Ch-16 The Powerful

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The laugh, the same laugh I heard 3 weeks ago when I saw those hands; full of blood. Arjun was laughing, seemingly enjoying the bloody mess he was making. I didn't feel a bit bad for Maitya, but my brother was no longer there. At least that's what I thought when I saw Arjun beating the shit out of Maitya in the Old Factory and laughing like a maniac.

Maitya was taken to Jail and Court gave Arjun clean chit. Arjun was too cool with everything, even gave a interview to a news channel and acted like he is normal.

But now, the same laugh I was hearing, was haunting the whole surroundings. Even Mevaratnam got startled and moved some steps back, up in the air. He was standing still for some seconds, visibly showing some fear. Bur his arrogance again kicked off.

“You think just by laughing creepily, I will obey your orders?! Fu-"

Before he could complete that phrase, hundreds of swords materialized all around him and started throwing themselves at him. Arjun’s hands was at the back of his waist. His eyes were closed and a big smirk was adorning his face. He made all kind of swords we had seen in movies, games, animations, in split seconds. He himself was holding The Vorpal sword and The Gryffindor sword in mid-air on both sides.

Mevaratnam was focusing on defending at first but occasionally got some slight grazes and some big cuts too. Same goes for Arjun as the princesses was still attacking him and his only focus was Mevaratnam. Some girls got eliminated by his swords accidentally. Neelam was still there; her eyes were hot red but her face was cold with no feelings at all.

“What the holy hell heck is going on?! They both will eliminate the every single candidate here if they went on like this. Just somebody say them to do their fight in Space! And why the hell is this bitch also here?!” Diya started shouting at the very second she saw me and pointed Risha for the latter phrase.

“We have enough power to protect our friends and teammates. First, we should gather everyone. I have read stats of strong ones here. So, just do as I say, at least for now.” I ignored her questions.

“Oh Good Lord you said that. I have just resisted this urge of mine to punch you. Anyways, We three are enough to protect this area. There are already people gathered around west for something I don't know about. They maybe need your help.” She started scrabbling with a little toy like phone and suddenly, I felt a strong push towards the back from somewhere.

She started grinning and I frowned genuinely. Not only me, but everyone felt that force as Risha was almost laying on the ground. Suddenly, a big map from nowhere came in front of our faces, consisting trees, trails and blue dots everywhere. There were some red dots too.

“These red dots are the people I have met till now. We all are right here.” She pointed at a small group of red dots.

“And these blue dots are the all other candidates roaming, standing and also, planning.”

She maintained her grin at my expressionless face.

“Yeah this dumb also have a brain to use. Sonar, Echolocation, remember?!”

I ultimately realized those blue dots near us were the surprise I had. But now, the situation turned from war to showdown. I was just looking at Arjun, who was unfazed by the continuous wounds he was receiving. If, just in the case, my dream was true, I could have helped him. I called for Asma every time I needed her. But I got more silence than I thought. I hadn't even thought much about it because of the no-thinking-rule I had to follow. Watching my brother like this; was making me shattered and hungry for power. I needed more power. I needed more power to help my brother out.

“Hey, don't faze out like that. We have to help him. I think he hadn't noticed us yet. Anyways, he is not going to stop even he sees us. So, we should rather retaliate and try to find a way to help those girls over there regain there consciousness.” Risha told our foremost concern for now.

“Don't worry, my lady. I will help you like I did before. Just don't leave me, or should I say, betray me..?” The surrounding area boomed with his voice. I immediately recognized the loud and clear voice.

“The fake Iron Man is back.” I said, immediately alerted by Manav’s voice, roaring everywhere.

“Hey you two over there! Why are you fighting so recklessly in the middle of the competition? You are scaring those weaklings.” Manav, with his full-suit armour, came from the clouds; saying these words in a low voice so that anybody can't listen to him.

With the help of Diya, we could listen to whatever they talk.

Mevaratnam was staring at him, his all confidence was gone by that time. Arjun finally opened his eyes and glanced around his surroundings after a long time. Everyone including those girls stopped attacking. Both had their bodies covered with cuts and burns, but Arjun was still grinning, maybe looking at his next prey.

“Misunderstanding situations won't change the envy of persuation. You all can be the most powerful, but I am the most promising one to be the leader of our world.” Another voice came, this time from west and I recognized this one too.

“Now, who is this guy with a cloak and pretending to be above everyone like those other idiots are doing. I hate this kind of humans. Hey, Association or whatever you are. I have more concentration than that number one guy over there. Why am I not powerful like those idiots are? Is this some kind of conspiracy against girls? Nation wants to know!!” Diya with her never-ending talking issues said it all.

Samuel came, flying with the help of a flying carpet, bigger than usual fictional one. It was nearly the size of a miniature garden. He was standing on a podium like something on the middle of the carpet.

“Hey, you can't say about misunderstanding and stuff like that. You should first start speaking in your own voice Ms. Maria Dwivedi before forcing your ego here.” Manav said, maybe with a grin under his mask.

“I should have thought about it. Well, there are people who are intellectually on a par level.”

 He, I mean she pulled off cloak from her face, revealing her blonde hair reaching to the waist. Her emerald green eyes were sparking under the sun rays and her slight grin was making her look adorable as ever.

She fooled everyone including her clan too.

She must have used some tool to change her voice.

“That's it. Finally, a girl who will beat up all these violent goons. Go girl, take off your cloak a bit more. I can't see your texture till now. I bet here are people who are now praising me for my wise words. Guys, I am not a feminist. Don't worry! And girl, I am cheering for you!!” Diya, again.

4 of them started glaring at each other, waiting for someone to make a move. It literally went on and on for an eternity for us.

“What are you all waiting for? I am the number one. I am the strongest among all of the people here, including you 3 bastards. Then why are you thinking so much? I am going to kill that Mevaratnam anyways. Come at me if you want to get killed too.” Arjun was surely out of his mind by then.

The 2nd Rank, the 3rd Rank and the 6th rank, all three were now looking at undefined expressions at only one person. I wanted to help him, but I knew I would just come in his way. Mevaratanam was quite injured and bleeding heavily, still somehow was not eliminated, standing on nothing. My questions and worries were just growing, nevertheless, my heart was still calling for her.

Asma, where are you?!

Ding dong ding dong

A sudden bell sounded from all around us. We all started looking at the big screens materializing everywhere.

“Basically, the day is over. It's going to be dawn soon. Stop whatever you are doing, including fighting. You can risk trying to find mountain at night but let me tell you straight, the worst demons lurks at night. I don't think everybody will have enough power to try their luck. It's better to heal yourself first. I-"

“Shut the hell up, you sucker. Nobody can stop me from fighting. I will kill that bastard, and all of those bastards in front of me.”

Arjun started attacking at those 3 relentlessly. Even they all were backing up, seemingly shocked by this never-ending power of him. We all started shouting but it was just going in vain.

Suddenly, Arjun stopped attacking and in the next second, started falling towards the ground. I materialized a hoverboard, chasing against every inch. Before I can reach there, a girl on a broom grabbed him by his shirt, nearly dozing her balance in the process too. I increased speed with all my might and grabbed his hand, helping her to lift him. We both took him to the ground where I finally saw all the bruises, cuts and burns all around his body.

“I charmed him to sleep. It is no good to keep fighting like that. And as you can see, Association find our suffering amusable. We have to stay calm for now.” She said with a worried look over her face.

Diya also came on a surfboard like something. With those black tearful eyes, she grabbed his hand and rubbed her tears off.

“Who are you?” Her tone was cold but calm.

“I am Sakina Shah. I think you would know me as The Witch who eliminated many people in a game consisting 10 million candidates. Not so nice time to explain but, I was waiting for a right time to help him. He already was in contact with me. When I got to know about this showdown he is having, I ran all the way from extreme north to here.” She said with a husky but cute voice.

“I see.” Diya decided to stay calm.

Mevaratnam already was gone with those girls. Maria also went from where she came, and if my eyes were seeing fine; gave me a frowned look before going. Manav was still there, looking at all of us.

Is this really important that much?

Why the hell is he still here?

He should have been eliminated by now. His wounds were just enough to make people forfeit. Then why?

What's happening to my brother?!

I- I want to help Arjun.

I have to do something.

Why in the first place I brought him here?!

I should have thought more about his health.

I should have been more caring.

I- What have I done?!

“Don't think much. He will be fine. He has to be fine.” Risha rubbed my shoulder, with her stern yet concerned look on her face.

I have to get stronger.

I have to get stronger than everyone.

I have to. I have to.


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