7: mine

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Most of this chapter is gonna be PurplePhone, but don't you guys worry, there will be some Jeremike at the end, ;)

K onto chapter NYOW!


"uGH!" Vincent yelled, throwing his pencil across the floor, "Why the fuck are there letters mixed with the numbers?!"

Brandon looked over Vincent's assignment, and then said, "I have no idea, whoever created math decided to be a dick and add all this random stuff."

He nodded at his boyfriends words, "the numbers are all high and shit...making us suffer more and more."

"I mean, it's not that bad when you learn how to do it..." Brandon tried to reason with him.

Vincent just huffed out air, "Yeah, but I think you missaid something in that sentence."

Brandon didn't know whatbhe ment by that, "what?"

"Yup, you said 'when you learn..' when really, its should be 'if you learn..'"

The blue eyed male just rolled his eyes at his older boyfriend's statement.

Vincent suddenly crumbled up his paper and threw it outside of his open window.

Brandon widened his eyes, "Vincent! What the hell was that for?!"

"See?! This is the reason I flunked!" Vincent tried to reason.

Brandon had an annoyed look on his face, "At least I am not alone at school anymore, think about the positives! You remember what they do to me when your not there!"

Vincent looked up, then nodded in realization, "Yeah, I guess.."

Brandon smiled and hugged him from behind, "I hated being alone there...they always did awful...awful things to me..." Brandon's expression changed to a slight frown.

"Yeah, I remember they broke your leg once.."

Brandon looked at him, "I was in that closet for a day.."

"Then they cut your phone cords with scissors sometimes, which does explain the tape on them.."

"And this is all when you knew me, before you knew me, they did the same things, but more frequently....oh thank god I met you, they could've already killed me....who knows?"

Vincent looked down, "I am glad I met you before they did anything.....drastic."

Brandon looked back, and started towards the door, "I'm hungry, Vince, is there anything to eat here?"

Vincent thought for a moment, "Nope, I don't think so, since my father's out of town and I haven't bought anything."

"Hmm...we could go out to eat?" Brandon suggested.

Vincent pondered on the thought, "hmm....sure, wait, what time is it?"

He checked his watch, which revealed that it was 5:50 A.M.

"What the fuck?! We stayed up all night?! Again?!" Brandon yelled.

Vincent looked baffled, "why do i ALWAYS do this?! And always on the days we have school!"

"Probably because I took a nap, and you were trying to study, key word: TRYING." Brandon added.

Vincent looked at him, "yeah, I will never get it, evah."

His younger boyfriend just sighed, "Well great! Come on, we can still make it to the bus, you got any money on you?"

Vince checked his desk, nothing, pockets, nothing, backpack, nothing.


He looked in his pockets, and found $2:25.

"I have money, one dollar for each of us, then twenty-five cents left over for like a soda or something."

Vincent got up and got his pencil from the corner that he had just threw a bit ago, "i just realized this is my only pencil, I need to keep it."

Brandon laughed, "Oh my god, are we really that poor?!"

"Yes, all because Fazbear's pay is to low, It's barely enough to pay for this place! We barely have any left for food and anything else we would need!"

He looked at the time once more, 5:54.

"We gotta go, now, the bus leaves at like, I think 6:00. I'm not sure..."

Vincent sighed, as he picked up his backpack and followed Brandon out the door, to the living room.

Brandon looked towards the kitchen, feeling hungry.

"Ugh, Vincent? You got any money for any food? I haven't eaten in two days!"

He looked to his younger boyfriend, with a sad look.

"I have a bit of money, why? Wanna go out to eat later, or to the store for food?"

"Hmm....lets go out to eat!"

Vincent nodded and kept walking.

(Timeskip to le bus, brought to you by Fazfuck's terrible pizza!)

Brandon and Vincent had caught the bus just in time, and were sitting in a seat in the middle of the bus, together.

Brandon was texting Jeremy, checking on him to see if he was at school already or what.

Vincent was just looking out the window, not having anything.

Then suddenly, one of the other girls from their school had come over to them.

"Oh hey Vincent~! Didn't know you rode the bus."

Vincent looked up at her, with a baffled expression on his face.

"Uh, who are you?"

"I'm your future wife hun~" she gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Brandon, please, help."

Brandon looked up to see some chick hitting on Vincent.

"What the fuck do you think YOUR doing?!" Brandon half yelled.

The girl just huffed, and looked at the angered male, "Oh, nothing, just hitting on this handsome guy~"

Vincent tried to push her away, but no luck.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Brandon yelled.

"What's it to you?!" She replied in a tone of anger.

"Oh, well, nothing...except you hitting on my boyfriend of five and a half years!"

"Really? He could have anyone he wants! And yet he chose....you?! He could do WAY better than that! He deserve someone better looking, someone normal, not some sort of freak like you!" She hugged Vincent.

Vincent got up and threw her arms off of him.

"Ugh! You really want this freak to be with you! You could be with me! Someone better than him!"

"How can I be with anyone better than him, if there isn't anyone better than him?! Sounds a little impossible to me, don't you think?"

Vincent smirked at the girl's reaction, she quickly changed her expression from surprise, to anger.

"Why the hell do you want some lame ass nerd with a phone as a head?! Do yourself a favor, and brake up with him! Besides, I'll always be free for you~" she purred.

"Go away." Vincent muttered with anger surging through his voice.

"Oh, but I don't want to.~ I want you~ With your fine ass, and your muscular body~"

Vincent was fed up by now, he got up, and did something that shocked everybody on the bus, he slapped her across the face.

She landed on the floor, face first.

Vincent looked around to see everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.

"She was hitting on me and disrespecting me and him! You know what, lets go, we'll walk the rest of the way there." Vincent said, grabbing Brandon's hand and pulling him out of the bus.

Once out, Brandon scoffed, "It didn't need to end like that.."

Vincent gave him a stern look, "What else was I supposed to do?! She was trying to seduce me! In front of you! I wasn't gonna stand by and let that happen! I know, it didn't need to happen, but it did! I'm sorry! Okay?!"

Brandon looked down, "Fine."

Vincent sadly sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled, everything's been getting stressful lately, my father's gonna lose the house, I have to worry everyday about money for food and stuff. Oh, and my dad is kicking me out! Even though he has the house for another month! Jackass..."

The younger male shushed him, "He is abusive anyways, he doesn't even know I live there, and its getting harder to hide my presence! We needed to leave that house anyways!"

"He's not abusive, he just wants me to be a murderer-"

"See? Now your denying the fact that he DOES abuse you!"


They kept talking while they were walking to school. Mindlessly walking, they realized they were lost.

"Holy shit! Were the fuck are we?!" Brandon asked.

"I don't know, looks like we're in some sort of forest-"

He was cut off by the sound of water, and low talking.

"I d-don't even know a-anymore!" They heard voice quietly yell.

They decided to go check it out.

When they got there, they saw Jeremy and Fritz, they were throwing rocks in the river, and were talking.

"Jeremy, you need to stop! Your gonna end up dead one day!" Fritz told him.

"Who knows? M-Maybe I want t-to die!"

Fritz sighed, "No you don't! Trust me, everything will get better! That is a promise I'm willing to bet my own life on!"

"Y-Your wasting your b-breath, it b-best be saved for something m-more important, I'm not w-worth anything!"

"Jeremy, your worth every penny in the world! One day, you'll be able to say that your happy. Please don't do anything you might regret."

"But how d-do I know that k-killing myself isn't g-gonna be something I-I willl regret! Do you e-even know everything I-I go through?! L-Life hasn't been so f-fair!"

"Jeremy, I want you to tell me everything, please."

"H-How do I know y-you won't betray me?"

"Trust me, I would never betray you, and I swear to god if I ever brake that promise then let me die." Right when he spoke, a paper dropped from Jeremy's pocket.

Fritz bent down and got it, much to Jeremy's horror.

It read a number of dates, with X's besides the dates, than there was one date, which was the day after this one, with a checkmark instead of an X besides it.

"Jeremy, these aren't what I think they are, are they?"

Jeremy gave no answer back.

Fritz's eyes became teary, as he read through the markings.

The sidenote that was besides the checkmark read: "perfect day. Father will be out of town for week."

Fritz dropped the paper and hugged Jeremy.

"Why do you try and do this stuff? What do I not know?"

Jeremy blinked back more tears, and he opened his mouth to speak, but not a single word came out.

Brandon and Vincent looked at each other, wide eyed.

"Do we tell Mike? Do we tell that bastard so he will stop?" Brandon asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I guess, but how do we know it will work?" Vince asked back.

Brandon thought for a moment, then thought of an idea, "Maybe I could put my camera in the office, so it records them the entire night?"

"We could.." Was Vincent's answer.


Jeremy had arrived at Freddy's a little early, he sat in his chair, and looked around.

He was not looking foward to Mike coming, since Mike is such a jackass to him.

He waited a bit, not doing anything, until the clock turned to 11:30, which is the time Mike usually comes to work.

Suddenly, Mike went into the office, and sat down, and words flew out of his mouth right when he sat down.

"Jeremy...I am sorry!" He apologized to him.

"W-What?" He asked back.

"Jeremy! I am deeply sorry for everything I put you through! I didn't know you were already dealing with so much in your life!" Jeremy saw that there were tears starting to stream down his face.

"Y-Yeah, you didn't know w-what I was dealing w-with, you still don't!"

"Oh yeah? I know a bit about you to.." He pulled Jeremy's wrist to him, and lifted his sleeve.

Jeremy tried to pull away, but Mike's grip was to firm.

"Jeremy....please except my apology, I really am sorry! Please...I don't want you doing this stuff." He pointed to Jeremy's wrist.

Jeremy sighed, "And h-how do I know th-that you are truly sorry, and that y-you won't hurt me a-again?"

Mike looked studied his face, "How do you know? Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to show you.." Mike leaned in, in which Jeremy also did.

There lips were centimeters apart, then finally, Mike pushed foward, into Jeremy's lips.

Jeremy's mind was all over the place, he was mostly shocked though.

Mike finally leaned back out of the kiss, a line of saliva in between the two.

He saw that Jeremy was madly blushing, while Mike just had a light tint of red on his cheeks.

"B-but why?" Jeremy asked him ever so quietly.

"The reason I do all this, is because I makes it easier to hide my feelings, I thought if you found out I liked guys, and especially because I like you, you would hate me or something. Forgive me?"

Jeremy pondered on that for a moment, before answering, "Yes, I f-forgive you."

Mike smiled, and leaned in to kiss him again, Jeremy did as well.

Mike broke the kiss, once again with a line of saliva in between them.

"You know, I always made fun of your stuttering and voice, I actually think it's adorable. Everything about you is adorable to me."

Jeremy blushed yet again, "So w-what does this m-make us?"

Mike smiled, "Whatever you want us to be."

Jeremy smiled back, "Well w-what do you think w-we should be."

Mike pecked his lips, "More than friends.."

Meanwhile, in Vincent's room, they were watching the camera they put in the office, live.

Brandon had a look of shock on his face, while Vincent had a smirk on his.

"Shall we show them this video?"

"I don't know, I mean, you could, unless you don't want Mike to kill you in your sleep..." Brandon replied to his question.


The key to long chapter is this: add more than one topic in a chapter, and it pays off.

Yey, //jumps on couch


Jeremy basically had obtained a small crush on Mike, and that's why he agreed to be with Mike.

And I have been including much more Purplephone then Jeremike because it was already shipped in the book, And now that Jeremike has started, I will be using it in every chapter now.

This took a day or two to make, but I'm just glad I got it done!

Now about updates, the first chapter of Freddyland is due to come out sometime next week. And a chapter on 5 gaurds 5 lives will also come out. A book on my AUs will be out soon, so that way people aren't confused. I think that is it!



Word count: 2406 words

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