Part seventeen - Sick days 2

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Large time skip to the Sunday before the street commercial rehearsals.

Dianne's POV
I woke up to the horrible sound of someone being sick, and looked over to see Joe gone from the bed. He must be throwing up. I threw the duvet off from around me and ran to the on suite looking for Joe. He was sat on the cold tilled floor, throwing up, he looked extremely tired and pale. I walked over to him bending down rubbing his back, before he tired to push me away.
"I don't want you getting sick" his voice sore after throwing up.
"I don't care Joe I want to make sure you are alright.

With that said he threw up again, shivering from the coldness of the bathroom floor. After he finished I helped him back up and into our bed, tucking him in, as he feel back into a deep sleep. Suddenly, I heard crying coming from down the corridor, I went to go look what was happening, when I heard that it was coming from Alexa's room. I gently knocked on the door letting her know that I was there before walking in to see her sobbing her heart out.
"Princess what's wrong?"
"I-I-I had another nightmare"
"Aw Princess would you like to come back to mine and daddy's room"
"Yes please"

I picked her up from off the bed, carrying her into mine and Joe's room. I knew that I was going to be in for a rough night with Joe sick and Alexa having nightmares, but I loved them both and knew that they needed taking care of, and I was going to help. I placed a sleeping Alexa down between me and Joe before falling back to sleep.

7:30am Sunday morning
That was probably the worst sleep of my entire life, not that I'm blaming either Joe or Alexa as it wasn't their fault, but I slept dreadfully. Joe woke up four more times during the night throwing up, which resulted in Alexa waking up as well. I looked over seeing Joe now fast asleep, and Alexa stirring awake. I picked her up again, as I didn't want her waking Joe, placing her on my hip before we went downstairs. I sat Alexa in front of the tv screen turning on her programmes, before going to start on breakfast. I made fruit for me and Alexa, pouring yogurt over mine, before making toast for Joe - I could hear he was awake upstairs - as I knew it was good to eat toast after throwing up.
"Alexa can you come over here for breakfast please"

Alexa came running over to the counter, so I lifted her onto one of the bar stools sitting down besides her. As we were finishing our breakfast, Joe walked in looking less pale than before - that's a good sign. I told him I made his some toast, telling him to sit on the stool as I washed up mine and Alexa's now empty plates. Joe sat eating small bites out of the toast, which he luckily kept down, looking upset.
"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm fine, just worried about being ill tomorrow, I don't want us to miss rehearsals"
"Aw don't worry you can't help being ill, I'll decide tomorrow whether we should go, but if your like you are now we won't be going"
"No buts Joe, if your too ill were not going okay?"
"Now do you want to watch a movie and cuddle on the sofa"
"Yeah, sounds good"

I helped Alexa off the stool before heading into the living room where Joe was sat getting Netflix open. I sat down besides him, while Alexa sat on the giant beanbag - her favourite seat. We picked to watch The Little Mermaid, wrapping blankets around us as the movie started.

General POV
Throughout the day the three mostly stayed sat on the sofa having a movie day. Although Joe was sick a few times he was now cuddled into Dianne's side as her and Alexa were watching Cinderella. Dianne looked at the time noticing that it was nearly eight o'clock, and decided to have an early night, as joe was already fast asleep and Alexa was struggling to keep her eyes open. Dianne carefully manoeuvred herself away from Joe, allowing her to take Alexa upstairs to clean her teeth and to get to bed. She got Alexa changed into her Ariel pyjamas, before reading her two bedtime stories, before Alexa was fast asleep. She quickly walked out the room quietly, heading back downstairs to see Joe now awake switching off the tv. They locked the front door before heading upstairs to bed.

Dianne's POV
As I was getting Joe into bed he kept telling me how much he was grateful for me looking after him;
"I love you so much gorgeous"
"Thank you for looking after me"
"Thank you Babe"
"I loved our family movie day"

Family. Me, Joe and Alexa. I could get used to that.

Authors note
Hope you enjoyed this, this was suggested by @Milliefrances46 Thank you again!
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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