Part fourteen - Koala Bear

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Continued on from the last chapter
Joe's POV
Throughout all of my meetings, after Dianne rang me, I wasn't really talking to anyone. I was listening to what they had to say, but was more concerned on whether my little girl was okay. I knew that Dianne was fine looking after her, but I just wanted to be there for Alexa as I know how much she hates throwing up. Rushing out of my last meeting, I said goodbye to Caspar before racing off to my car, heading home. I text Dianne to tell her I was on my way before I set off.

Dianne's POV
I received a text from Joe, who was telling me he was on his way home, I check the time to see it was only half three, his meetings must of been shorter that he thought. I looked down at Alexa to see her fixated on Sofia the first, that was playing on the TV. Since this morning, this is how we have been for most of the day. We did eat earlier, however Alexa didn't manage to keep it down, causing her to become quite upset again, but she soon settled. I told Alexa that daddy was on his way home, to which she smiled but didn't say anything. I could tell that she must seriously be ill, as she's normally very outgoing and loud, but obviously her being sick has made her a lot quiet and tired, I'm not complaining though I've had a day full of cuddles.

15 minutes later
Joe's POV
I walked through the front door to see Dianne and Alexa cuddled on the sofa together watching the tv. As soon as Alexa saw my she untangled herself from Dianne's arms and came over to me, where a picked her up, giving her a huge cuddle.
"I missed you" I told her.
"Mwissed you too" she replied.

I walked over to Dianne, Alexa still in my arms, clinging to me like a koala, as I bent down giving Dianne a quick kiss, before falling onto the sofa sitting next to her. Alexa soon made herself comfortable on my lap, and started to fall asleep in my arms.
"Thank you so much for watching her today, sorry I couldn't be here when she was sick. "
"It's fine Joe anytime, she's mostly just sat on my knee all day, in and out of sleep. She's been no bother"
"That's good, anyway do you want to watch a movie?"
"Yeah of course, I know let's watch Joe and Caspar hit the road!"
Ever since I told Dianne that I was in a movie she been so excited to watch it.
"Okay then if we must"

2 hours later - 5:45pm
It was later on now and me and Dianne had finished hit the road and were now watching friends. We had ordered a pizza, and were now waiting on it arriving - they said it should be around an hour wait but we werent that hungry yet anyway. I was sat with Alex a curled up on my lap, while Dianne was cuddled into my side, the fluffy blanket keeping all three of us warm.

It was so peaceful, until Alexa woke up with a start. She started breathing really heavily, until the tears started pouring down her face. She sat shaking in my arms, as I hugged her tight while Dianne tried to comfort her.
"What's wrong princess?" I asked her.
"I-I had a n-n-nightmare" she struggled to say as she cried.
"What was it about sweetie?" Dianne asked.
(Dianne = D, Joe = J and Alexa = A)
A: a man came to the house, and took me. And I couldn't see daddy or Dianne anymore.
J: aw princess I would never let that happen ever, I promise.
D: yeah what would I do without by best friend
Alexa frown turned into a smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
A: you wouldn't be able to watch Sofia with me
D: oh no
J: are you feeling better now?
A: yeahh.... where's patch the giraffe?
D: oh I think we left him in the kitchen when we were getting a drink earlier.
J: I'll get him
I passed Alexa over to Dianne before walking in the kitchen looking for Patch, I found him on the counter top. I walked back over to the sofa to see Alexa playing with the ends of Dianne's hair as she tried to keep herself awake.
J: you can go to sleep you know princess
A: I don't want to see the scary man
D: you won't me and daddy are here, so us two and patch can make sure that you are safe.
A: okay

She fell flat out again, hopefully staying asleep this time. I told Dianne that I was going to get changed into some pyjamas before the food arrived so I headed upstairs. I quickly got changed, went back downstairs picking Alexa up and placing her down on the sofa besides me, so Dianne was able to change. As she walked down the stairs there was a knock at the door - our pizza. Dianne payed the delivery man before bringing the pizza over to the sofa for us to share. We ate in comfortable silence, continuing to watch friends, before we decided on an early night. I went to the kitchen tidying away our leftovers, waking back to Dianne to find her fast asleep. I made the decision that all three of us would sleep on the sofa - as there was no point of moving both of them when they were already so comfortable. I kissed both their foreheads goodnight before laying down besides Dianne, falling into a deep sleep myself.

Authors note -
Hope you are enjoying the story!
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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