6: insults and scars

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"Mike! B-Bonnie's in the v-vents!" Jeremy whisper-yelled at Mike, obviously scared.

Mike was on the left side, and was in charge of the left vent, and flashing the light across the hallway.

Jeremy was on the right side, and in charge of the right vent, and the music box.

They each had a mask.

"Well then put on your mask, you idiot!" Mike yelled back at the stuttering boy.

Jeremy did as he was told, and put the mask on.

In a mere second or two, the purple bunny was out of the vents, and into the room, scanning the two nightgaurds. It took a while for him to leave, but as soon as he was done, and no results came up, he left. Making the lights flicker on and off.

"Ugh, that stupid glitch thingy when they leave, it was terrifing at first, now it's just annoying as fuck!" Mike said, not really looking for a response.

The night neared it's end, and Mike couldn't be happier.

He checked the vents one last time, nothing. He fist pumped the air, and threw himself back into his chair.

He had decided that it was close enough to closing time that he didn't need to do anything else. So he decided to take out his DS and play Mario Kart.

Jeremy, on the other hand, was fast asleep, lightly snoring, with his mask still on.

Mike looked over at him.

'Aw, to be honest, this little faggot is actually pretty cute while sleeping.'

Mike had thought to himself. He took another glance at the younger male.

"Huh, damn kid. He must be tired from working both day shift and night shift. I wonder why he needs the money so bad." Mike thought out loud, figuring since the young nightwatch is asleep that he can say anything he wanted.

Then, just as Mike was about to say something else, until he was startled by Jeremy moving his hand to reach over to get a pencil.

With the pencil in hand, he quickly drew 'my dad' in his handwriting.

'His dad?! Huh, must be pushing him to get out of the house, typical.'

Then, suddenly, the chimes rang across the pizzeria, signaling the end of their shift.

"HALLELUJAH!" Mike yelled, as he stood up, he looked back at Jeremy, and decided to wake him up.

"Hey, hey! Get up, faggot! Shifts' over!" He yelled into Jeremy's ear.

"What?!" Jeremy suddenly bolted upwards, and quickly fell to the floor on his back.

Mike started laughing his ass off in the corner, staring at Jeremy.

Jeremy got up, with a frown on his face.

"M-Mike, shut the h-hell up!" He said, trying to sound mad.

Mike stopped laughing after what seemed like forever.

He sighed, "You know, Jeremy, I can't take you serious with that small voice of yours. And that stuttering, by the time you end a sentence, I forget what the hell you even said!"

Jeremy's frown turned into a blank expression, which was hiding hurt feelings underneath.

"S-So what? You think m-my stuttering is a p-problem?" Jeremy asked ever so calmly.

Mike sighed once more, as he walked towards the wall, and put his hand on it, feeling its texture.

"Actually, yes. It is. I mean, why the fuck could anyone stand it? Its annoying as fuck! How do your parents stand it?!" Mike said, with his angered voice.

"He doesn't.." Jeremy whispered under his breath, sighing.

"Y-You know what? Y-Your right, my stuttering IS a p-problem." Jeremy looked down sadly.

Mike looked over to him, "Oh good! You actually knew something correct! Because seriously Jeremy! T-this g-gets a-annoying!" Mike mocked his stuttering, but not to well though.

Jeremy but at this point, Jeremy was a mess of feelings, hurt, betrayal, and anger.

"F-Fuck you M-Mike!" Jeremy yelled and smacked the older nightwatch across the face.

Mike had a shocked look on his face, he put his hand over where the mark is, and sure enough, there was a red hand print there.

"You little bastard!" Mike yelled back to him.

Jeremy huffed, "Y-yes, okay? I am a b-bastard! So j-just go!" Jeremy pointed to the front exit, "...just leave me to die."

Mike, who was still mad, had pushed Jeremy to the side, and left. Jeremy, who was on the floor, just stared at him leave.

After he knew he was alone, he started to crawl back to the break room, crawling across the party rooms, and the prize corner.

Once he was there, he curled into a ball, wrapped his arms around his legs, and buried his face to where nobody could see it; even though nobody was there.

He started to cry, cry because of his father, cry because of his mother, cry because nobody likes him, and cry because Mike hates him.

He suddenly lifted his head, and looked through his backpack he had brought with him, he rummaged around for a bit, and then he found it.

His old friend.

His razor.

He looks at it for a second, then grabs it and ran into the bathrooms.

Once there, he went to a sink, and rolled up his sleeve.

He stared at the razor for a while, before raising it to his arm.

He dug it into his skin, and all that was left to do was swipe it downwards.

He braced himself for the pain, and suddenly swiped doen, resulting in some blood splattering onto the sink.

"One, f-for being u-ugly." Jeremy counted.

He braced for another, and then swiped down again.

"T-two for always s-stuttering."

He swiped yet another time.

"T-three for b-being dumb and w-worthless."


"Four f-for even being b-born."

He swiped again, and again, and again.

"Five f-for being s-such a wimp."

"S-six for ruining p-people's lives."

"A-and two times t-that on the o-other arm for being a f-failure."

He looked towards his right arm, looking and feeling his old scars, then he started to cut on that one as well. Six, to be exact.

When he was done, he had twelve in total.

He rolled his sleeve hack down, and started towards the break room.

He started feeling dizzy, as he stumbled into the room.

When he got there, he saw that Brandon and Vincent had already gotten there, they were playing each other on their DS's. Then Brandon looked up to see Jeremy.

"Oh, hey Jeremy." He said.

"H-hey." Jeremy said, before falling over to the cold, hard floor.

Brandon bolted up from his chair, amd ran towards Jeremy's now passed out body.

"Jeremy!" He picked him up and put him in his arms.

Brandon looked up to Vincent.

"Vincent! Help me!" Brandon held Jeremy close to him, amd tried to carry him, but failed.

Vincent looked up at them, and turned his DS off.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Vincent asked.

"I don't know, help?!" Brandon looked down on Jeremy.

He saw a little bit of blood on him, mainly on his sleeves. He pulled them up, and was horrified by what he saw.

Blood, scars, cuts, old and new.

"Jeremy...no." He started to cry. He felt his scars.

He bolted his head up.

"Their new..." He whispered.

Vincent walked over to them.

"What? What happened?" He asked.

Brandon showed him Jeremy's wrists, which were covered in old and new cuts.

"Oh.." Vincent widened his eyes at the sight.

"It's that asshole Mike probably, he's been mean to Jeremy lately."

"Uh Brandon," Vincent studied Jeremy's wrist, "these look old, older than how long he's been working here."

Brandon gasped, "I wonder why he does this."

"Probably something personal..."

Brandon checked the time, 7:57.

"Vince, it's almost time for your's and his' shift to start." He pointed to a clock.

"Well what do we do? He can't work! Not like this!" Vincent said.

Brandon sighed, "...looks like I'm gonna have to do double shifts today Vince." He said, while grabbing the hat off of Jeremy, and putting it on him.

Vincent nodded, "then what do we do with Jeremy?" He asked.

"Just leave him here, I guess, just keep checking up on him..?" He half said, half asked.

"Meh," Vincent said before leaving.

Brandon put Jeremy on a chair, and left, not really being able to do anything else.


What a nice way to leave someone who is passed out.

On a chair in a break room.


Anyways. Yey! New chappy!

K so I might not be able to update as often, K?


Just know if I haven't been on for more than two months, then I am either banned from this, or dead.

But I will tell you guys this.

No matter what happens, I will always remember this wonderful site.

It has helped me in many ways, and I am grateful for such awesome readers.

I'm not no big shot, but I'm happy how this is right now.

Thank you guys, so much!

I hope I can continue to do this for a long time!

This site makes me happy (I know that sounded cheesy, but its the truth)

Thanks again guys!

Oh and about upcoming stuff, this book is gauranteed to be done by the middle of August. Unless I get banned or die. And also there will be a sequel to this! And a sequel to that! I already have this thing planned out!

First book: The One I hate To Love

Second book: You Can't Runaway From Your Past

Third Book: Dark Corners


Not sure if a fourth book will happen, but it might.


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