Ch-15 The laugh of the revenge

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Fable Time: In various manuscripts and religious historical books, the tale of Ahilya is mentioned clearly. Around 5000 years ago, Indra Purandhara, the king of all gods, heard about the most beautiful women in the whole world, Ahilya. He tried many ways to win her. Ahilya was the first women; created after a very long time, by Brahma himself, just to break the proud of the most beautiful angels. Ahilya was later gifted to Gautama sage for his good deeds. Gautama married her, leaving Indra burning in jealousy. After many years, he lost his sanity and came to earth from heaven. He disguised himself as Gautama and seduced Ahilya while Gautama had gone to bath in the river. Gautama, with his sixth sense, sensed some godly presence and caught them red-handed. Gautama then cursed Indra to bear a thousand vulvae which later turns into eyes after worshipping Surya, The Sun God; also cursed the innocent Ahalya  to turn to stone for sixty thousand years and destined to be redeemed only by Lord Vishnu's Avatar, Rama's touch.


Continue from Chapter-4 :

I approached at the back gate first, just in case if he was planning something this time too. The big containers, all empty, were scattered across the whole courtyard of the factory. This place was said to be haunted by the ghosts of the workers who died here, when a fellow worker killed them all by poisoning their food because of; some say jealousy and some say – just pure killing intention of a psycho.

I decided to go from the front door because the back door was already blocked by some more containers, piled up one above one.

Shocked to see such thing, I opened the main door. I already had a iron rod in my left hand. There was everything in the midst of the pitch black darkness. I already was ready for this, as I covered my left eye 5 minutes earlier to adjust my retina for the darkness. I switched the hands; grabbing the rod by right one and started to investigate, slowly entering deep into the horizontal labyrinth.

"No need to be sneaky. I am here." His voice echoed in the whole factory.

I got a bit startled and paced off towards the direction from where it came. I reached at a open space; with just a chair in the middle. He was sitting on it, normally without anything in his hands or even at his range to pick up from the ground.

"You are here, at last. It's been 2 days. Was she in coma? I should have told her more clearly before she jumped. Moreov – "

"Shut your damn mouth, you sucker. I am here to know about, the reason, you did all the things until now."

"I – I also invited you here to tell you something. It was not me, Aj."

"Don't you dare call me Aj!! Only my friends can call me that. Just answer my questions before I invite the Police here. It was you who did all the things. How can you possibly say that it wasn't you?!"

I got closer to him by every single word I said. My migraine started to take toll of me, which had only one outcome --- Rage.

"I wasn't even conscious at that time. It – It was someone else; something else inside me. It controls me Arjun. It controls me, talks to me. First, it depressed me from inside and started eating me. I have become hollow, and I barely have control on myself even now. He doesn't even let me kill myself. My whole body aches with every single breathe I take. When I did – that – I was being torn into pieces and crumpled by him."

"Stop this rubbish. Don't try to fool me again bastard. It doesn't answers my question, neither explains you."

He looked upon me for the first time. His gaze sent chills down my spine. But my rage already was enough high to retaliate the fear of the monster right in front of me.

"Do you have any explanation why did everyone forget about Madhu? Can a human do something like this?"

My thoughts started to jumble and my words were faltered. My world turned upside down with his words. He was somehow just a bit right. I never thought clearly about it because of the pain it causes; whenever I try to think about Madhu or what happened that day.

"Who is this – thing you are talking about?"

He stayed silent, only blinking his eyes for some seconds.

"His name is Shatananda. He is the son of Ahilya, the women who is in every Purana containing the whereabouts of Rama, Seventh Incarnation of Vishnu, the deity of Preserving the Universe. He possessed me to take his revenge on the incarnation of Indra's daughter, Jayanti, which came into this world to fulfil her duty, as a director of the one, who will save the world, and also, will end the world."

I was nonetheless becoming agitated by his story. He started bickering about fables which started igniting my rage and also, raising my anxiety.

"You know about the fable, right? Indra Purandhara seduced Ahilya, the wife of Gautama Rishi by taking the disguise as Gautama himself and quenched his thirst, and when Gautama caught them Red-handed, he cursed Indra and Ahilya both. Well, Indra got freedom from his curse and was granted with 1000 eyes by another God named Surya, but Ahilya became a stone statue. Shatananda tells a different story actually; a whole different story."

I start losing my patience. I could feel my fingers digging into my palm as I clenching my fists tightly.

"Did you call me up to tell about these fables?! I am going to call Police now. I don't want to stain my hands with blood."

"Wait, just wait. Let me finish it. Shatananda tells a whole different story. Please listen to me. Today is Diwali, one of the most auspicious day for us. His power is weak so he is failing to control me. Please, just listen to me and do what you want then."

I am here for answers.

I can control myself for it.

Maybe this is my last chance and I won't fail to grab it.

I won't.

"Shatananda told me, that Indra actually charmed her; also raped her to an extent which then distorted her; especially after knowing the reality. That's why, she even failed to prove her innocence, and the time she came to her senses, she was already a stone. After redeeming her human form after 60,000 years, she wasn't accepted by society, considered as impure, corrupt. Even Gautama Rishi went to Himalayas to pursue his austerities and forgot about Ahilya. After some years of extreme hardships, Ahilya tried to end her life by jumping off a cliff, but she didn't die because of a blessing turned curse by Brahma, that she will live until her husband is alive, and will die with her. She has to live her whole remaining life in a jungle where she was repeatedly and repeatedly raped until 2000 years by bandits. Shatananda tried everything to find his mother but couldn't find her because of the curse of Indra's 17th wife, that Shatananda can't find his mother like Indra's kids couldn't touch their father. Finally, Shatananda killed his father to give rest to both of their souls. The next day, he found his mother's lifeless body in the front of the gate, with a letter containing all the things happened to Ahilya. After reading it, Shatananda took his own life; after vowing to kill every single Indra's wife and kids and also, to make Vishnu and his incarnations suffer."

The sudden implement of such thing made me shocked to the core. I started to collect my thoughts, enraged beyond extent, again.

"Vishnu, the God who protects; his incarnations just ignored my pleading. He was the only entity on the entire Earth who could find my mother!!"

His voice changed, and his presence only, made the hair on the back of my neck stand.

"I pleaded Rama, Krishna, every incarnation but, they went on to focus only on their path. They said to trust on the superior one, but all were just lies. I saw my mother's dead body, full of scars and bruises, and the letter, telling me the truth."

Triyansh is gone now. It's somebody else.

I couldn't believe on such thing. I could think of his story as a severe case of Split Personality Disorder. I wanted to kill the monster sitting in front of me, still my whole body was trembling with fear.

He finally stood up, his gaze running through my whole body. He stopped his eyes on my face, staring it for seconds; felt like hours. My soul started to bend and my eyes were burning in pain.

"You remind me, of them. Those 2, those 2 liars, you look like them. You remind me of them!!"

I couldn't even move a finger of my body. I went into deep paralyze and some unseen force was stopping my every effort to retaliate his overwhelming presence.

"I understood! I knew it!! Why didn't I think about it before?!"

Teehee Teehee Teehee

"Whoever you are, Triyansh or some old entity, what you did can't be justified. You are just a culprit, a rapist, a murderer. And you don't deserve to li – "

Stop this Arjun. I can't let my rage take over.

"Don't stop moron. I wanna listen how much rage you have got. I wanna know if you really are the one who will destroy the whole mankind, the whole living life in this universe, and those foremost entities!!"

I froze all of a sudden. The time stopped and all I could think of, was the grin on Triyansh's face, his words ripping me from inside out. I would have cut it off as rubbish stories, but I couldn't. Every word was striking upon my heart, drilling my soul with unimaginable energy, which starts turning into rage.

"Let's test you bastard." He punched, directly aimed to my temple with a supersonic speed; not humanly at all.

It sent me flying to the ground; but after that, I was suddenly able to move my body. I stood up, clutching my head with pain.

Teehee Teehee

"Triyansh wanna save you. Poor soul. I will end his life too after stopping your breathe; like I did with Amayra.
The past started to haunt me again. I was sweating and panting hard; even to take a simple breathe was becoming difficult me.

"Arjun, don't forget what I said. Keep smiling and defeat your fears. You can do it."

A soothing voice inside my head and calmed me. The inquisitive smile of her – I started to think about her.

He tried to attack me once again, but I dodged it; my body moving by itself. He again swung his fist from high above the air but I slide my body in the left by bending my right leg, swinging my left leg and counter attack with the left leg on his abdomen. The cracking voice of the bones echoed through the whole factory. He spilled some blood on the floor, still having that grin on his face.

This is it.

I am fed up of this.

He wants me to laugh.

I will laugh.

Hehehe hahaha

"You wanted me to laugh. I will laugh. I am laughing. Look, I am laughing. This is the laugh of my revenge."
I clenched my fists, and ran straight forward him. He again regained his grin.

We both wanted revenge.

We both were grinning widely.

We both thought that our path was going to end.

But destiny wanted something more, from both – no, all three of us.

I was standing against the evil again when I faced Mevaratnam. I needed to smile, but to win, I knew --- I had to laugh.

I saw the huge spear coming towards me.

"Arjun, don't forget what I said. Keep smiling and defeat your fears. You can do it."

Yes I can.

"Die moron."

Hehehe hehehe hahaha hahahaha

I laughed again, after 3 weeks, like I did before becoming – a maniac.

"Let's see who is gonna die, bastard."
I lifted my sword and sliced it towards the spear, cutting it into two; my smile turned into an evil grin; the grin of a maniac.

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