Chapter 23: Answer my question

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Almost to my house! Bout freaking time haha.
Skylar (I'm doing this now. It's so much easier lol)

I woke up and tried to get out of bed to stretch. Well, I didn't get very far because a certain someone's arm was wrapped securely around my waist, prohibiting me from moving. "Where do you think you're going?" Axel asked me amused.

"I want to get out of bed." I said in a duh-tone.

"Nope. I'm tired and I like having you here. You are staying put so go back to bed." He pulled me closer and put my head on his chest while his arms wrapped around me preventing me from moving again. I sighed and got closer to him because he was so warm. "Haha. Is someone cold?"

"Shut up Axel." I laughed and relaxed on his chest. A couple minutes have passed and I need to pee. Like right now, and if he doesn't let me get up, I will go on the bed with him in it.

"Axel, I need to get up. Like now."

"But why." Oh gosh, here comes the whining.

"Because I need to go."

"No, just stay here."

"I need to go, as in the bathroom."

"Why didn't you just say so. I'll carry you."

"I can walk perfectly fine."

"I'm carrying you." Fine, once he moves his arm, I'm running. I waited and waited.

He finally moved his arms and started to sit up. That's when I jumped up and walked to the barroom. "Skylar Elizabeth Jones!" Axel yelled from his bed.

"Yes Axel Timothy Williams?" I replied laughing. Finally, relief!

"You are not suppose to be walking."

"I am fine. And let me walk a little. I need to move my legs." I said walking out of the bathroom.

"Bad Skylar." He said laughing. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stopped laughing and gave me an evil smile. Oh crap. He slowly stood up and made his way over to me.

"I uh, gotta go make breakfast." I said really fast. He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"No. I think you can wait." He carefully picked me up and set me down on the bed. He quickly got on top of me and supported himself on his arms that are on both of my sides. He bent his head down and blew over his mark on my neck. I shivered and he chuckled. "You know babe, it's not very nice to stick your tongue out at me." He said evilly.

"I can do it if I want." I replied back quickly. He looked at me and lust became obvious in his eyes. Wrong thing to say Skylar. I told myself.

He laughed and licked my mark. I threw my head back and tried to hold in a moan. He saw I wasn't giving in so he sucked on it. I kept my mouth shut tight. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He said with a smirk. I glared at him and continued to keep my mouth shut. "Okay then. Have it your way." He rolled us over so I was on top and he was on bottom. He took my hands and pinned them behind me back, and he moved his face in the crook of my neck. He licked my mark before I felt his canines coming out.

He brushed his teeth over my mark and I gasped at the pleasure. He continued and then I felt his teeth sink into my skin. I moved my neck over so he would have more room to go further. He went further in and I couldn't hold it anymore. A long moan has finally escaped my lips and he smirked. He pulled his teeth out and licked up the blood. I shivered in pleasure as he put me back on the bed with him hovering over me.

He looked at me and smirked in victory. "Oh shut up." I said out of breath.

"I love you too." He said before giving me a kiss. I kissed him back and he growled in approval. He reluctantly pulled away and looked at me. "I need to go question Cody and the other guy. I'm sorry I have to leave but it's the alpha's job to question any prisoners. Elyse is here, so you can hang out. But no leaving the house. I'm putting you on bed rest."

"Okay. Be careful, I don't trust Cody. And fine. I'll stay here. Can we order movies?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course kitten. Have fun, but not too much fun." He winked at me before giving me another kiss. "I love you babe."

"I love you too." Then he walked out of the room. I mind-linked Elyse.

'We get to order movies!'

'Sweet. Meet me downstairs!'

'On my way.'

"Make sure she doesn't leave the house." I told Stephan. "She's on bed rest, but I did tell her she can order movies. So you might have to do some errands for her. Sorry man."

"It's all good." He replied laughing. I nodded and made my way to the lock with my beta Mark and my Third Caleb.

When we walked down there, I noticed that Cody's jaw and wrap on it and the other guy didn't have his shirt on because be too has wrap on, but it was all over his back. "Heh. I can't believe my little Skylar did that." I said laughing. Mark and Caleb both nodded laughing.

"Your mate is a bitch!" Cody yelled. My eyes snapped to his and mine turned pitch black. I was in front of his cell in a matter of seconds.

"Excuse me?!" My voice boomed throughout the cell and Cody cringed in the corner. "What did you just say about my mate?" I yelled at him.

"Nothing." He said looking down.

"Axel. Calm down, we need answers first, then you can go all ape shit on them." Mark said. He laughed at the last part. I nodded and calmed my wolf down.

'Fine. But if he says anything else about our mate, I will rip him to shreds.' My wolf growled.

'Don't worry. I totally agree with you.' I agreed.

"Okay listen. First of all, you don't talk unless spoken too first. And second, what is your name?" I asked pointing to the stranger that my guards brought in with Cody.

"I'm Jake."

"Okay. Now, why were you on my land?" I asked them.

Cody was the one that spoke up. "I'm pretty sure you already know that. Tyler is freaking obsessed with that women. He won't shut up about her. Frankly, I think this is so stupid."

"Then why the hell are you trying to take her from me and give Skylar to Tyler?" I asked pissed.

"Because, he promised my beta position back." Okay, now I'm confused. I think he noticed because he sighed and continued. "A couple of years ago this stupid pup challenged me to my position. He won, but it was unfair fight. He got other wolves to team up on me and I lost. I looked over at Tyler who didn't care and he announced that little brat of a pup the beta position. I don't get it though. We were best friends, I mean like we still are, but he's becoming more distant from me and Jake. Jake is Tyler's Third and offered to help with this because he wants me back as beta. So I'm only doing this to get my beta position back. I don't like some of the stuff I'm doing, but he's alpha. So I don't really have a choice but to obey him. I don't like Skylar, but I promised him I would get that little brat and he promised my beta position back. So we have been trying to find her for years."

I growled at him. "She is not a brat! And you will not talk about my mate in such a manner. Questions or not, I will snap your neck if you talk bad about her one more time."

"Fine. Whatever, but Tyler isn't going to stop trying to get her unless she is dead-" I growled and he stopped. "Let me finish." I growled again and nodded. "Unless she is dead or he is dead. That's the only way. He wanted her every since they were little. They were each others very first boyfriend and girlfriend. He wanted her to be his mate. He was gonna forcibly claim her so she wouldn't move with her pack but he didn't see her that day. She was always avoiding him because he was abusive."

"WHAT?!" I boomed at the top of my lungs. He looked down and nodded.

"When we both stormed into Jordan's room that day awhile back, he yelled at her. It was wrong and I know it, but I had to help him. But I really didn't care, I don't like Jordan or Skylar. I never have I guess. He would always beat her until she agreed but she never did. It was stupid for her to say no in the first place. She knew what Tyler could have done to her if they were still together." He paused for a second. "But I will warn you. He's planning an ambush soon. I don't know when, but that was all he told me. But he will stop at nothing to have her. He doesn't care if he has to kill anyone or hurt anyone. He will even hurt her, he doesn't care as long as he has her. So I'd watch out Axel." I growled and punched the wall. Ow that actually hurt. I looked down and say my knuckles were bleeding. Shit! Skylar isn't going to like this one bit.

I called the pack doctor out her to look at there injuries and too look at my hand. The doctor came in a stitched up my hand then went to look at Jake. "Ya. But who knows. Tyler might kill you and take your mate away from you. I hope your alive so you can watch it all happen. It would be quit funny too." Jake spoke up with an evil grin. I felt my eyes turn pitch black and I was in his cell in 5 seconds. I moved the doctor out of the way and picked Jake up by his throat.

"Shut. The. Hell. Up." I said in his face. He just laughed, so I punched him as hard as I could and he was knocked out cold. Great, my stitches broke open. Caleb and Mark stood there shaking their heads at me. I grunted and turned toward the doctor. He sighed and redid my stitches. Today is gonna be a long day...
Here's another chapter! :D yay. I'm almost home!!! Wifi here I come!! Haha


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