Part fifteen - Stressful week

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Week of the waltz
Joe's POV
It was currently Wednesday, and this week me and Dianne were performing the waltz to rainbow connection. Which just so happened to be one of Dianne's favourite songs. Great. I've had so many problems this week and this is just adding to my stress as I want to make this dance special for Dianne. To start off this week, my mum gave me some bad news - well technically good news for her but unfortunate for me.

Basically it started off when my mum came round my house to see me and Alexa on Monday night. Then came the unfortunate conversation -
"So Joseph, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something important"
"Yeah mum, what is it? Everything okay?"
"Yeah, well you know how I went to that business conference the other day"
"Well I had a really important conversation with one of my business partners there, and there's a really good opportunity and they want me to take it"
"That's great mum"
"But the thing is, I'll have to move back to Wiltshire"
"That's Okay, I will miss you loads and so will Alexa but if it's a good opportunity you need to take it"
"Thank you for understanding Joe, I'll miss both of youse so much" she said tears forming in her eyes.
"Don't worry mum, we'll be fine" I said bringing her into a hug. "When do you leave?"
"I leave next week, they've already made housing plans so all I have to do is get all my things down there"

So although my mum had been offered an amazing opportunity, I knew that this could really affect my life. My mum has always been with me since Alexa was born, helping me to look after her, so this was going to change my life. I know that if I ever needed anything my family is always there to help, but i don't have any family in London left, when my mum leaves. I was really happy for her though, even if life was going to be a little more complicated, I was glad she was doing something she enjoyed.

Anyways the next problem I faced this week was Alexa, not that she's been naughty or anything, she just still hasn't gotten over her sickness bug. Alexa's been up loads through the nights, with being sick and nightmares and has been extremely clingy. Any other time I would love all the cuddles you could want, but because of dancing I haven't been able to be there for her as much as I wanted to. I feel bad for not being able to stay at home with her, when she's not very well, but I think watching us dancing has cheered her up a little.

Finally back to the dancing, Zoe came to watch us dance today and after filming for our Vt, had offered to take Alexa for the day. They left at about half one, leaving me and Dianne practicing our dance.

Dianne's POV
4 hours later.
I could tell that Joe was very stressed this week, with his mum moving back to Wiltshire and Alexa not feeling well, along with him struggling slightly with the waltz. We were in the middle of practicing when all of a sudden, Joe came to an unchoreographed stop. I looked at him slightly annoyed for messing up a good run through until I saw the tears falling from his eyes. Unaware of the situation I decided to sit him down on the sofa where he sobbed into my chest as I ran my fingers threw his hair.

We sat in this position for a while until Joe stopped crying as he looked into my eyes.
"What's wrong baby? Why are you sad?" I asked gently.
"I've had a really stressful start of the week and I think that it's just gotten to me"
"Aw Joe I know that it's hard but I know your strong and you will get through this. Remember I'm always here when you need me."
"Thank you Dianne for comforting me, I'm sorry for interrupting rehearsals"
"Joe don't apologise you were upset and just needed a break, now I'll tell you what how about we go over the routine a few more times and the we can go home and relax"
"Yeah okay thank you gorgeous"
"No problem Babe"

We ran over the routine a few more times before we headed back home - well Joe's apartment but it's like home to me. We walked into the apartment to see that Zoe and Alexa were here, they had been since Zoe picked her up. Alexa was fast asleep on the sofa already in her pyjamas, while Zoe was watching something on the tv.
Z: hiya guys how was rehearsals?
J: fine I guess
D: yeah it was good
Z: good good now I know youse have just arrived back but I need to go home
J: oh it's okay Zoe have a safe drive home
D: see you later Zoe
We both hugged her goodbye before she left. Joe picked Alexa up from the sofa, moving her to the giant beanbag that was now right next to the sofa. He would have taken her to her bedroom, but after the nightmares she's been having I think he just wanted her close to him. While he went upstairs to get changed I made us a quick tea, placing it on the counter top, seeing Joe had already came downstairs. I went upstairs quickly getting changed before meeting Joe back in the kitchen. We hungrily ate up our food before moving over to the comfort of the sofa. Joe laid his head on my chest and before I knew it he was falling asleep. I shook Joe awake telling him that it would be more comfortable if we went to his bed. So he went and locked the doors, turning the lights off as I picked up Alexa taking her up to her room. I walked over to Joe's room seeing him already in bed, before I climbed in besides him. He draped his arm over my stomach before cuddling into my side.
"I love you gorgeous" Joe said sleepily.
"I love you too"

Authors note
Wow 4K reads I'm so shocked! I didn't think one person would read my book so this is amazing!
Also, thank you all so much for voting, I really appreciate it!
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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