Part eighteen - clingy

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The Sunday after the street commercial performance.
Joe's POV
I woke up this morning to a bunch of texts from a new group chat named Joanne fans ❤️
Oh great they have known for one day that we are together and now they are making group chats. Oh and yeah they found out yesterday when Jeanette, Neil and AJ walked into my dressing room, to find me and Dianne kissing. Then Neil being Neil decided to text the strictly group chat and know everyone knows, we didn't really mind though, we were planning on telling them anyway but now they are OBSESSED!!

Joanne fans ❤️
Group - Stacey, Neil, Ranj, Joe, Dianne, Kevin.
Neil: hiya guys I was wondering if youse wanted to meet up today?
Stacey: yeah that would be good. I'm in. Anyone else?
Ranj: Sorry guys I have work ☹️ next time though
Kevin: yeah I can't make it either, I'm going out with some old school mates but thanks for the invite
Joe: me and Dianne can make it, I'll have to bring Alexa though.
Neil: Aw another time though boys! But where do the rest of youse want to go
Stacey: and of course Alexa is coming she's my favourite Sugg
Joe: Oi!
Dianne: can't wait 😊
Joe: youse could come round my place, watch some movies, videos games, order in food?
Neil. Oh I'm in! Lads night in
Stacey: oh great what did I sign up for. There better be cute Joanne moments though
Joe: oh great

So it was decided that Stacey and Neil would head around mine for around 2pm. Dianne texted Amy and she decided she would come too. I looked at my phone to see that it was half eleven, we slept in so late! I turned to Dianne kissing her on the forehead, before we both got up for the day heading for Alexa's room. I opened the door and we both headed inside to see Alexa sat in the middle of her floor having a 'tea party' with her teddy bears. 

"Morning princess, ready to go downstairs" I asked, picking her up from the floor.
"Yeah" she said hugging me before putting her arms out to give Dianne a cuddle.
"Let's get some breakfast"

2 hours later.
Dianne's POV
During the two hours the three of us;
Ate breakfast
Tidied the house
Got ready
And were now waiting for guys to arrive.
Through out the whole morning it's been like me and Alexa were glued together, she's hardly left my side. I'm not bothered as she done nothing wrong, but I'm just confused. She's not normally this clingy, unless she's ill or worried, and she is neither today. I just hope that everything is okay.

Soon after Amy arrived, quickly followed by Neil and Stacey. The group of us gathered in the front room, Neil and Joe were versing each other on the Xbox, while me Amy and Stacey were sat talking. Alexa was cuddled up on my lap, however she was happily talking to everyone. It wasn't as though she was tired or sick, she just was attached to me. While the group of us chatted and played video games, Alexa stayed attached to me cuddled into my side.

Joe's POV
Throughout the day together, we all had such a good time, it was lovely to spend the day together as we can't always do this while rehearsing for the show. We ordered in food around five, and then ended the night by playing a few games of never have I ever. However not getting drunk due to the fact that we have rehearsals tomorrow, and of course Alexa was with us. Speaking of Alexa she has been very attached to Dianne today. I was a little confused as she is not normally this clingy, even with me. I thought that I would just ask her later, and see what she would say.


Everyone started to leave around quarter to seven, so me and Dianne decided to take Alexa to bed as we had an early morning tomorrow. I got Alexa ready for bed, before we read her a bedtime story of Cinderella. While I read the story Alexa stayed with Dianne cuddled up on her lap. I finished the story before telling Alexa to get under her covers to go to sleep. However she didn't move off of Dianne's lap.

J: "Princess are you okay?"
A: "Yeah"
J: "Are you sure? You've been attached to Dianne all day. What's wrong?"
A: "I don't want her to leave" she said quietly.
J: "What? Dianne's not leaving"
A: "She's not"
D: "No I'm not. Why would you think that?"
A: "I fought that after strictly. She would go"
D: "Aw lex I'm not going anywhere I promise"
A: "Pwomise"
D: "I promise"
A: "I'm sowwy"
J: "What for?"
A: "For making you sad" she said starting to cry.
J: "Oh baby you didn't make us sad we were just a little worried. You didn't make us sad at all"
D: "Yeah we were worried that you were sad but it's okay now. It's going to be okay " Dianne said rocking her back and forth.
J: "Would you like to sleep in our bed tonight"
A: "Yes pwease"
D: "Come on then"

The three of us then headed to my room, and even though it wasn't that late we all cuddled up in the bed and started falling asleep. I kissed both of my girls' foreheads, before i drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Authors note -
Hope you are all enjoying the story so far. Thank you to @onechicago_ for your suggestion!
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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