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"WE CAN EXPLAIN!!!" Serena literally shouts whilst I'm just pissed off about her entering my house more so at myself because I didn't hear the alarm telling me about her getting inside the house. Now Serena's pissed off, though I'm visibly turned on by Serena, it's not the time, So I instead opt to glare at Tessa, "You know what Tess, You should mind your own damn business and if you want nothing more we would like the privacy in our bedroom" I said Sternly,

Moments later both Serena and I are having some toast and enjoying each other's company whilst Tessa was visibly tensed about something. The three rascals were running about in the backyard like usual, they love this place to be bluntly speaking, New York isn't the best place to raise three full-grown dogs, one of the many reasons why I prefer Britain and London in specific to any state in America maybe except for California because it's not all sunshine at London.

The speakers were blasting out Contaminated by one of my favourite artist's BANKS, I was jamming to the beats when Tessa slammed her hands on the table "how long" was all that she asked, again neither of us are obliged to answer that, In my god knows how many years of experience in the business world I have learned that unless you absolutely have to say something, don't bloody say it, what people don't know won't hurt them in 75% of the cases, of course if that matter is strictly related to you then it's absolutely necessary to know and find out why and find a solution to the problem, that's just how things work.

In most cases, you may never even hear about things going around about you and people won't tell you that's just how the world functions, you really can't do or say anything about it, Here In this instance though Tess doesn't need to even think about this yet she is, Now she's my sister and all but I don't really interfere in her boy matters at all anyway so I did expect the same from her, "well that's not really your matter of concern" I responded, "Have I told you that I hate your sass" she retorts, "plenty of times" I say acting as if I were actually thinking about it, Serena snorts at my remarks,

"anyway, What I really want to know is how you even came in here without me knowing?" I question, "well I'll tell you the answer to that if you tell me the answer or my question first" she answers smugly, well sorry to burst you're bubble sister, "Oh well, I'll just have to review the footage or something to see if you know the password or something" I reply nonchalantly.

She was turning red in anger. It's in the family genes to be angry, We can't really do anything about it, But before she could even say anything further her phone rang and she said, "we'll be continuing this discussion later, I've got my eyes on you both" she says, "sucks to be you then, you have to be ready to see some unholy things" I say the last part as if I were a priest, earning a chuckle from the piece of beauty beside me, I still can't believe that I get to call her mine, just then My phone rang as well, but I'm supposed to be on leave today, also Serena and I decided to do a little shopping because we'll be moving back to the states in a couple of days, I have to continue my inspection of sorts, so I need to go over to Canada and Australia after the next week, all mainly one or two-day plans. I'm excited to go to Athens in Greece, I spent a lot of time there during my after high school years, mainly isolating myself, I don't really like talking about that time, it was very sad and dull.

But Greece was very different, it helped me in saving myself from drowning in one way or another.

True to my words and as much as I despise shopping, I was and am a man of my words and so Serena and I made our way to the mall, we weren't all that disguised, we weren't some celebrity superstars or something plus I had a security detail in the surroundings just in case, you never know when some psycho idiot is gonna come outta no man's land and point a gun at you, I knew I could protect myself but I'm not an astrologer and frankly speaking I wouldn't want to be one, I'd be afraid honestly knowing what the future could hold, no offence,

we just got out my G-Wagon and made our way inside, Serena wanted to go to Versace first so that's where we went, frankly speaking, I had to give measurements for a couple of suits at Armani, that was one of my personal objectives for my trip, plus some ice-cream and maybe some lunch, I'm really not in the mood to cook after the Tessa debacle, I don't know why I'm so pissed about all this, I'm never this worked up about anything, one part of my brain tells me it's because I want to keep matters a bit more personal at least for some time before someone finds out but my rational brains tell me to tell my family and friends. Stupid brain.

I was walking about the mall when I found something that caught my eye, Now, I'm not a fan of jewellery in general, but this piece was very minimalist, a very thin simple rose gold chain with no pendant, which is why I thought this was cool, you see this one can have endless possibilities to be customized, I looked over and
noticed Serena walking into Victoria's secrets, I'm not gonna go in there, as much as I would love to see her in lingerie it'll be a much better experience in person, not in a mall, plus I'm sure shed like some privacy while buying underwear.

So, I made my way inside the shop that had my eye. The shopkeeper was a woman who was at least as old as my mother. The chain itself wasn't all that costly, but I ended up ordering a custom handcrafted solid block of silver and crystal that will say SERENA once done, the lady said that it'll take at least two weeks, something that I like about handcrafted work is that its unique and there won't be another one like that. Ever.

I really am anxious about Tess knowing...she's always been blowing peoples covers, I've never been a victim before because my life was always transparent, anyhow I'm positive about what might happen and I'm just crossing my fingers and praying that the whole thing goes as to how I've imagined in my brain.

I was sitting by the chair outside the shop surfing the internet for news that was not even worth it when Serena came out of the shop, I find it surprising that no one has approached Serena yet because as far as I heard all her designs were hits, and from the mails that's I've gotten so far, it's clear that's there's a lot of demand. I don't think that even Miss Browns designs have got this much hype. Or maybe it's the detail doing their work.

After spending some more time walking around and having lunch we got back home and spent the rest of the evening lounging around by the pool and occasionally answering some calls that were scheduled, it was such peace and tranquillity until Tessa came inside again,

I swear this girl will be murdered by me and me alone, "we aren't answering Tess" I said as soon as she entered, "oh quit It Ashy, everyone will find out at some point might as well start off with her, Tessa.....Your brother and I are dating" she said as she made her way towards me, Tessa halted in her steps for a second before literally jumping onto Serena, "oh my god, I'm SOOO fvcking happy for you and at the same time I'm so sad for you because you'll have to deal with this sassy ass" she won't miss an opportunity to diss me, stupid girl...

We told her not to tell anyone yet and she said that shell keeps her mouth shut, I'm gonna hold on to that one, I don't entirely trust her mouth.

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