Chapter Twenty One - AUSTRALIA

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Boxing Day 2018
Joe's POV
Today is the day! Today is that day that we are giving Dianne one of her Christmas surprises. Me and Alexa are both heading to Australia today to surprise Dianne. But before we head of let's talk about the Suggs Christmas.

After spending half of the night FaceTiming Dianne, which we have been doing for most of her holiday, I was woken up by Alexa jumping up and down on the bed.
"Daddy wake up, wake up"
"Alexa it's only half six, how about we go back to sleep for a little bit"
"But I want to go swee if santwa has been" she said giving me her all famous puppy dog eyes.
"Okay then let's go see if Santa's been"
"What's wrong princess"
"What if Santa didn't know we are at gandmas house"
"Oh he will Santa's magic"
"Okay let's go let's go"

We spent the rest of the morning, opening presents, having breakfast and eating our Christmas dinner. It was now currently 6 pm and me and Alexa were going through our suitcase making sure that we had packed everything. Once we had checked we had everything, we packed a backpack each for the plane. In Alexa's bag she had her blankie, a colouring book and some crayons and her iPad and headphones. I was so worried wether she would be okay on the plane. Don't get me wrong she loves going on plane rides but 23 hours is a long time for anyone let alone a three year old. hopefully it'll be okay.

Flashback over

We were currently sat waiting in the airport and Alexa kept in questioning where we were going. I had told her we were going on a little holiday but I hadn't told her where we were going or who we were going to see. I was going to keep it a surprise but I knew that she wouldn't stop asking me for the whole plane ride so I decided to tell her.
"We are going to... AUSTRALIA!"
"Yayyyyyyyy wait why"
"Can you remember whose in Australia now"
"Erm... Dianne?"
"Yeah we are going to see Dianne!"
"Really?! Yay let's go let's go"

Time skip to half an hour left of them plane.
I don't know why I was worried about Alexa on the plane. She was an angel! She played with her colouring book, watched some of her programs on her iPad and then fell asleep with her giraffe - Patch - tucked under her arm.

I was currently getting prepared to land putting our belongings back in our bags as we only had about 5 minutes left on the plane. I decided to keep Alexa asleep and just carry her through the airport as I knew that she was tired and she would be better if she had the extra hour asleep while we rode to Dianne's childhood home.

The plane landed and I collected our backpacks before picking up Alexa and patch. I walked out into the airport heading toward baggage collection before my phone rang indicating a call from Andrew - Dianne's older brother. Everyone in Dianne's family knew about the surprise except for Dianne. Andrew had offered  to pick me and Alexa up from the airport. It was currently 8am in Australia, so when we get to the house Dianne would most probably be awake and hopefully the surprise would work. I ended the call from Andrew and collected our suitcase from the conveyer belt. I started walking toward the entrance before I spotted Andrew. I walked over to him half hugging him with one arm while holding Alexa with the other. I thanked him for picking us up before Andrew offered to pull my suitcase along. I thanked him again before we headed toward the car. We placed the bags in the boot before I strapped Alexa into the back of the car - into Billy's car seat - before we headed off to see Dianne!! On the way we talked all things from Australia to Strictly, Wiltshire to YouTube before we arrived at their house. Now for the surprise!

Dianne's POV
It was currently December 27th and I had been having the best time seeing my family. If only joe and Alexa weres here, don't get me wrong I love my family but I just wished by other two favourite people were here. I was currently sat in the kitchen with my mum and dad. And we were waiting on the arrival of Andrew who had left some presents at the house. I was talking to my mum when the doorbell went.
"Dianne love, would you mind getting the door"
"Yeah of course"

I headed over to the front door, opening the door expecting to see Andrew. However it wasn't... it were the last people I ever expected to see JOE AND ALEXA!!!
"Omg how are you here!!! Omg I missed you so much" I said as I jumped into Joe's arms.
"I missed you too babe, that's why I flew us two about over here"
He kissed me before he placed me down on the floor before I noticed a tired looking Alexa getting out of the car with Andrew. She locked eyes with me before she ran over to me as fast as she could jumping into my arms.
"Dianne I mwissed you!"
"I missed you too princess, I'm so glad to see you"
"Me too!!"
"Let's go inside" I said to the pair of them "youse can meet my mum and dad"

We headed inside, Alexa and Joe saying hello to my mum and dad before we ended up in a long conversation. That's how we spent most of the morning, before the five of us headed to the sofa to have a movie afternoon. Now we were all heading to bed in my room, Alexa on a camp bed next to the bed, while me a Joe shared my bed.
"I seriously can't believe your here, I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, I going to sleep I'm so tired after that plane journey. Night gorgeous"
"Night I love you"
"Love you too"

Authors note
Please comment your thoughts.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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