Part thirteen - sick days

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A bit of a time skip
Joe's POV
Today was Sunday, the day after we had performed our cha cha. Today I had some meetings with Caspar about our management company, so my mum was going to look after Alexa for me. Dianne had a few errands to run today, but was coming round at about five tonight, so she could stay over again. I woke up to the sound of my alarm, alerting me that I had to get up and as I looked at my phone I saw I had a text from my mum telling her to ring me. I called her up, wondering what was wrong.
"Hiya mum, is everything okay?"
"Yeah everything fine, however I can't watch Alexa today. I'm sorry but I have to head down to Wiltshire for a business conference"
"Oh okay, that's fine I'm sure one of the boys will look after her, enjoy your conference"
"Thank you Joe, hope you find someone to watch Alexa, bye bye"
"Bye mum see you later"

I decided to text the boys, to see if any of them were able to watch Alexa.
Buttercream group chat:
Joe: Hiya boys, was just wondering if anyone is able to look after Alexa today. I have loads of meetings and my mum's busy. I know Caspar and Bryon can't but anyone else??
Conor: Sorry mate I'm in LA at the moment.
Jack: so are me and Mikey we're visiting Conor atm
Josh:sorry bro busy today, hope you find someone though
Oli: I'm going down to see my mum and dad today, sorry
Joe: it's okay guys hopefully I can find someone

Great none of the boys could look after her, I knew I couldn't ring a babysitter as Alexa doesn't enjoy staying with new people. The only person I could think of was Dianne, I knew that she was my girlfriend now but that doesn't mean she should have to watch over her. I decided to text her anyway.

Dianne's POV
I was up getting ready for the day, getting changed and doing my make up when a message from Joe popped up on my mind phone.
Joe: Morning gorgeous, I know that your busy today but I have loads of important meetings today and I have no one to watch Alexa. My mum's at a business conference and the boys are busy. Sorry for asking but I have no one else to ask ❤️ xxxx
Me: Morning handsome, Yeah of course I'll watch Alexa, I can do my errands another day. I love hanging out with her what time should I head round for, eleven? ❤️ xxxx
Joe: Thank you so much, yeah eleven should be good I'll be out till four. Is that okay? ❤️ xxxx
Me: Perfect, see you later ❤️ xxxx
Joe: See you ❤️ xxxx

I was really excited to watch Alexa, it reminded me of being back home watching my niece and nephew, Mia and Billy. It was currently ten o'clock so I finished getting ready and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Joe's POV
I wake Alexa up and told her that Dianne was coming round to watch her. She looked a little pale, but I just assumed that it was because of the cold that she's had for the past week. She asked if she could stay in her pyjamas today, and see as though they weren't going anywhere I said that it was fine. We ate breakfast together, then watched Alexa's programmes until Dianne turned up. I got my bag sorted, kissed both my girls goodbye before heading to my car for my meetings.

Dianne's POV
When Joe left Alexa asked if we could watch a movie together, so we decided to watch sing. Throughout the movie Alexa kept on clutching her stomach, tossing and turning. I picked her up placing her on my lap, hoping that she just couldn't get comfortable, until she leaped from my arms running to the bathroom where I heard her throwing up. It was dreadful, the sound of small sobs escaping her body as she laid on the bathroom floor. Once she had thrown up everything she had inside her I picked her up and carried her into the kitchen, looking for some children's medicine. I couldn't find it so I texted Joe asking him to ring me when he had the chance. As soon as I text him my phone rang.
"Is everything okay?" Joe asked.
"Yeah fine but Alexa has just thrown up so I was wondering where you kept your medicine as she's told me her tummy really hurts"
"Oh is she okay, I can come home now is you want. Oh and it's in my on suite."
"No it's fine, I've looked after Mia and Billy when they were ill so it's nothing I can't handle"
"Oh thanks Dianne, well I see you later tell Alexa that I love her and I hope she feels better"
"I will bye, love you"
"Bye love you too"

I went upstairs to Joe's on suite after leaving Alexa on the sofa, I grabbed the medicine, gave her two spoonfuls before pulling her on my lap, like she was before she was sick. After a few minutes I looked down to notice that she was asleep, face pale and shivering. I grabbed the blanket from besides me wrapping it round us both before I scrolled through Netflix looking for something to watch. I hoped Alexa felt better soon.

Authors note -
Sorry for the wait but I went back to school this week so updates will take slightly longer.
Hope youse are enjoying the story! Please comment if you are. Thank you all for the lovely, kind comments ❤️
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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