attack. "All I need to do is punch through it!" And e did as he claimed, however he didn't notice a certain something until it was too late. After his fist connected Teruyama's flames were turned to ice "WHAT?!?! ICE!!!"

"That's the power that has bewildered my enemies for a while, fire that turns to ice, it's plasma that burns effortlessly so long as there's heat to fuel it" Ben explained grinning. "So it sucks the heat out of the area and once all the heat is absorbed anything it touches is immediately frozen solid" Ben then turned his arm into NRG's.

"Oh I get it Ultimate Big Chill" Cruz said "hey Cruz, Eve, want to help me out here?" He asked slyly. "I got an idea" the boy said before using Gravattack's powers to lift Eve up.

"Huh... oh I get it.. THROW ME!!" She said, Cruz then launched her in the air and she fell in the direction of Teruyama. "Eve take this" Ben yelled throwing her a ball of nuclear energy which was infused into her now metal fist.

"Metal war head, EVE BOMB!!!" She struck the ground below, only it was after he dodged her fist. "Ha! That was nothing compared to a little Vulcan Shock Ignition" he taunted before seeing Blade with one in his hand. "Oh no he learned it!!" The fire user exclaimed.

"Thanks for the technique, VULCAN SHOCK IGNITION!!!!!!"

Blade then threw it "YOU THINK THAT PUNY LITTLE FLAME'LL DO ANYTHING TO ME?! I CAN PUNCH RIGHT THROUGH IT!!!" Ben then readied another fire ball, not knowing whether it was another ice fire ball or an actual one he took a chance, Then did punch through them with his little boy attack.

It had indeed been another frost fire bombardment, and what's worse inside Blade's were several strings. "What, it's that ice fire again!! And there are strings in the flames!!!"

"Kendata strings, inside Vulcan Shock Ignition" Blade chanted, then all around Teruyama appeared several vines with diamonds sticking out "what's goin on!!"

"Hell's Brambles, coated with emerald barbs surrounded by universal essence" Ben chanted as the vines came from his finger tips. "By the way, the only one who can break these things are GOD!!/ME!!" Both yelled as they pulled on their bindings.

They later on interrogated the fire needless, turns out he was looking for Adam Archlight. Not knowing that this Adam's last name is Blade... he was embarrassed after that.

Turns out the reason he attacked Blade was because the informant he got the misleading information from had described Archlight as a big guy who acted religious and wore a stupid wearing choker...

And by coincidence Blade was also a big guy who was a priest and wore a choker of sorts. Man was that awkward...

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