Chapter 22: Putting others first

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On our way to the hotel! Woop woop!! I'm so weird. Thankyou for putting up with my weirdness (^.^)


We just got the pack doctor and everyone was quiet during the ride. No one spoke, everyone was all tense and shit. I opened my door and stood up. "Don't. Move." I heard Axel growl out. I sighed but stood right where I was. Axel picked me up and carried me inside while Ryan did the same with Elyse. She is still unconscious and I feel terrible. We walked through the doors and the doctor was there waiting for us.

"Hello Luna. My name is Dr. Belt. I have one slight problem, we only have one room open. It will be about 10 minutes before another one is open."

"Take Sky-" Axel started by I growled and he looked at me confused, but kinda pissed.

"Take Elyse in there now." I said sternly. The doctor looked at me hesitant but told Ryan to follow him.

"No. Skylar, you need to get your back and hand checked out." Axel tried to reason with me but I wasn't having it.

"Elyse is going first and that's final." I said sternly again. I was pissed and you could tell because it was showing in my voice.

"Skylar. Do not order me around. I'm serious, you need to go."

"Axel! I don't care right now! Elyse needs it more than I do, so she is going in first. I'm not in the mood right now. And I don't want to argue."

"Skylar. You are going in."

"No!" I snapped. He looked at me in shock and hurt was in his eyes. "I'm sorry Axel, but no. Elyse is going in there and that's final. I'm not in the fucking mood right now, so don't argue!" Axel looked at me and he looked kinda scared. Was I that scary? I looked around and everyone looked tense. Everyone knows that I don't use the 'f' word unless I'm extremely pissed off. Axel gulped and turned to the doctor. "Take Elyse in." His voice was shaky. I was relieved and circled up closer into Axel's warm chest.

He brought us over and set me on his lap when he sat in the waiting room along with the others. I sat up and put my head in my hands. My breathing became rigid and tears started to find their way into my eyes. "Babe. It's okay." Axel whispered soothingly in my ear. He was rubbing my back when the doctor came in.

"Alpha? Luna? We are ready for you." Dr. Belt said happily. I looked at Axel and he nodded. I got off his lap only to be swept away in his arms again. I laughed as we made our way to the room.









"Well the results are back in." The doc continued. "A small part of your middle back is fractured from hitting the floor, and your hand and knuckles are broken. I should say ALL of your knuckles are broken from punching that man's jaw."

"What am I going to do with you." Axel said laughing.

The doctor continued. "You will have to wear this back brace for about 2 months. And you will have a knuckle brace for the same amount of time. You can only take the brace of when you are showering. The knuckle brace doesn't come off, so you will have to put a bag over it. I can give you bag, it's a rubber bag and you put it over your hand like so." He said while demonstrating. "Then you can just take a normal vacuum nozzle and suck out the air. Then when you are done using it, you can take this little air pump and get some air in it so you can take it off. Oh and limited walking would be best for you Luna. Even with your werewolf healing, you'll still be in pain and it will take a long time to heal." He handed us the air pump and gave us the bag when he took it off. He also showed me how to out the brace on and how to take it off as well. We thanked him and walked out of the room to see everyone waiting for us.

"So how's Elyse." I asked scared. Ryan sighed and ran a hand threw his already messy hair.

"She has a concussion and a broken rib. The doctor said she swill be able to go home tomorrow. That's all. I know it's bad, but I'm just glad that's it. What about you?" Ryan asked shaky.

"Part of my middle back is fractured and all my knuckles are broken." I said with a nervous smile.

"One good thing came out of this." Axel said smiling.

"How did anything good come out of this?!" I yelled at him. He laughed and looked down at me.

"I get to carry you around everywhere." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Or I can walk."

"No can do kitten. Doc said less walking the better, so you aren't walking. And I get to keep you in my arms." He said then kissed my nose. "So are you coming home Ryan? Or are you gonna stay here?"

"I'm gonna stay here with Elyse." Ryan replies quickly. It was really cute how he wanted to say with Elyse.

"Aww!" I said out loud. Ryan blushed and looked down. "Oh. My. Gosh. Ryan is actually blushing! How cute!"

"Axel. Help." Ryan pleaded. Axel nodded and covered my mouth with his hand. I grunted and crossed my arms.



When we arrived home Axel carried me straight to bed. He was saying something like 'You need to recover.' 'You had a long day, you're probably tired.' Or 'I know you're tired. Come on let's go to bed.' He wouldn't even let me change on my own. But I'm pretty sure that was more for him then me being injured, but whatever. He won't let me do anything by myself. It's kinda funny how he is so set on me recovering, but the bright side is...I DON'T HAVE TO COOK. I offered to make something for him and he send no, he can do it himself because I'm injured. So I said okay. Heh *evil smile*

"Ready for bed now Skylar?" Axel asked me while putting me down in the bed.

"I don't really have a choice." I replied sticking me tongue out at him.

"Whatever." He said laughing and pulling me closer. "Ow!" I yelled.

He froze. Worry was written all over his face. "Oh my gosh kitten. I'm so sorry. What happened? Do we need to go back to the doctor? Come on, lets-"

"Dude. I was kidding. Gotcha!" I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. It's so cute how much he worries about me.

"Ya ya, very funny." Axel said with a straight face and I snuggled into his chest with both of his arms wrapped around me protectively.

"Good night Axel. I love you."

"Good night baby. Sweet dreams, I love you so much." That was the laser hung I heard before falling into a peaceful sleep.


Sooo....the hotel doesn't have wifi. So when I update, I'm either at a restaurant, or my house lol. But I will let you know :) can't wait for the next chapter. It will have Axel's POV in it for you guys.

Well, bye!!


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